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Asquith Production

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  1. Met a few pilots as well, apparently, who have just flown in. Not sure how they get there stomachs behind the controls.
  2. This incident requires Polish remover.
  3. Their is nothing here that a bit of blue pipe can't fix.
  4. I am assuming he as now upped the offences from that of illegal parking to criminal offence of criminal damage. As they say wisdom is chasing him but he his quicker.
  5. Not sure ure how large this boat is but it looks far to small for the amount of people on board.
  6. Wow, That's the biggest surprise in this article.
  7. Or racing to beat the countdown change to red and completely misjudged it.
  8. What can go wrong by sending a ball of fire into the air!!!!!!!
  9. That's why I don't like the countdown to the light changing colour. When approaching a green light you should be anticipating that the light will change and adjust your speed appropriately. With a countdown to change some people will accelerate to try and beat a red light. If they get it wrong then they are going to overshoot a red light because of additional speed. By all means have a timer showing how long you have to wait at a red light.
  10. So it's just a crackdown on foreigners? No mention of Thais during the holiday period.
  11. As the old saying goes. "Do the crime serve the time"
  12. I think your confused, somebody else mentioned John Drake not me
  13. I hope your post is not trying to bait Brits. Obsess over Americans?

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