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Everything posted by Anythingleft?

  1. Let's be honest, whatever you may find out on this forum whether it be right or wrong in the eyes of Thai law you're niece is on a path of self destruction and I very much doubt that she will listen to a word that you say. They will listen to friends above all else and to damn with the outcomes.. I wish you the very best if you try to make any Thai see sense in these matters.........
  2. Surely the difference is between CBD and THC, CBD is the useful part it's just not the fun part... There are an awful lot of people heavily invested in this sector now and it's only growing daily, they need to make their minds up on the regulations one way or the other pretty soon.....
  3. Has anybody got experience of installing a roof ventilator? Was it effective at removing heat in the roof space and the house? Have you had issues with water ingress since installation?
  4. As many people either set up or purchase a property/land in a company name are there any benefits attached to having the company name. Does it help with a business start up of any nature, does it benefit in any way at all except for having the original property as a formality in paperwork? Just wondering if there are any ways that this business name can be used outside of the original property records for any advantage ...
  5. Such a shame the state of driving here makes the roads a place that you cant go out and relax and enjoy. Theres so much to see and cycling is a fantastic way to do it.. RIP to the person involved..
  6. How the guy still has the job is beyond me. Next up is that only MRNA vaccines will be accepted as is already being pushed in the UK, Astra Zeneca won't be much good either once that gets officially rolled out.....
  7. I have the elite for two reasons, not old enough for retirement option and travel a lot in and out of Thailand. If I did not travel and was eligible I would have the retirement option without hesitation. Still have to do 90 day reports both elite and retirement and once a year at minimal cost renew the retirement option (maybe half a day to complete all told) Unless you travel a lot I really do not see the advantage to the elite visa. Having had the marriage visa twice I will never, ever go that route again unless the process is simplified and changed... Basically anything that reduces any interaction with the immigration is a bonus. The service has been excellent all told from elite although pretty much everything has been stopped for the moment due to pandemic restrictions.....
  8. Depends on the limitations of the account that was set up originally, for instance was it created in conjunction with a work permit etc. Basic foreign held accounts can have multiple stupid restrictions on them which can vary depending on both the bank and the teller that opened the account....
  9. Adding another one the already long list of ongoing human trial vaccines......
  10. Nope, my mate neil looks after me. Although everybody ignores him to the extent that its almost like he's not there...
  11. Questions not clear enough, the country is open for arrivals its just that everything here is shut, along with curfews and provincial travel restrictions. But your'e more than wecome to come join us. If the question is when will everything return to business as usual with no restrictions then maybe look at 2023. It could take that long for the infrastructure to regain and people to restart from nothing.....
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