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Asquith Production

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  1. That's why I don't like the countdown to the light changing colour. When approaching a green light you should be anticipating that the light will change and adjust your speed appropriately. With a countdown to change some people will accelerate to try and beat a red light. If they get it wrong then they are going to overshoot a red light because of additional speed. By all means have a timer showing how long you have to wait at a red light.
  2. So it's just a crackdown on foreigners? No mention of Thais during the holiday period.
  3. As the old saying goes. "Do the crime serve the time"
  4. I think your confused, somebody else mentioned John Drake not me
  5. I hope your post is not trying to bait Brits. Obsess over Americans?
  6. Sorry to burst your perception. Most complaints are from the public and referred to the Couner Terrorism Internet Referal Unit (CTRIU). . Most people have been arrested under laws made prior to social media for harassment, malicious communications, stalking, threatening violence and incitement. By the way I believe they also arrested the people for the murders.
  7. What deterrent? I see them turn up at the same time to houses sign something then ride away. No house check. If was going to burgle a house I would just wait till they have gone.
  8. Some, like my wife want a large vehicle for accident protection.
  9. It's called anticipation. A green light that as been showing for a while means you should be prepared to stop. That's why I don't like timers on traffic lights. Drivers accelerate at them to try and get through and when they get it wrong end up unable to stop in time.
  10. The drivers here have no observation. Mirrors are for checking your hair. Drivers have no anticipation. Nothing can happen to me all these amulets that block the windscreen will protect me. Drivers have no consideration. I am bigger and faster than him so he should get out of my way.
  11. A very simplistic view if serious. Illegal goods cause a blackmarket controlled by gangs who then fight over territory and violence becomes inevitable.
  12. Although Zipline do not carry passengers they do deliver medicines and specimens in Africa by drones. I believe they are starting deliveries in Utah and Arkansas soon. They are a very innovative company that started back in 2011. Many videos on YT.
  13. If this carries on it would be quicker to list the days that are not holidays.
  14. I will wait for the first million commercial flights to take place before I decide to take a ride.
  15. RIP. I doubt he would have known anything just like flicking a switch and he as gone

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