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Everything posted by khunpin

  1. "... due to ongoing coordination with relevant agencies." Thai way trying not to say that they were too ... to set it up and get it properly working. 🤦🏼‍♂️ Like the world-famous "break failure" in accidents. Never the driver's fault. No. Fault of the breaks. 🤦🏼‍♂️
  2. Struggling for more than 2 hours without shouting? 🤔 What's wrong with the story? 🤔 5555ๆ
  3. "... include developing entertainment complexes, ..." Maybe a few more bars in dirty Pattaya ... Oh. I forgot that prostitution is illegal. 🤦🏼‍♂️
  4. Good catch by the authorities. Keep it up and don't stop working on the issue of illegals! Thank you. 👍
  5. A so-called 'transgender' is still a man! Absolut wrong report here again.
  6. It was NOT me! But it's good that finally someone took action against those dirty bastards. I'm not a rich man. But I would like to pay him at least one roll of tape. 5555ๆ
  7. It didn't help him to be a "former soldier". Jogging in a youth park at night ... aren't there other locations to pick up young men? Oh those u.s. americans ... 🤦🏼‍♂️ (it will be funny to read all the incoming comments from gay, u.s. american ex-soldiers ... 5555. But I won't reply anyway.)
  8. Oh those Brits. 🤦🏼‍♂️ Why am I not surprised? 🤔 😂🤣
  9. Oh those Brits! 🤦🏼‍♂️ Why am I not surprised? 🤔 555
  10. Police and rescue services are the only groups of people who should be allowed to have a dog. Kill all the other bastards!
  11. I assume that most of the three Iranian women have Iranian husbands. 🤷🏼‍♂️ How the holy hell could those serious, truly believing Islamic men get "tipsy" if their religion not allows the consumption of alcohol? Fake Islamic scum, criminal Chinese ... Thailand needs more of that Elite. 🤦🏼‍♂️
  12. Obviously no camels or sheeps available - so he used the balcony rail ... 🤦🏼‍♂️
  13. Only a problem of people with enough money to buy and hold a car. 🤷🏼‍♂️ No problem for people like me with only a small motorcycle. 🤷🏼‍♂️ 555555ๆ
  14. Spread the word! Hopefully it will keep more tourists away.
  15. Friends arrived with wooden sticks. Let's have a guess which clientele they all belong to ... bouncers on Walking Street or Soi 6? Just a rough guess ... 🤷🏼‍♂️
  16. Romove them to a cemetery - under the surface!
  17. In cases like this I feel happy to be just a normal farang who can't even afford a car or buy any property. 🤷🏼‍♂️👍5555
  18. Did this do any damage to the world famous image of Thailand as a high quality, peaceful place to spend cheap holiday away from crime and bad minded people?
  19. I guess, Pattaya doesn't like the recent headlines about Thais and Arabs clashing, about corruption, about dirty sea water, about overpricing tourists and unsolved crimes then. 🤷🏼‍♂️ Should I feel guilty for posting the truth? 🤔
  20. Normally I never take side for the younger Thai nationals when it comes to a brawl. But this time ... 👍🤜🧔🏻👳🤛👍
  21. Too bad! Keep the people from England, the u.s., India and China away from Thailand!
  22. Another reason why to avoid those 'tourist attractions'! NOT because of the complaints about bad behaviour of rude people from England or the u.s.! Because those rude animals are uneducated and don't know anything about Thai culture! Arrest them, get their names and ban them from entering Thailand again until they can't board any plane again! That might teach others a lesson. Oh, I forgot. They come from countries where stupid people are living. Unable to learn anything!
  23. I agree. China, England and the US are the biggest contributors to that mountain of worthless trash.
  24. I agree. China, England and the US are the biggest contributors to that mountain of worthless trash.
  25. We all know that Pattaya is a high-class, family friendly beach resort city with a lot of very beautiful landmarks, only well educated and peaceful people, without any corruption.
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