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Everything posted by kcpattaya

  1. By now, every bar, pub, karaoke or entertainment venue became an eatery already?
  2. A lot more info here: https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/brit-dad-killed-thailand-had-26022975
  3. Our respected and wonderful leader - our father - you must love him
  4. Clearly holding back on the fact that the ocean side will be demolished and replaced for an extended boulevard. Entertainment licenses will NOT be renewed and plans are made to "move" the zone to Soi Buakhao. Bali Hai will be transformed with an added recreation park and cruise terminal. Wishful thinking? Let's see.
  5. What are the long-term side effects of the vaccines? Unknown I presume?
  6. Hear, hear... Agreed. Stop the senseless fear boost.
  7. Either fearing for their lives, being locked-up, deported or back to quarantine... "YES I LOVE THAILAND!!!"
  8. Uncle loves "CONTROL". Omicron is a pefect excuse to "keep it"... Although it doesn't kill anyone, except the economy. But hey!? Who cares?
  9. Nice "representation" by this former sex worker. Exactly ALL reasons that would point AGAINST reopening are highlighted in great detail. My God what a nuthead. https://www.thaienquirer.com/35867/inside-pattayas-struggling-sex-trade-amid-pandemic-and-downturn/
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