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Arun Mai

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Everything posted by Arun Mai

  1. Thank you for your input ubonjoe. Indeed, I also imagine that one of the letters is in respect of a statement of intention to rescind my British nationality, although as they are sealed I haven't opened them and I can't be sure of the content. I'm confident that I won't have any issues with the three letters addressed to Thai agencies. The British Embassy appears on the face of it to be problematic as they have indicated that they won't even receive the letters. Subject to any input from another friend of mine who has been through this process a few years ago, I think I shall just apply for the Thai nationality support letter and keep the letters. I can't see any other way of approaching it to be candid.
  2. Five Letters - Formal Application Apologies if this query has been addressed elsewhere. I had a quick look back, but this is an extremely long thread and I couldn't find a previous post that addresses this specific issue. My application for naturalisation was formally accepted (and fees paid) on Wednesday 27th. As part of the process I was given five letters. Two are for Immigration at Chaeng Wattana, one is for the Ampur in respect of name application and the remaining two are addressed to the Assistant to the Secretary of the Consul of my Embassy (In my case United Kingdom). I called the British Embassy this morning to ask them what they wanted me to do with these two letters. The person I spoke with, who checked internally whilst I held, indicated that they are not only disinterested in the two letters, they would also not receive them. It was fairly clear that the person I spoke with had never come across this situation previously, although I don't doubt that the British Embassy is entirely disinterested. I'm keen to hear if anyone else has had a similar experience to me and if so how they resolved it. Many thanks
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