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Posts posted by Gianni77

  1. Right so they have added a highly controversial clause to the royal pardon request to seek clemency for 3 people (who we know of). Hmmm

    technically they wont have added a clause (we dont actually know what they have done tbh but assuming allegations are correct). They will have removed a clause the previous government wrote in to exclude those convicted of corruption. The added clause was technically from the last government and it was for those who support Thaksin highly controversial to change a pardon to exclude one man especially as the last government had removed the time served condition of the 2007 version.

    And could the reason that there wasn't an uproar when they did that be because most people either didn't object to it, or didn't care one way or the other, and the people who were in opposition at the time said nothing as the chosen one had already promised to return anyway, plus the others that it excluded were unimportant cannon fodder.

    So, let me try to understand this.

    A clause to allegedly exclude a single person is bad, a clause to allegedly include a single person is good :huh:

    Nop, not good, but the Thai constitution says no law should be created to benefit individuals, it doesn't say otherwise... just shameless, all they're trying to do and the way they're trying it. I've seen just as few people as evil as Mr. T is, he's happy having protests and people dead on the streets for his own gain.

    Question for anyone, can the King reject names in the pardon list? Maybe the King in all his wisdom will know how to handle this...

    Have a nice weekend everyone!

  2. This is Thailand and the present government won a fair election. What is being done is being decided by Thais and those of you who do not like it and/or the decisions being made should go back and put your own country to right. Obviously the Thai system is no good for you so why live in a country that you do not like when your country is obviously a paradise which was so good you had to get out and move elsewhere. As for me I accept that I am a guest here and happy with the system because it is the Thai way. When I become uncomfortable for whatever reason I will move on, maybe back to my own country. I respectfully suggest many of the posters have now reached this stage and should leave!

    From time to time I see replies like this... so, you're saying because you live in a foreign country and have an opinion you should keep it to yourself? Non-sense dude, grow up. In a global economy, your country is the place where you live and you should express your opinion and improve things.

    I do charitable work, because this is not my country I should let everyone being screwed and underwater? Really, grow up!!! or at least think before you post something... seriously!

  3. Is it really the time to do this, also according to her declarations, she didn't know what was going on in the meeting, as a manager myself, if there's an important meeting, I ask for a report and a minute of the meeting afterwards, not doing that denotes a clear sense of abandon of duty (if it's really true she didn't know what was going on there - something I kinda doubt)...

    Anyway... I'm sure no one is surprised, please! Everyone was expecting this, am I wrong?

    Have a nice day everyone!

  4. What's next?

    Maybe they can deliver the newly legalized prostitutes on the back of a motorcycle as if it were McDonalds, Burger King, or Pizza Company. The prostitute would show up to your door in a lavender uni with little white boots while the motorcycle driver has you pay and sign a paper. He would then come back to pick her up at a specified time.

    And if she's not "hot" or delivered within 30 minutes do we get it free?

    Service minded, huh?.... hahahaha

    Very good one, but I'm not sure this would be something I'd like someone else to warm up for me :)

  5. I simply cannot support these plans to regulate vice.

    Why would you even want to?

    When Prohibition is doing such a great job at controlling it.

    I think if you regulate the industry, that will result in people actually coming to Thailand purely for the sex industry!

    Scooter dude, where have you been? don't you know that around the world they sell "sex tours" to Thailand?

    Vice? even though I've never used the services of a prostitute I can see it as a necessity not vice. I can understand a guy that doesn't want the burden of a relationship but wants to get laid from time to time...

    Regulated, not regulated... it doesn't matter it won't stop. But if this brings some benefits to some women I think it should be welcome.

    Have a nice day everyone :)

  6. An apology for 5 consecutive days? Does that mean the guy will be happy only after reading the same apology 5 times? :D

    So far yellows are convicted, some reds are convicted, any plans of putting some blues into jail as well? We want balance, no? :)

    Have a nice day everyone...

  7. Seditious talks should not be on public airwaves.

    This order ONLY applies to one person Thaksin.

    I don't think my company taxes should pay for Thaksin to inflame the public.

    Let him buy time on non-pubilc airwaves if he wants, as he does.

    He is a runaway convict from justice,

    and is trying to bring down the government.

    This is not about free speech, but aiding and abetting sedition.

    Like I said before, who knows if this dude Jom was paid by Thaksin to air that... otherwise you've to be a complete retard to risk your job like that. Mr. T buying time a people... hmmm... way too often :)

    Anyway, I totally agree with you, convicted criminal on the run should not be given any air time, come back to the country. face your problems and have all the air time you want, but not when on the run...

  8. Run a pro-Thaksin interview in a government ran station is, for lack of a better word, retarded... unless this Jom guy got a juicy Thaksin-bonus for that. Something like that means he'll lose his job for sure, but if he was well paid, then he must be even happy now... all speculations, but it wouldn't be the first time Mr. T does something like that :)

    Even though I'm totally in favor of freedom of speech, I'd even ban myself a convicted criminal on the run from broadcasting anything in the country, not only Mr. T, but any convicted criminal.

    Have a nice day everyone.

  9. I thought these business gave jobs to Thai people also... hmmm... very smart move, close the business that are actually giving jobs, make them suffer so they have to fire people.

    Really, this is not about trying to f*#k foreigners up, nothing against them but to try to follow the law... what a bunch of crap, if you want to start following the law start from the police driving against the traffic and in motorcycles on sideways, small things, it has been proven that going for big things never works. Let's also see if they find some of those business if they won't accept bribes... let's crackdown bribes too!!!

    Crackdowns, firecrackers... same crap.

    Have a nice day everyone

  10. Bloody Farangs coming here with your desease and destroying our tourists inductry.

    Thais don't need farangs or swine flu to destroy the tourism industry, they do a pretty good job already closing airports and having stupid protests during Songkran

    Right on the money!!! :)

    I was thinking more like Resident evil and the Umbrella corporation... sorry, I'm a gamer :D ... anyway, let's hope this doesn't mutate, I enjoy killing zombies in my Xbox and PS, but I wouldn't enjoy seeing a lot of people dying because of this.

    In any case, I've seen people saying they might cancel trips and stuff like that, I have myself a trip to Latin America for business, and I'm planning to cancel that, if you're due to catch something freaky, it will happen here in Thailand, in Australia or even in Michael Jackson's special air bubble... don't live with fear, but don't be fearless either :D

    dam_n I need to correct myself, I meant to say I'm NOT planning to cancel my trip, and I also replied in the wrong message, I was meaning to reply to the guy that made a mention to a movie about a virus... :D

  11. Bloody Farangs coming here with your desease and destroying our tourists inductry.

    Thais don't need farangs or swine flu to destroy the tourism industry, they do a pretty good job already closing airports and having stupid protests during Songkran

    Right on the money!!! :)

    I was thinking more like Resident evil and the Umbrella corporation... sorry, I'm a gamer :D ... anyway, let's hope this doesn't mutate, I enjoy killing zombies in my Xbox and PS, but I wouldn't enjoy seeing a lot of people dying because of this.

    In any case, I've seen people saying they might cancel trips and stuff like that, I have myself a trip to Latin America for business, and I'm planning to cancel that, if you're due to catch something freaky, it will happen here in Thailand, in Australia or even in Michael Jackson's special air bubble... don't live with fear, but don't be fearless either :D

  12. Bloody Farangs coming here with your desease and destroying our tourists inductry.

    Thais don't need farangs or swine flu to destroy the turism industry, they do a pretty good job already closing airports and having stupid protests during Songkran :)

    Anyway, let's hope the virus doesn't mutate to something more dangerous...

    Have a nice day everyone...

  13. I have been a beer lover for over 40 years, and love all kinds of beer, from Guinness, to English real ale, to the best of European lagers.

    I first tried Chang in the early 90's, when it first came out, and I liked the flavour. It is a very good, tasty beer, which goes down extremely well when ice cold in a hot climate.

    But I rarely drink it as it is just too strong.

    Yeah, the beer is strong, but the hangover is even stronger, so strong that has its own word for it "CHANGOVER" :o

    Last time I had a changover I was useless for half day feeling like crap in bed, not even my maid's chicken porrige served in bed could make me feel better. Yes, the beer tastes fine, is the aftermat the killer one.

    Crap I remember and I get a headache :x

  14. Jakrapob says Abhisit lacks leadership

    BANGKOK: -- Former PM's Office minister Jakrapob Penkain Saturday criticised Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva as lacking no leadership and was under influence of others.

    Speaking to the demonstrators at the National Stadium, Jakrapob said when Abhisit looked at himself in a mirror, he did not see himself but he saw other persons instead.

    Jakrapob said Abhisit sometimes saw Democrat secretary-general Suthep Thaugsuban, sometimes Sondhi Limthongkul, a co-leader of the People's Alliance for Democracy, sometimes former army chief Gen Sonthi Boonyaratkul and sometimes Newin Chidchob.

    "Abhisit has no identity in democracy so how could he be the prime minister under the democratic system?" Jakrapob said.

    -- The Nation 2008-12-13

    Hahaha... that's a good one... and his guy doen't look at himself in the mirror and see Taksin? or Taksin-ish :o

    Thai politics can be really funny, who write their speeches? Groucho Marx? Jerry Lewis? or maybe Russell Peters the king of stereotypes?

  15. Of course there are thousands of supporters. They are like his paid fan club.

    In so far as....they are organised by event organisers, many are paid and they get a nice trip to the city.

    Exactly the same as the first flight to the new airport prior to him getting kicked out of power (yes, I was sadly there right behind the great man, as we listened to the paid mob from Udon I think it was that time, chanting 'Thaksin su su').

    They came....because they were bused in 8 hours to enjoy a day at the new airport where most will never fly to or from.

    Yes, there are thousands who love him enough; millions in fact, who love him enough to welcome him home. Good for him.

    There are also millions who want to see a fair trial.

    Anyone who thinks that there is no evidence the TRT were guilty, and specifically Thaksin and his family were guilty, or personal illegal enrichment during the TRT years needs their f&*King head read. Coup or no coup, the evidence is fairly complete to at least suspect and go to trial. Whether the key witnesses and judges can be swayed.....well to say he is not guilty of anything is about on par with saying that Chalerm's sons have never done anything wrong as they never seem to get found guilty.

    Or are you going to do a 'Jutamas' and claim that even though an American court of law virtually accuses her of receiving a bribe, that she is in fact completely not guilty????! 555555555555555555555555555555555

    ''If you don't want to listen to other people opinion, don't.....

    That opinion is not from me, but rather in general how ppl sees it.....

    You sound like you do not know what you are talking about .... you are.''

    - even the most ardent TRT/PPP backbenchers i know have never said anything like this - they have said Chuan was inept, that he was too honest to trust his cabinet, that he was too stupid to communicate well - but I have never ever heard a single person ever suggest such a thing!

    my favourite has always been the TRT claim that they sold out to the evil foreigners.....then TRT promptly got into power and sold off everything they could lay their hands on....they would have also sold off TOT and CAT and EGAT if they could have. to themselves, to foreigners...whoever. Thai rak Thai indeed....more like Thai ruk kwai.

    At least the kwai had a nice trip to the new airport today ;-) to greet his new master. Had a good time Chalerm????!


  16. thaksin.jpg

    BANGKOK: -- Interior Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung, Transport Minister Santi Prompat and Justice Minister Somchai Wongsawat gathered at the Suvarnabhumi International Airport to welcome former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

    The three will board Thanksin's plane once it arrives at the airport at 9:45 am to welcome him.

    -- The Nation 2008-02-28

    Justice Minister to go welcome Thaksin??? This already started as a joke, I just hope he wasn't wearing a t-shirt with Thaksin's face with the phrase 'Free Thaksin'

    Have a nice day everyone :o

  17. I am still stunned that the ordinary and quite poor people of Thailand supported the PPP, it is just beyond belief after Thaksin is almost certainly guilty of robbing these people of Thailand's inheritance of billions of Baht and ensuring their future will take many many more years before they can escape the poverty trap whilst Thaksin and his cronies just get richer and richer

    I've never have understood why so many people who have lived in LOS for a couple rounds of government, thai style, cannot seem to grasp Thaksins ADMINISTRATION, was no more nor less corrupt than previous governments.

    Is it that difficult? Is there a switch that just won't click? A mental block that stops all thought when this is stated? Unlike those governments he actually gave something to poor people. Yes he is corrupt, yes he is venally corrupt we all know this. I guess the point is if the other non Thaksin administrations would have been something less than as bad as Thaksins we could honestly throw brickbats at the people who voted for the PPP.

    Obviously we cannot

    he is giving 10 baht and taking 1,000 baht in return and of course many of the poor don't see this. thaksin is a businessman and everthing he does has to have profit. the rigth way to help the NE poor is not by giving them debts and cattles that they will eat anyway when they run out of money but to educate them.

    Thanks man!!! Finally someone saw the truth, giving money? bullshit, giving debts, yes... After Thaksin gave loans to rural communities in the North of Thailand he sent an army of mobile phone salesmen after.

    Something similar was done in Chile years ago (another 3rd world country with coups, but a lot less corruption), but instead of just giving money to the farmers they trained them first showing them what they could do with their land and the money they could receive, so the farmers not only received money but they were able to have a project and plans for that money, isn't that the way it should be? If you give a monkey a banana tree he'll eat the bananas until there's no more of them, if you give the same tree to a thinking individual he'll take the seeds and create a banana plantation so he can have more bananas and not starve to death once the bananas are gone, that's the way of helping, no just giving money, but giving oportunities.

    In Chile they also gave free aducation to good student from rural areas, but they gave these scholarships thinking in the development of the same areas, you give an education loan to a person that just want to move to Bangkok? to some yes, but as a country a government has to think in developing areas outside of the capital... I've Master degrees working for me as administrative staff earning 20k per month just because they can't find a job in what they studied, I don't think that thinking with the head is a crime :o

    I just wanted to give an example of an under-developed country like Thailand but with a big exception, they're trying to help. Some people sometimes tells me "but he's working so hard" and my answer is always the same, "one thing is working hard and another totally different is working well and is not always the case, hard and well is perfect but hard and bad is a waste of time"

    Merry Christmas and the best wishes for the next year to everyone from an Italian globe traveller...

  18. You can't predict an earthquake and set a warning is not very smart... I lived in Chile which is the most active region in the world (Even more than Japan) and even the mediums were predicting a big earthquake in the central region since 7 years ago (Obviously no warning or predictions from the government since they know do something like that it's just alarming people without base)... still waiting for it :D

    Normally an earthquake would occur every 10 years in the central part of Chile, the last one was on the 85'... cool here in Thailand are more andvanced than Japan and Chile then setting warnings :o

    Anyway, let's expect nothing happens.

  19. bring taksin back. if he was suck a bad man he would have curtianpeople assiniated long before he was kicked out. he could even have it done now.

    he was the clsed thing to a decoratic leader that Thailand, Asia had.

    he made a little on the side. not like asian govments to me corrup now is it.

    sounds to me there is something personal behinde the scenes.

    maybe he didn't pay the right people and this is what happened. well this is that of the opinum of a thai taxi driver in BBk

    The Thai version of HBO's "Taxi Cab conffessions"... keep it up dude, we need fresh opinions. We know Thaksin was corrupt, we know the next goverment will be; corruption is not a thai product, is not OTOP... just better developed here.

    We'll think (or at least hope) a war is just a stupid thought... I just got a BB gun... I don't think I can help Thailand a lot in case of war... :o

    Good day for all of u,


  20. I'm sure Singapore has it's own financial strings it can pull. Besides that would really send a bad message to those who are thinking of investing in Thailand.

    There are some sign of this, you got the december's stake market problem... The military junta and the new interim PM are trying their best but they're not politicians, even though I'm a person that don't like politicians, politicians are meant to deals with this kind of things and I'm sure they'd deal with this in a better way.

    I really believe this government has good intentions and have done some good things (as try to negociate with the insurgents in the south), but I think soldiers to the military as politicians to politics... also excesive nationalism is bad, open a little wouldn't do bad to Thailand, I love Thailand and don't want to see a second Nazi party or extremists doing bad things in Singapore.

    Common sense, that's all we need to deal with this... :o

    Have you all guys a nice weekend and happy new chinese new year if I don't post anything before that (for anyone reading that celebrates this holiday)


  21. He could apply for political asylum, claiming having been democratically elected and ousted as resuolt of a military coup.

    for the zillionith 'n 1 time

    He Resigned................................................... :o

    Hahaha, yes, you're totally right, he resigned because he loved Thailand and he thought it was the "best" for the country, I don't see a reason for him to comeback unless he wasn't sincere... :D

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