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Posts posted by Anythingleft?

  1. Start with enforcing the rules that are in place, it seems ridiculous to add more rules when they cannot / will not, enforce what they already have....
    Suitable punishments that are followed through for all, not just the poor, make the rules applicable to all.
    A progression into the digital age that captures the vehicle information and sends the failings directly to the driver or owner. This is already here to some degree just expand it and utilise it to eradicate personal involvement and therefore associated corruption.
    Follow up with the processes in hand already, simplify them and reduce the steps to prosecution, montains of paper work that just locks the systems down.
    Maybe its just too simplistic an approach, there always seems to be a desire to over complicate everything nowadays...

    Sent from my SM-N950F using Tapatalk

  2. @Anythingleft? I made sure the road was clear before sorting the car to the right part of the lane, and then once again before starting my turn. Both times the road was clear. I think the only extra time I could have seen him was if I had looked through my window while I was taking the turn. And I am pretty sure that at that point in the maneuver I am supposed to look at traffic in the oncoming lane and at traffic in the soi I am turning into. 
    Like I say, this is not Europe. To me it looks like the bike should have been seen in the drivers side mirror.
    Not being there and just looking at the video thats just my opinion.
    However, had the guy not been riding like a idiot it should never have happened. Driving here takes a different skill set and a swivel head...

    Sent from my SM-N950F using Tapatalk

  3. Probably the start of a long winded argument here , but, the motorbike was

    Way too fast
    Not riding with due care and attention
    Surely must have seen your brake lights?

    Does the biker have a license or insurance?

    This is an everyday occurance here unfortunately and there does not seem to be a learning curve of any kind by either the drivers/riders, or officials in their capacity to control or educate

    More consideration to double check your mirrors so there is at least some accountability on your behalf. These roads are not Europe and you need to be aware of the recklessness here. If it were Europe this would be the bikes fault entirely in my view...

    Sent from my SM-N950F using Tapatalk

  4. Just rip the A/C's out one night and leave, taking the units is probably the thing that is annoying your landlord the most as they usually expect to keep them as a freebie. Forget the 7k its gone, if they are this problematic already you will more than likely lose the small A/C and the 7k

    Walking away sooner will mean you get over it quicker

    Sent from my SM-N950F using Tapatalk

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  5. You would be recommended to be changing the oil and oil filter each 10k, fuel filter depending upon the cleanliness of fuel being used, but for the cost each 10k is advisable.
    Blow the air filter until it looks too dirty and cannot be cleaned properly.
    The above is nothing to do with with any warranty just good maintenance practices to keep your engine in good order.
    However, there may be extended/different kilometer intervals stated in the manuals, some vehicles will do more than the 10k, that is up to your discretion and the quality of oil that you decide to use.
    I am more old school and the cost of parts, labour etc here makes extending past 10k pointless IMO even with good quality oils....

    Each to their own, if your not following manufacturer guidelines just keep it regular and stick with the same oil brands..

    Sent from my SM-N950F using Tapatalk

  6. The national reform committee is determined to rid Thailand of corruption through more public participation

    They should really give the public at least some sort of protection and a sense that they will not be incriminated themselves should they try to uncover or expose a situation that they find.
    Until people feel safe to speak out then only a fraction of probably connected people, ever actually will...

    Sent from my SM-N950F using Tapatalk

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  7. Get some lights and be more aware, if you dont already watch what everyone else is doing then you should. Riding or driving about here expecting any kind of the 'back home' courtesy or rules to apply is just waiting for an accident to happen...
    To be honest the fact that you had no lights in the first place and quite happily pootled around Pattaya in the dark shows a huge ignorance on your behalf.
    No thought at all for the after effects that this may have on the lady driver.

    Sent from my SM-N950F using Tapatalk

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