So ‘deaths not at the scene are not counted.” Is a myth - the figures during holidays are released by the police - but they make no claim to them being final figure only angry expat amateurs do that.
“Lies, Damned lies and Statistics”- Stats are not facts – tey are aids to understanding and it is how they are interpreted that is important.
There are quite a mix of stats available about road safety in Thailand but the ones you usually see in the media are firstly from the Thai police and later from the WHO. The Thai police could almost be dismissed out of hand and the WHO is usually misrepresented by the media as they only quote only the set of stats relating to DEATHS out of 100,000 population.
If you want to get an idea of how pathetically incomplete Thai road safety stats are just compare them with a brief look around the UK government web sites -
The way statistics are usually gathered is usually governed by internationally recognised methods, but Thailand has had dreadful statistics gathering and collation. Their statistics are incomplete inconsistent and inaccurate – Organisations like the WHO have to try and make sense of them, but in some categories, the statistics simply aren’t available.
How they are gathered and applied in Thailand can be very haphazard.
Having said that, it is fair to conclude that the stats for Thailand however vague, are genuinely frightening and there is a serious road safety problem in the kingdom.
Other collations of statistics may include
Deaths per 1 million inhabitants
Serious Injuries per 1 million inhabitants
Minor injuries per 1 million inhabitants
Deaths per 10 billion vehicle-KM
Deaths per 100,000 registered vehicles
Registered vehicles per 1000 inhabitants
Here are some of the main data sources for road safety statistics in Thailand
Police Information System (POLIS) - Royal Thai Police
Department of Highways (DOH) – Monitors road conditions and accident statistics on national highways.
Department of Land Transport (DLT) – Manages vehicle registrations, driver licenses, and safety compliance data.
Thai Road Accident Data Center for Road Safety Culture (ThaiRSC) – A key database managed by the DLT, compiling accident reports from multiple agencies.
Emergency Medical Institute of Thailand (EMIT) & National Institute for Emergency Medicine (NIEM) – Provides data on injuries and fatalities from road crashes.
TRAMS - "Thailand Road Accident Management System,"
7. E-Claim - Road Victim Protection Company
8. Injury Surveillance (IS) - Ministry of Public Health
9. Trauma Registry - Ministry of Public Health
10. 19 External Causes of Injury - Ministry of Public Health
11. Information Technology for Emergency Medical System (ITEMS) - Emergency Medical Institute of Thailand
12. Emergency Claim Online (EMCO) - National Health Security Office
13. OP/PP Individual Record - National Health Security Office
14. Death Certificates - Ministry of Interior
15. Public Health Ministry (MOPH) & Bureau of Epidemiology – Tracks road traffic injuries and fatalities through hospital records and death certificates.
16. Road Safety Directing Centre (RSDC) & Thailand Road Safety Committee (TRSC) – Collects and analyses data to improve road safety policies.
17. Academic and Research Institutions – Universities and think tanks conduct studies on traffic accidents and road safety trends.
18. World Health Organization (WHO) & Global Status Reports on Road Safety – Provides international comparisons and estimates for Thailand’s road safety situation.
These sources put together, provide a comprehensive view of road safety
They are seldom used or even acknowledged by the mainstream media.