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Asquith Production

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  1. I hope they remember to close the road to traffic
  2. Being you've apologised then that's okay, not.
  3. Because in there country it would be illegal and they would probably lose there license. Thailand it's still illegal but no policing.
  4. I don't believe this is just a Thai problem. Marriage in many countries is out of favour with many younger people. Probably due to the expense of the actual wedding through to expensive housing and the cost to raise a family. When I was born in 50s England my mother received a family allowance until I was 18.
  5. Drowning groups of Chinese on boat trips and crashing there tour buses never goes down well.
  6. Don't forget the guy who was allowed to proceed with a saucepan or bucket on his head as a crash helmet
  7. Who say they are urinating on a vehicle? Anyway that's where soi dogs pee.
  8. Isn't this guy shooting himself in the foot?
  9. Thailand usually enters the top 10 for road death or just outside according to WHO . Most of the worst being African 3rd world countries. Why would making an observation of a countries bad point be deemed bashing if its true. If you don't see the bad standard of driving here then I can only assume your native country is worse
  10. Met a few pilots as well, apparently, who have just flown in. Not sure how they get there stomachs behind the controls.
  11. This incident requires Polish remover.
  12. Their is nothing here that a bit of blue pipe can't fix.
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