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Posts posted by farangsay

  1. On my first night of a visit to a gf's family home I was eaten alive by mozzies. They seemed to have concentrated on my willy which rendered it "inoperative" for a few days.

    Straying off topic slightly I was ambushed one evening in Africa by a large hornet-like creature who was laying in wait on the seat of my car. It managed to get me three times in the back before I could jump out of the car and it was extremely painful.

    Staying off topic some more I was at a social occasion last year in southern France when a large ant snuck into my undies and started biting my scrotum. I was quickly obliged to excuse myself to the bathroom as I found it extremely difficult to keep up a polite dinner-table conversation while a set of red-hot fangs was nipping my nuts.

  2. This is one of the sadder aspects of the whole region.

    Arriving back on Phuket by road and I used to see these "paradise" hoardings put up by people selling real estate and all around them was trash and construction debris.

    Not so long ago I was on a visa run to Savannakhet (Laos) and passing some time in a Mekong side bar/eatery when I heard a "thwock" from the riverbank. An employee was clearing a table and she had just tossed a partially consumed bottle of water down to join the other garbage below.

    I do not know how you could persuade people here that it is not a good idea to despoil their environment like that.

  3. Well I signed up for TV last year when I was still in France. I'm damned if I can remember how I found it but I did.

    I had already spent a lot of time in Thailand and was figuring on coming back so I was looking for info on visas etc etc.

    For this it was very helpful.

    Not being able to keep my mouth shut I started posting and found myself conversing with / joking with / flaming / apologising to people from Bangkok to Brisbane to Biarritz.

    I would give a special plaudit to the internet/computer/geek forum. I always make the mistake of putting a "despite the Chang I remember" or "this has me so fusterated I'll have to open a bottle of Chang" line in my post. This gets me a lot of "sober up and ask the question again" replies but let me tell you EVERY time somebody has come back with either the answer to the problem or a suggestion / clue which enabled me to solve the problem. Chapeau guys'n'gals.


  4. Another quality Pattaya People report :o

    Drugs ... Viagra??? Yeah so it's illegal but it's hardly all it's cracked up to be (pun intended)

    I didn't know it was illegal.

    I've seen (only a few months ago) ads in pharmacies in Bangkok.

    Next thing you know they'll catch some guy from Armenia with paracetamol stashed in his undies.

  5. I always have a question in my mind when I read stuff like this. Especially stuff like "2 square km/year 6 billion bt".

    Who is this guy I thought. So I Altavista'd him (I know you all use Google but for those who don't know me I'm a trifle weird).

    Found him on an ICRC site - MIA in Nepal.


    So if any of you have you have contacts in the World bank could you pass the message for this guy to call home.


  6. OIC says most state officials afraid to reveal official information

    Director of the Office of the Official Information Commission (OIC) indicates that the majority of state officials are afraid to reveal information of their units as required by the 1997 Official Information Act for fear they would be sued.

    By whom ?

    Today (June, 14th) at 10.00 am, OIC has arranged a seminar on the Official Information Act participated by executives, officials, and representatives of local administrative organizations who are responsible for information of government units. The seminar is aimed to create understanding in the Act among the participants.

    Director of OIC Wanida Sakkarnkosol (วนิดา สักการโกศล) assures state officials who are afraid to reveal official information that there are other laws which can protect them. She also affirms that those involved in a disclosure of official information will not be negatively affected afterwards.

    Which are the laws that won't protect them ?

    The director adds that bureaucracy corruption in Thailand has peaked since last year as shown by an international ranking on corruption. The country got the corruption score of 3.6 from 10.

    Was there not a coup or something last year , one of the justifications for which was an excessive corruption problem ?

    CNS 3.6 out of 10 ?

    She suggests that the government should enforce the Official Information Act more seriously as it can suppress corruption in bureaucracy.

    OK guys , stop sniggering and get serious NOW !

    Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 14 June 2007

  7. Sonthi's remark gives Thaksin an excuse for not returning to face justice.

    Thaksin was renowned for the stupid "shoot from the hip" public remark.

    This won him a fair amount of contempt in diplomatic circles.

    Sonthi doesn't seem to be too smart either , in this respect.

    Is "spin doctor" a reserved occupation in Thailand because they could benefit from some outside guidance.

    In the words of the guy who turned up at a a fancy dress party wearing only a fruit on his willy "I f*cking dis pear!".

  8. You leave your passport with somebody else for months at a time ?

    When was the last time you saw it and looked at it ?

    Did you check the stamps and perhaps notice that the last page used was a little close to the back cover ?

    It's not your fault.

    It's your mother's fault.

    She should have known better than let you leave home on your own.

  9. Why does some people have no any sense of hiuour,irony and sarcasm?

    Why do some people find arrogance humorous?

    Why joke about shooting tourists when the freedom of gun ownership has brought so much misery?

    Why do some need to direct their humour/irony/sarcasm to topics that can bring distress to others?

    Why do we need this sort of 'humour' with the misery that is going on down south?

    Why don't you go back on your medication ?

  10. Yes, but she was still raped, apparently. Just not by 10 men, but by two instead.

    Acquaintance rape is still rape, even if one puts oneself at risk by hanging out with drug dealers.

    I'm not quarreling with your point of view SBK , rape is a crime under any circumstance.


    I was fairly outraged by the original story. Innocent girl gets abducted on her way to the store and then gang raped.

    Then comes the second story. She was part of a gang of drug dealers but still maintains she was raped.

    I think I'll save my outrage and compassion for the real story. Maybe neither will be necessary.

  11. Just visit the family homes and recover 50% of the money............. :o

    The polis need to know where they live to do that.

    These guys are probably a bit more professional than the security guard who found a sack of money that fell out of a van on his way home from work. He went back to Klong Toey , made donations to the temple and took the neighbourhood out on the p*ss. Old Crutch wrote a piece on it asking forlornly why the poor fool didn't just slink quietly off to Nakhon Nowhere and have a good life.

  12. I wonder who the Burmese despise.

    I remember narrowly avoiding a handbag swipe from a female Swedish colleague when she explained to me that there was a Swedish speaking minority in Finland who thought they were superior to their fellow citizens and I replied "well there has to be somewhere in the world it is chic to be Swedish".

    Just in case there's any Swedes in the vicinity I'll get me (kevlar) coat.


  13. Pattaya Police Arrest Copy Vendors

    The Pattaya police were informed by disturbed tourists that they spotted CDs, DVDs, and counterfeit products being sold at the Thepprasit Weekend Market, which they assumed was a violation of copyright and requested the police to investigate.

    :D :D :D

    On arrival the police first found a stand selling Abercrombie shirts therefore arrested the vendor, 36 year old Natee Kiattihiran and seized 29 fake designer shirts.

    Another vendor; Sukrit Sirisom, aged 23, was selling music CD copies so arrested him and seized 200 CDs.

    Vendor Jiw, aged 16, was found selling DVD movie copies so the police arrested him and seized 280 DVDs. All were taken back to the station where they confessed to violating international copyright laws.

    Pattaya People News

    These guys should know better. Pay the man ! It's called "the cost of doing business".


  14. I feel a bit of a wally for not knowing this, but any help appreciated.

    I am British. My Thai girlfriend and I, who live in Thailand, have a lovely young two month old daughter for whom I plan to apply for a British passport, so I can take her to meet the folks back home. I gather this will not be a problem, although we are not legally married (we would be, but my estranged wife will not grant me a divorce).

    However, it occurs to me that while a British passport will be my daughter's open sesame to the UK, we might run into problems on our return to Thailand. Unless we also have a Thai passport for our little girl, Thai Immigration - having only her British passport to go on - will presumably treat her as a British visitor and only grant her a tourist visa. Or am I being even thicker and more pessimistic than usual? Assuming I am right, is getting a Thai passport for a baby plain sailing or a lengthy voyage into stormy waters?

    One more thing. Under Thai law, I am told, I cannot become the baby's legal father (if we remain unmarried) until she is seven years old and my daughter can stand up in court and say: Yep, that's my dad. And this despite the fact that I can prove I am herbiological father (blood test) and my name is on the Thai and British birth certificates as her father.

    Can anyone can confirm that this Alice In Wonderland situation is in fact law here - and if so, is there any way around it?

    Sorry , I have nothing to add beyond the correct and comprehensive advice you have been given above but I wondered if the word in bold above was a typo or is the new word for "organic". Just trying to keep my English up to date.


  15. I think you need a visa for Switzerland too.

    I know that tourists need a visa to come in Switzerland and it 's not the same visa that you need to travel into Eu States.

    May you check first...


    Found this re Switzerland :

    "Also all Thai citizens who are in posession of a valid residence permit (which has to be recognized by the SWISS FEDERAL ALIEN'S OFFICE) of the member states of the EUROPEAN UNION and EUROPEAN FREE TRADE ASSOCIATION (Efta) as well as of Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, Kanada or USA are allowed to enter Switzerland up to a period of three months without a Swiss visa, if one of the following reasons apply: tourism, visit, business meetings, medical treatment, staying at a health resort for medical rehabilitation, participation at scientific, economic, cultural, religious or sports events as well as staying as a foreign correspondent."


  16. Why is the alphabet in that order? Is it because of that song?

    If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest drown too?

    If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?

    OK, so what's the speed of dark?

  17. Girl, 16, 'lied about rape'

    A 16-year-old girl who claimed to have been abducted on Saturday night and raped by at least 10 men made up the story to cover up her involvement with a drug gang, according to an investigation by police. Spokesman Pol Lt-Gen Ronnarong Yangyuen said the investigation concluded the victim was close to a Cambodian man, one of the gang members........


    OK Next topic please.....

  18. Maybe he did get them in debt but he is the only one who showed any interest. For this, they will still cheer him and never give up the hope that he will come back some day. There's a lot of very unhappy Thai's out there today and I don't think the battle is over yet.

    He showed interest in them because his strategy was a populist platform. There is a debate to be had as to whether they were actually any better off as a result of his policies but he certainly was. I had a girlfriend who told me he would be good for Thailand as he was rich already so he wouldn't just be interested in money like his predecessors. 5555555. He left office a lot richer than he started.

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