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Everything posted by kcpattaya

  1. Superb! It is always going to be better than the current administration. 80% of Thais will be delighted!
  2. Wishing you well Sam - 36 years young ... life's just starting!
  3. Wasn't it "Yellow water"? Anyway, her response on the incident clearly indicated that she was intoxicated (drunk). She responded as fast as a snail moves.... And so did her lame "Thai Boxing". Clearly ZERO impact and missing its target all the time. What a boxer. 40 out of 50? My b*tthole.
  4. Someone is making a LOT of money at the current state of affairs... So why change it?
  5. The average "Hooters" girl looks better. All of these "beauty pageants" are kind of mentally ill. Overaged, drama queens.
  6. Haha... Classic! BOTH idiots do not know how to drive a car. The white one thought it was a good idea to stop in the middle of the road, instead of making a quick turn. The Benz driver expected "a quick turn" but did not anticipate on a complete stop by the Honda driver and so the Benz did not make any attempt to slow down. (Obviously wanted to catch a green light, while it was already orange...)
  7. The MAJOR problem here is the indecisiveness of this Junta admin. Todays' rules and policies are changing on a daily basis, for no reason, so you don't know what's waiting upon your return from traveling. Not worth the hassle. It is KILLING the economy - that is for SURE.
  8. Genius - Can you also tell me the winning lottery numbers?
  9. Really? Wow! I thought it would last forever, just like the flu!?
  10. Since the coup d'état on 22 May 2014, this land is constantly taking 1 step forward and 2 steps back. It seems, while time is progressing, we are taking 3 steps back instead of 2 at the time. A little bit longer and Thailand will fall into the deepest crisis it has ever known.
  11. I cannot believe the stupidity of these clowns... Let's remove all traffic lights so nobody ignores the red light.
  12. Most Thai islands are controlled by their local mafia families (Koh Tao, Samui, Koh Chang, Phuket) and they ONLY care about money. Stay away.
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