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Posts posted by performance

  1. 8 hours ago, zaphod reborn said:


    The 120 day immigration ban is obviously unconstitutional, because the President can't use an executive order to change an act of Congress (that being the 1965 law that set immigration quotas).  Obama did it, but no one ever took his immigration orders to court.  If Trump paid any heed to his advisers, he would push the legislation through Congress.  However, he knows that the backlash would bring down the Republican house majority in the mid-term elections.  Instead, he is going to waste time, a tremendous amount of money and judicial resources defending an indefensibly unconstitutional executive order.  Sorry, the guy is an idiot and unfit for office.  He didn't listen to his advisers who told him the executive order would cause tremendous panic and hysteria because it wasn't properly vetted, and ultimately it would be completely voided by the courts.

    Keep punching son. 

  2. On 1/27/2017 at 11:53 PM, champers said:

    Which one are you?

    I are one of the animals lost in time. Pattaya is little Isan. You get dumb people riding taxis doing anything focused around a easy earn. No manners or respect for the environment along list of shit.  He is right I was in BKK a old Thai 70 sharp as a knife struck up a interesting conversation. Helpful and happy. You won't find it here. Even the Isan people know what Pattaya is. The end of the line. The OK corale.

  3. 1 hour ago, hottrader77 said:

    ungrateful worker he could have just got sticky rice for 10 baht and eat that on its own it would have filled him up and he could have pocketed 10 baht and then he would have had 80 baht to give to the security guard ( so much low intelligence here and saving face

    What a stupid comment he lost his life over some chicken. Maybe you can date Attanan 

  4. 13 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

    America is a country if immigrants.  If you are from the US, guaranteed you have foreign stock.  So yes, we want immigrants.  It's what built the US.  And will continue to do so.

    Any immigrants bleeding the unemployment system and using a nations good will and giving nothing but trouble all deported immediately :) I do not give a toss about the USA. My country's next leader will do exactly that bye bye 

  5. You just can't buy these comedy articles abroad. This is magnificent stuff. A PM that has done nothing but produce stupid TV shows and allowing the Immigration Cowboys to work in harmony. A destroyed tourism nation was the result of his failed tender. He has a tattoo I hate falang. As for his newly created reform kindergarten brigade please what a joke. Another bullshit decoy to delay and earn cash. Maybe Preecha has another government construction project he wants his son with earing in his nose and blue hair to tender successfuly.  Either way there are not going to be any reforms under this pretend leadership. 

  6. 5 hours ago, jcsmith said:

    I'll be honest with you, as a kid I sat around and wondered how Germany could have allowed Hitler to rise to power. How could they not see it coming? Step by step until it was at the point where they were fighting an impossible battle. I feel like America is at that point right now. Anyone who didn't realize what Trump was, should now see it. The GOP need to decide where they stand on this. I know they aren't all in support of it, but not enough people are speaking out, lest they be left on the right side of history. But where Germany didn't have the history to go by, America does.


    When on Holocaust Remembrance Day the madman in power makes step one of a muslim ban, and their press release doesn't even mention the atrocities that befell the Jews at that time period. When there are protests throughout the country and the president tries to tell the people this is just media propaganda. When he limits the power of key intelligence people from the National Security Council and then places Steve Bannon into that council. When he flirts with lifting sanctions on the very country which just hacked our election and which is the largest threat to our NATO allies. When he tries to force a wall on the American taxpayers most of who said they do not want it if that is the case. When he sends Mike Pence out on a pro-life mission while 7/10 Americans do not support banning abortions. When he signs an executive order to repeal Obamacare, and leaked tapes from the Republican meeting shows they have nothing to replace it with. As he plans massive tax cuts for the top 1%, and promises a large boost to what is already by far the most funded military in the world, while planning to cut Medicaid, and to head into trade wars which will raise the prices of the consumer.


    It's time for Americans to stand up to this. No matter what side of the fence you are on, the question that you need to ask yourself is what side of history do you want to be on when the dust settles? 

    Time for the USA to wake up not stand up. Ask a soldier who lost his arm. You one of many keyboard warriors. It takes a man to repair a raped country.

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