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  1. An interesting documentary about John Mayall. Lived in a treehouse as a young man!
  2. Sadly Jerry Miller of Moby Grape died a few days ago. What a unique band they were.
  3. Prisoners in the UK to get 60% knocked off sentence.
  4. Shedding some light on the murders "Grand Hyatt Bangkok: Victims drank from cyanide-laced teacups - BBC News" https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c3g64ljwp2go
  5. Don't you think it should be in the main news section? Many readers, for obvious reasons, don't read the Bangkok news section.
  6. For a long time now, I've noticed that thai visa and following that, aseannow, have been slow, up to 24 hours behind current news. 6 people dead in a prominent Bangkok hotel. Nothing here in the news.
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