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Everything posted by khunpin

  1. Around 10 days ago when I arrived in Bangkok I was NOT asked a single question ! 🤷🏼‍♂️
  2. Thai construction safety standards ... When will the first skyscraper in Bangkok collapse? 🤔
  3. Hopefully this will damage the image of Russian "quality tourists" in public.
  4. Funny. 555 Only a Brit. Parachuting kills. 🤷🏼‍♂️
  5. As far as I know it's NOT about knowing your past address where you might have lived for years. It's more about knowing the recent address where they could find you in case they would like to find you! Or are you handicapped and can't move to another address (theoretically)? 🤔
  6. Not the first and not the last time that fireworks causes people's death. Absolutely nobody needs fireworks! But I have to agree that the world is already overcrowded. 🤷🏼‍♂️ So ... build a new "factory", hire new staff - and wait for the next blast.
  7. A good step in the right direction! I can only hope that those rules will be strictly checked and implemented.
  8. Maybe it would help if Thais would not drive to every convenience store even if it's just around the corner. 🤷🏼‍♂️
  9. I'm not a friend of ladyMEN! But why the 👹🔥 does anybody walk around with an expensive necklace? If it was in order to show off his "wealth" - it happened to the right person. 🤷🏼‍♂️
  10. Oh. 😮 Then they will send me back. Because I will fly back to Thailand again with a "One-way ticket" in 4 weeks. 🤷🏼‍♂️
  11. Perfect. Scare tourists away! Make way for seriously interested people who want to live in Thailand.
  12. Good! But it will become another thing for the police to enforce any changes. We know that many of them prefer sitting around blindfolded with one or two hands open and waiting for money to rain from heaven ... 😉 🤷🏼‍♂️
  13. Obviously it was NOT "freaky" because neither the woman herself nor anyone else provided any info on how it happened. It will turn out that she was staring at her phone in order to admire herself instead of paying attention to low hanging cables.
  14. I'm probably the only one. But for me it's funny to read although I like Thailand. But people here successfully try not to learn - and a few get punished. 🤷🏼‍♂️
  15. His car - his work - his aircon! But not polite.
  16. Welcoming the best tourists from the best countries. That will help ... 🤦🏼‍♂️
  17. If I want to drink in my room I would always buy in a local shop that most farangs would not even look at.
  18. I'm NOT surprised. I have been teaching at several government schools in Thailand for more than 4 years. If students can't fail their classes - there's no pressure to learn anything. Family will help to survive. It's more fun to "play games" or watch EPL at night. The worst students were male and between 12 and 15 years old.
  19. And everything goes its normal way: The Junta denies correct info in order not to damage the country's reputation as a family friendly country. Every person with at least one working brain cell knows that that certain Covid variant is spreading and that it is really more dangerous than former variants. But Thailand is safe, yes. 🤣😂
  20. I hope, the tree didn't suffer from any scratches.
  21. Tinder, allow him to stay over night - she must be an fat, ugly creature to try to go that way. 🤣
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