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Everything posted by kcpattaya

  1. Terrible to end your (young-) life like this ... Killed by a 24 year old "husband" of a stealing employee. I hope both (husband & wife) are happy now: "No more stealing allegations"... Mission accomplished.
  2. Wishful thinking by millions of Thais though...
  3. This whole charade of the police parade really makes people feel safe and welcome to Thailand. It adds some flavour to your night out with friends. Something that burns a lasting impression on your memory next time you choose for your next holiday destination.
  4. How come I find it very very hard to believe that this whole "idea" was made up by a Thai bar girl? 99% sure, this is bs.
  5. 100% true. This is just nitty gritty stuff. Why was Big Joke suddenly removed from his position? As he was very close to touch the untouchables...
  6. You either fit in with it, or go home. Simple.
  7. How many Thais are suited for the role of tourguide with fluent Russian, Chinese, English language skills?
  8. Dr. is clearly fishing for a freebie and probably get away with it as well...
  9. On the front page with a whole Swat Team in bullet proof vests: This illegal alien cheese maker must be punished to the extent of the law. Throw her in front in front of the lions, or elephants for that matter...
  10. Mickey Mouse show... The guy should NEVER be allowed to drive a cab again.
  11. Usually where there is smoke there's fire...
  12. They all have, otherwise they wouldn't join the RTP.
  13. The "Rescue" of Six Underage Sex Workers... If they were kept there without their consent and locked up without possibility to escape - that would be very very bad. 95% "sure" however, that was not the case. Just saying.
  14. Pot-smoking and kratom drinking really turns people into murdering machines....
  15. Thousands of foreigners are scammed out of Billions of Baht by Thai ladies every year. Where is the sympathy? This THB 300,000 "scam" (greed from the Thai victim) makes a headline... I think the Nigerian deserves an award instead... ????
  16. Total utter BS that is! He was FORCED to accept the "settlement". OR ELSE... READ THIS AGAIN: "On hearing that the tourist - Rodric W. Carkhuff, 34 - had gone to the central investigative branch of the RTP to make a complaint".................... ................the owner of "The Club Khaosan" tutherned up with local business leaders to settle the matter. and THAT'S WHAT HAPPENED!! RODRICK WILL NEVER come back !
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