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Everything posted by kcpattaya

  1. Makes PERFECT sense! In a modern society BLM! "B's" Life Matters! Unbelievable that "A's" mum didnt get it.
  2. Lovely. Uneducated people with no future have NOTHING to lose, except FACE.
  3. Having control by emergency decree is sooooooo convenient for this administration... Why would you give it up?
  4. We have to take the effects on Global Warming serious. One could get over-heated.
  5. That's what you do. Pull your gun out and shoot. Standard.
  6. So called "celebrities"... (Hi-So bull) Think they can do everything.
  7. Nice friends, carrying a 30 cm knife and a screwdriver to discuss some dispute. "He shouted at me", so I killed him out of self defense.
  8. Restaurant owner is in his full right here. Once your order food or to take the from the conveyor-belt and it hits your table: You have to consume it, as spill gets wasted. If you find the meats in the restaurant gristly, you should file a complaint.
  9. September 2021 - March 2022. Why wait so long? Anyway: Gruesome attack. Hope they catch the guy to receive the punishment he deserves. "Life", as he took hers.
  10. And there we two of 29 years old and another one of 35 as well...
  11. Superb! It is always going to be better than the current administration. 80% of Thais will be delighted!
  12. Wishing you well Sam - 36 years young ... life's just starting!
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