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Posts posted by CN1050

  1. I'll be arriving in Chiang Mai in a week or less and wanted to make sure that this time I was getting a place with a very good connection (50mb/s +) and was wondering what kind of advice you guys have on setting this up?


    It is my understanding that you go to True or AIS and ask them about setting up a connection to your place but how do I go about making sure that my apartment / condo / house will allow this? Is it best to get a translator to come with me when I look at places or does anyone have any experience with this? Last time I came here I just got a nice looking place but had to bum it at coworking spaces all day and spend more money just because the connection was god-awful. This time around I really was interested in a house because I figure getting this kinda thing set up would be easier. I'll be in Chiang Mai for about 6 months or so, wanted at least 2 bedrooms, one for an office and one for me.


    Again, I've done quite a bit of reading on this but can't really paint a very good picture of what I should do here. a lot of people either had a Thai wife and they asked about this kinda stuff, or they had some expensive one-bedroom place with it already set up.


    If anyone would help out with this it'd be much appreciated and I'd owe you a beer when I land!

  2. I have read previous post asking a similar question, but am looking for an updated referral. I would prefer an actual therapist rather than psychiatrist, I do not really want any kind of medication honestly.


    It's just that since arriving here, some critical flaws in my character were pointed out to me and I'm really not well because of it. Been moping about and laying in bed last few days unless I had to work. I know it isn't healthy.


    I'm an open book if anyone wants to PM me, I've lurked here since arriving. I am a psychology student right now which is why I'd prefer a trained professional but if you have time to talk and think it'd help I'm okay with that too.


    Thanks everyone.

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