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Posts posted by FunkyGuru

  1. And this is going to be a "peaceful demonstration" ........................................

    I didn't know that any group had as yet claimed responsibility for the bombs. what do you know that the media doesnt yet know?

    No group has claimed responsibility. The article implies that the blast occurred as the red shirts were leaving for Bangkok.

    And no group will claim responsibility for any violence in Bangkok either. It doesn't matter how they're dressed. It will all be blamed on other groups.

    Beware of red shirts (or blue shirts or yellow shirts or green shirts) because they might actually be blue shirts or yellow shirts or green shirts (or red shirts) dressed as red shirts (or blue shirts or yellow shirts or green shirts).


    Boy you scare me. Well it is hot enough now so I am going topless. Would that be safe?

  2. Thailand has a serious hangover and has no idea how they got it or how to remove it.


    I must add, and does not even know that there is a serious hangover.

    Bombing in Suratthani is unusual. Once again, not enough information to comment upon. Home made explosives? I guess then it is not them red shirts. They prefer grenades stolen from army barracks. Southern trouble makers? nope they haven't done anything of this sort way up to Suratthani. Once again, home made stuff? Yellow yellow dirty fellow did it? Who knows. This is all becoming too farcical. It's like saying that we will fight for sake of peace or kill in name of GOD.

    I don't want to speculate on anything any more. Docs have strongly suggested that I should stay away from any stressful situation.

  3. Brilliant. At last a post that is well thought of before hammering the keyboard. Good observation and very 'civil' comments Wentworth. :)

    My two satangs addition. Over 8 years in Thailand and I must say I hardly found anybody who understands 'Democracy'. Not necessarily in western terms. But purely as a political process. Process of collectively deciding in which direction the country goes. Many of my Thai friends, were educated in western countries and still, had no clue about democracy. I don't wish to and want to sound rude, still, 'democracy' in Thailand seems to be a fun thing to do. Because you get to go to Bangkok, shout loud and get paid for it. Oh and yes once in a while they come around bringing bottles of country liquor and TB 200 cash. Now this part has been confirmed by one lady who was appointed to clean my apartment.

    Ooops thats a bit too much typing for two satangs worth. Anyway, good write Wentworth, need more people to follow this. Not just blasting away with meaningless jumped to conclusion, having no clue opinions. :D

  4. One more rational and understandable summary from 'The Nation'. Is it just me or Nation does have some quality journalists but seldom feature?

    Interesting to hear a few comments from people of North east. For many of them, Thaksin is messiah. They all talk fondly about what he has done for their community. Building hospitals, schools ... I interrupted these people and asked them, if there was one built in their area and the answer was shocking 'No'. My next question to them was have they seen one elsewhere and once again the answer was shocking 'No'. They 'knew' he has done it. Because thats what the propaganda says and they want to believe. They also believe because for once someone actually gave them money. Cash. Once received, they are willing to believe anything and defend it.

    Me as a foreigner, of course, won't have any access to real information and I find asking around is futile. Most of the time it's hear say. No first hand information. However, I must mention that if a man is able to influence and create such a turmoil and widen the divide within a society, then there is definitely something more than money involved. In no way I am taking a side here. I am just thinking aloud. Masses can't be simply mobilized on power of money. Not for so long and for so many times. There has to be something more.

    The 'save' me thing didn't go well. Should he not be saying 'save the Country'. Thailand is heading for serious water shortage. Thailand needs to come together at this moment.

    Just another of my two satangs worth view. :)

    :D <--- I love this emoticon.

  5. Yellow, Red and now Orange. Can't wait to see the full spectrum.

    IMHO: Monks, especially the buddhist monks, are supposed to have detached themselves from the 'world'. What happened in Burma is something that I am still trying to understand. I am not very well versed with Thailand's political history, but if someone can throw some light on, I did be glad. The thing I want to find out is, ever in past, through many civil problems and those massacres in 90's of many students at a rally, were monks ever involved?

    It is also interesting to see that monks, if truly they are joining the rally and supporting the red shirts, are / would be supporting something that is against the fundamental of Thai buddhism. Principles of tolerance and forgiveness. Sangha is not allowed to take sides. They are neutral. Equanimity and impartiality is to be reflected in their behavior. Well, this are just a few of my two penny worth views. Point being, Monks in principle should not be involved in this. Red or Yellow, it is not their business. If they genuinely care, they must rather go out and counsel the masses to keep their nerve calm.

    If at all, the monks are seen at these rallies, will make me wonder, are they real monks or someone wearing orange rob and shaved head? A true monk will have no interest what so ever in such political stunt.

    :) Just my 2 satang view.

  6. In my understanding, this could be the worlds first. Health department issuing advise on mental health to public on a regular political crisis?

    Then again, from whatever I have understood of Thai society, it is very appropriate. Thailand has to still learn the fine aspects of what the world understands as 'Democracy'. Such events do tend to stress the Thai society. It's just that they are not used to confrontation. Facing reality is not known to them. Saving one's face I suppose. :)

  7. :D Awright so I stay home. No go out. Stock up and watch the fun. Avoid places of demonstration ... Airport, Bus terminal, Railway ... Silom ...

    On a serious note, one good look at history of Thailand, any protest or disagreement in political circles have resulted in mass action and reaction. Army gets involved, shooting, innocent dying, all the hoopla and hype and then calm for few year till it happens again.

    Warnings by British or any government is in fact highly appreciated.

    So back to my local provision store to place order for coming days. :)

  8. Sorry, who/what is Maplecroft to make these statements????????????

    Even their home page does not offer any answers,

    just a load of waffle about "global risk indices".

    No real credentials as far as I can see. :D

    True. Absolutely true. Risk to what? Human life? Well US should ranked even higher in that case. Incidences of gun shots and mugging are way to high in places like New York, Chicago and Los Angeles. Just because some fancy definition their law does not qualify such acts as crime, they don't get registered in statistics. How ridiculous it is.

    US and it's friends, are so good at using such Statistics and prediction models to confuse the world. It is all matter of playing with words. I know of story for sure. Sometime back the Health Department or whatever it is called redefined the condition of 'constipation'. Initially it used to be 3 days of inactivity of bowels. Now it is 7 days of inactivity of bowels. Result? Suddenly the health index Showing health of average American improved. WoW.

    Makes me think about all such analysts and Risk forecasters. Reminds of term 'arm chair intellect'. These are the ones who discuss poverty in Africa whilst sipping on some expensive French wine. No connection to ground reality nor the world at large. Ranking Iraq and Thailand, in sort of same category looks so farcical that it is hard for me to believe this report at all. :D

    Go and live in the deep south where there is a very serious problem and a huge death toll. There is more to this place than Bangkok and a few beach resorts! you appear tp be 'the arm chair intellect' by making no reference to this, and please respond on the issue is the south in your reply and not just slate me on principle.


    I have lived in deep south, for 6 months. Yes, there are problems, however, I feel the media has exaggerated the situation. If you looks around, seldom you find a country not having political problems. I spent time studying the website of the Maplecroft and still can't figure out the parameters of their analysis. Exactly as some said above, I have lived here in Thailand, long enough and almost everywhere. Not just in Bangkok or some fancy beach resort. From such personal experience, I find the findings of Maplecorft a bit strange. Terror threat, is the term they have used. Places like Philippines, Pakistan, many parts of Malaysia and part of Indonesia are far too unstable with terror activities then Thailand. I do say, by any standard Thailand is much safer place. Armchair intellect I am not. At the same time, I have also spent enough time in US, UK and many Latin American countries. The entire statistical report, discussed here in this thread seems to be based around 'Terror Risk' factor where as the results show they are based on something completely different. Indeed the report is very ambiguous. :D :D

  9. Sorry, who/what is Maplecroft to make these statements????????????

    Even their home page does not offer any answers,

    just a load of waffle about "global risk indices".

    No real credentials as far as I can see. :D

    True. Absolutely true. Risk to what? Human life? Well US should ranked even higher in that case. Incidences of gun shots and mugging are way to high in places like New York, Chicago and Los Angeles. Just because some fancy definition their law does not qualify such acts as crime, they don't get registered in statistics. How ridiculous it is.

    US and it's friends, are so good at using such Statistics and prediction models to confuse the world. It is all matter of playing with words. I know of story for sure. Sometime back the Health Department or whatever it is called redefined the condition of 'constipation'. Initially it used to be 3 days of inactivity of bowels. Now it is 7 days of inactivity of bowels. Result? Suddenly the health index Showing health of average American improved. WoW.

    Makes me think about all such analysts and Risk forecasters. Reminds of term 'arm chair intellect'. These are the ones who discuss poverty in Africa whilst sipping on some expensive French wine. No connection to ground reality nor the world at large. Ranking Iraq and Thailand, in sort of same category looks so farcical that it is hard for me to believe this report at all. :)

  10. Just because he didn't sell Uncle Sams' toys he is a bad boy? I mean I deslike anyone who sells arms. Violence has never produced any substantial long term result. He is guilty of selling weapons then he is guilty of crimes against humanity. He should be punished. However that right is not solely of US. Giving him bail?? Someone is really gone bonkers. Well hope the justice be done.

  11. Sounds like a serious plan. Very much welcome if implemented to the spirit. Else of course the fears of bringing in laws to govern excessive control over ordinary people and possible abuse of power to harass the innocent. Any criminal act is not welcome. Sincerely hope this new system that is mentioned does show some results. I don't really understand how it would work. However hope it works. :)

    Over the years, indeed, if one looks carefully, the nuisance created by the 'foreigners' is on the rise. Not only in Pattaya alone but elsewhere too. Places once known to be escape from such crap are becoming a meeting grounds for troublemakers. I would for instance give example of Koh Samui. The number of cases of complaints made at the local police for offensive and rude behavior by foreigners is on the rise. Not just legally criminal but also socially criminals are dominating the island. Loud pompous and inconsiderate to others. Abusive to native Thai people and .... it is indeed frustrating to see this. I sincerely hope this trash is dealt with through this new system.

  12. Now a days I am not keeping well and my dear doctors have ordered to stay calm and away from stress. Thailand, the land of smiles supposed to be the perfect place. Nope.

    I am getting stressed, just reading words like People's Army... what's going on? Can't they live in peace. I mean they have fewer problems then many other countries in SE Asia.

    Hope this all finally turns out to be a farce. I am surely going to stay away from the news for a while. Where I live now, there is no TV and internet is only through my GPRS. I have a choice. Keep away from news and get healthy.


  13. latest picture of progress of cyclone. The effect is very wide and hence if you see carefully, Bangkok will surely see some windy condition and probably rain and cooler temperature. It could also get worse as it may get too muggy. I know it very well as I come from similar region. It can swing either way for those in Bangkok. Either cooler or muggier.


    The projected path is pretty strong and steady. Hope it does not bring in flash floods or uproot too many trees.

    Let's see what happens. :o

  14. Hope the fine is deterrent enough for mobile happy drivers. In my several trips around Bangkok and other places with friends driving me around. My observation says, 90% the calls are useless, unnecessary or simply made to make an impression. None of them has hands free set for use whilst driving.

    Personally I am not favor of phone calls. If the phone rings I think the driver should pull over and complete the conversation and then continue to drive. Even hands free devices are distraction whilst driving.

    I will be really glad to see my senior business partner drop his nasty habit of talking on phone without hands free device. He literally drives all over the road.

    But hey that's life. Hope the rule surely has some impact and also covers motorbike riders. :o

  15. In my humble opinion, I think Baht will be back to 36-37 to a US$ by end of this year.

    My reasons and arguments are basically very vague but are based on historic data and observation of past 15 odd years.

    Not venturing into how and why of Baht appreciation and fall, bottom line is I am happy that Baht is loosing strength. I know gas will be more expensive but there are far too many other benefits then little pain of paying more for gas.

    Well all this is in my humble opinion :o

  16. But what I dont understand is why coffee ? Why is that better than water ? What other fluids or mixtures can be beneficial ?

    According to Dr Bernard Jensen, one who introduced colon flush to the modern world, coffee stimulate your colon muscles and thus instigates better purge whilst you are doing colonic. Later on there were several suggestions from many other 'alternative' health professionals. Currently popular substances used by people for colonic are garlic, green tea, Hydrogen peroxide some Chinese herbs.

    Garlic = supposedly acts as most natural antibiotic / anti fungal

    Green Tea = efficient solvent and anti oxidant

    Hydrogen Peroxide = Food grade version (1.5% concentrate) is used and is excellent for disinfecting but one needs to be careful

    Chinese Herbs = Supposedly accelerate the process of detox

    There is so much to this colon cleansing and flushing that at times it really gets confusing, but well that my feeling.

    Got to go, need to complete my article on healthy eating and post it as soon as possible on another discussion topic on this forum.

    Cheers :o

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