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  1. Go to the building on the right, you don't need to see the general inquiries desk.
  2. Have a car but we used to bus to Makro and hire one of the pick up trucks parked outside to haul groceries home.
  3. She walked in him ransacking her condo. He scaled the building facade from his balcony down to hers and entered through an unlocked balcony door.
  4. I've read how China is moving to 100% digital payment apps and the use of them is proportional to a person's social credit score. Not towing the party line or criminal convictions resulting in a lower score will limit access to restaurants, theaters and ultimately basic needs.
  5. I entered on a 30 day visa on arrival and applied for a 90 day O retirement visa. Had to show 800,000 in a Thai bank for 3 months before applying, and that money had to be from off shore. Also proof of accommodation with a hand drawn map showing the location. Recently extended this visa for one year.
  6. I like to close my eyes and pretend I'm sitting in a comfy car driving to the airport and not sitting on bus full of smelly people.
  7. Sure, but did you know you can take a bus? From Jomtien? For 150 baht?
  8. Jomtien bus to the airport is 150 baht
  9. They must leave the four flashers on if double parked.
  10. Shouldn't rush to return any money, could be a scam.
  11. Manilla airport workers were slipping a 22 shell into carry on luggage side pockets before the xray. They got caught when a young American missionary was targeted. His church connections raised the alarm. He'd never owned a gun and the bullet was a cheap local make.
  12. Beach road boardwalk is really wide and can easily accommodate all those scooters going the wrong way.
  13. The 30 000 000 who don't file a return?
  14. Long term visa holders need to have the good sense to avoid confrontations. This guy escalated a nothing situation, admitted kicking a Thai sitting quietly on a public beach and then saved the video. Always remember we are all short term guests here.
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