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Everything posted by khunpin

  1. That's what I'm trying to say since decades: Drugs like Marihuana are dangerous and responsible for many deaths.
  2. "... with dozens of MPs to be bought ..." And I thought that all of them are already bought by someone in one way or another ...
  3. I was about to say "<deleted> happens" ... but I better change it to "Somm numm naa.“ ????????‍♂️
  4. Someone at school tried to save money on the necessary inspection of the "reusable" extinguisher.
  5. Ok. I watched one of his vids already. He can speak a little bit Thai. But his "online-fame" totally ruined that boy. This is nothing than a waste of manpower and time that could have been spend on anything important.
  6. Yes, sure. Especially the time between 3 and 5 in the morning provides fantastic views and special breezes ... ????
  7. Oh, Thailand. ???? If this "reminder" is newsworthy .. But it's good to know that there's no prostitution in Thailand. ????????
  8. "... to establish a panel to revise the regulations regarding the admission and advancement of commissioned police officers." That only means that the applicants have to pay more for their "well-deserved promotion".
  9. The stupid farang gave his gf the money to buy it and register the salon in HIS name. Why else would he think that it was HIS salon? She took the money, bought the salon in HER name, the shabby hut didn't bring enough money - and she sold it to the new owner.
  10. Years ago I did the same on the zebra crossing Nana/Sukhumvit. But luckily the car driver stopped.
  11. "unfamiliar with the controls". Did the police check if he has ever owned a driving licence? ????
  12. Consequences? How many hits with the bamboo stick? 10 or 15?
  13. I've seen several vids of people being cut or hacked apart. Depending on their status it can get pretty dirty on the floor. Did the killer change his clothes before trying to catch a taxi?
  14. Not our country! All important things are ok. Smaller issues are not worth being mentioned!
  15. Sounds good to me - but probably too bad for the establishment.
  16. And his American gf kept on partying since he disappeared? True love ...
  17. They ban somethings that does not exist? ????
  18. I not doubt the story but it's strange how broken glass shards from the left car side can cause an injured, right arm of a passenger inside the car.
  19. Why should anybody donate a single Satang? Absolutely his own fault - as it was mine to live in Thailand for more than 9 years without any health insurance. I had to pay my cash for my doc visits.
  20. If I would be from Schina I would be afraid of being ripped off, abducted, injured or killed in Thailand. The best decision is to avoid the land of smiling gangsters and go to another destination. Good for the rest of tourists.
  21. Car driver was the nephew of the brother of RTP General's uncle in law's sister. So ... he's safe. ????????‍♂️
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