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Bert Jones

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Posts posted by Bert Jones

  1. I used to spray up with 100% deet until I started to get severe headaches. When googled 'side effects of deet' it seems the US are the largest consumers of the product in its various guises and a result, 54 Americans die every year from the neural toxic effects from deet! shocking! - so be careful of this stuff! The products they sell in 7-11 etc, also contain deet but reduced to about 12% - still gives me a headache if I occasionally spray it on when I run out of my own home made repellent.

    I have concocted my own repellent...made from citronella oil, lemon eucalyptus oil and lavender oil. It smells nice and works 100% providing you re-apply every 3 hrs or so. Its a real pain in the backside having to slap on the protection every time I venture outdoors...I'm quite lazy - but the thought of getting dengue frightens me - so I slap it all over -  every time!

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  2. Can I ask a not so relevant question please.


    My extension based on retirement needs renewing by December 7th. I intend to fly to KL for a 3 month stay and buy a single re-entry permit prior to departure...I will fly on 7th of October. Does my extension to stay 'freeze' as I'm out of the country or expire because it has not been renewed? Anyone any idea?


  3. The BoT is a cartel of wealthy individuals. Just like the BoE and the FED. They are private entities. When it suits the wealthy, the Thai baht will be dropped, reversed and the huge foreign currency reserves will be sold into the market making another fortune for the 'club' members. Like a famous American comedian once said...'it's a big club and you aint innit!'

  4. Starbucks don't like paying taxes in the UK. They charge the same price in CM as they do in London...but the rent is cheaper and the wages are cheaper in CM. The workers in a typical SB have to wok 4 hrs to buy a cup of coffee. The customers always seem posey to me..sat there with their coffee and gazing into Apple laptops - ooh look at me - I can afford to be here...I can afford it too, but I wont. Starbucks marketing psychologists are clever...but not clever enough for me.  

  5. We need to remember Thailand is a backward 3rd world country. The tribes people who cause these fires are uneducated and mostly poor. The powers that be are underfunded and lack the means to deal with the situation. Apathy at the top prevails...the smog will never stop in our life time...it's being going on for decades. If you can afford too - go south in the smog months, after all, one life, live it...you may live longer. It's certainly given me the impetus to get off my backside and visit neighbouring countries next year...where the air is clean. The smog situation has taken the shine off my love of Thailand...this wasn't how my retirement was meant to pan out...if I stay in Chiang Mai/Rai during the smog months, I will surely lose a few years of my life. 

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