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Posts posted by FunkyGuru

  1. I've done many colonics and never had any kind of problem. Also, EVERY reputable place that I know that does detox and colonics recommends probiotics.

    Off hand, contact Samui Spas in Samui or Julia Jus in Chiang Mai (both have websites) and they sell all the products to detox on your own or with them.

    I wouldn't do it on my own the first time or if you can do it with pros for a reasonable price - it is lot of work and there is a lot to know.

    Samui Spas are probably one of the cheapest places to do it in the world and with quite new/clean equipment.

    I may add a bit of clarification here. The places mentioned are full time dedicated cleansing resorts. Offering more than just colonic. So you are right, all this places have qualified staff and they always recommend probiotic after that.

    Discussion here started off talking about only colonics on its own, which has become more of a trend now a days and many Thais also opt for it. Expansion of centers like rasayana and about a dozen plus resorts offering a week+ long programs for cleansing in Samui alone is proof enough.

    One must keep in mind, colonics is not the solution on its own. One must think about the complete picture right from starting with asking questions as to what creates these blockages and feeling of bloating and heaviness. As previously somewhere I have mentioned, Colonic Irrigation/colonics/colon flush whatever you wish to call it, should be used as a maintenance procedure once in six months or a year depending on how good or bad have you been with your food habits and how much trash you have allowed to enter in your system. As some said, yes colonics can give you a quick relief but that doesn't mean it is a good thing to do on fairly regular basis. Study has shown that it can be damaging to.

    That's said in my humble :o opinion

  2. Anybody knows a good place to do that in Pattaya?
    What about DIY - that would be alot cheaper and you can do it in the comfort of your own place... Anyone have recommendations on how to do that ?

    And there are few more replies before this which have raised valid points. First of all for hucus, look for Rasayana retreat, in pattaya. They have a big center in Bangkok and recently opened a branch in Pattaya.

    Khun Bob, I personally won't recommend DIY, unless one has experienced it well enough before hand. Secondly the proper tools, are not so easily available(read not at all available) in Thailand. Then again there are certain complications involved and I suggest one should not take the matter in their own hand.

    In reply to others posts, I fully agree with the fact and wonder too, why do the colonic centers don't recommend pro-biotic supplement after doing colon cleanse? The only thing that comes to my mind is ignorance. I feel most of the centers operating/offering colon cleanse have simply copied the idea from elsewhere and haven't really put a thought in to the process and come up with something worth. There is also another possibility I see, is lack of quality pro-biotic supplement.

    Personally I have been for some decent if not really high calibre pro-biotic supplement here in Thailand, and for more than 5 years, found nothing.

    Alternatively I opt for eating fermented food like sauerkraut, khimchi, or other naturally pickled/fermented vegetables which are non toxic. I also take a enough amount of yakult or something equivalent, to simply keep the gut flora in good condition. Something better then nothing is the idea here. Someday, GOD willing we will have access to proper pro-biotic supplements here in Thailand.

    Going back to colon cleasne, my 2 satang worth advise, ask yourself the question, why do you want to do it? There are several other alternative, safe and easy approached then doing a colonic flush. Try and discuss this someone who knows and then make your well educated decision.

    Khun Bob, the only time I suggest to do the colonics is when one really feels bloated and no herb/laxative is working. Usually colonics is done with 16-18 liters of lukewarm water(body temperature). Doing a top up bucket would likely amount to 22-26 liters of water which is not bad but should be avoided often. In regards to how much water you allow inside your colon, it all depends on the conditions inside your colon and also to your comfort levels.

    Hope some of the information is useful from what I have written :o

  3. My father-in-law did the ultrasound in Bangkok quite a few years ago, so it is available.

    Just asked hubby, the hospital was called Hua Jeow (no idea of the spelling). he doesn't know where it was at in Bangkok but if you can't find it, post here and I can ask my father-in-law next time I see him.

    You are right there. Unfortunately the medical world has become ruthlessly commercial and dont' care for you if you aint' gonna spend with them. I am doing my search and hopefully will get back to you as soon as I have confirm information on the clinics that offer ultra sound treatments. You know Thailand, it could take some time but trust me search is on. :o

  4. Hello all,

    I see the comments here, mostly quoted from other web sites. Let me share my personal experience and findings/theory about colon flushing.

    First of all, I do agree that colon cleansing has been over hyped procedure with lots of tall claims surrounding it. In fact over the years, there are independent schools that cropped up defying each other and claiming to be the 'authentic' or 'original' colon cleansing people.

    Now to the simple basic facts.

    Our large intestine/colon/bowel/guts are the last post in the digestive tract. It also is a very key post in the digestive tract as the remainder of food that you ate, which did not get processed properly earlier, gets processed here. This is also the place where 100 trillion plus friendly bacteria reside, who break down toxins, fats and also some good nutrients to simplify the process of assimilation of food.

    Now imagine the drain pipe of washing machine, the last post in the washing cycle. Have you ever seen inside the drain pipe? Did you notice those layers of dirt accumulated around the wall? Compare that your colon. It is somewhat shaped like the drain pipe. Imagine all the muck that could get stuck there, over the years. Such accumulation can result into various health conditions including but not limiting to constipation, IBS, poor digestion, weight gain, infection, chronic fatigue etc.

    In normal circumstances, given a proper diet, such accumulation does not occur. Especially if there is enough fibre intake in food form. Thanks to modern life and lack of proper information and proper food, the fibre is missing from diet. Resulting into accumulation of trash in the colon. People have given it names, classified it, even scared the poor common man by calling it 'toxin' etc. Lets keep it simple. Whatever that substance that is accumulated, is not good. It shouldn't be there in the first place.

    So the solution was searched and they found colon cleansing, or as our friend calls it, colon flush.

    More simple basic facts:

    Colon cleanse is not at all painful process. In fact if it hurts, there is something seriously wrong.

    But, here is my two satang worth :o colon cleanse on its own is not the solution. However, it can be a maintenance booster shot, after doing a proper supervised colon cleansing. There are several options offered by many around the world. Most popular are the ones that use some natural herbs and put you on a liquid diet for several days to cleanse your colon.

    My experience with colon cleanse, with and without colon flush:

    Personally I found the results, very impressive. I had sharper senses, clearer vision, very fine sense of taste and overall I felt very trim and fit. I don't have those extra pounds to loose and hence I did not loose any. Still I felt very light and definitely highly vitalized and full of energy. Since then its my annual routine to do servicing to my body. I tried different combinations and I did not see much difference between cleansing with colon flush and cleansing without colon flush. As long as I am achieving the basic objective of cleansing, the process doesn't matter.

    This is as simple as I can put. I have experienced it and from that I learnt more and I can say it in such simple form. The extremities expressed by pro alternative health and those against are to be taken with a pinch of salt. I read both of them and find both of them are partly correct. So, better is talk about it with those who have done it, share their experience and make your own decision. The actual colon cleanse as in the colon flush process is not that essential if you are keen on cleaner and healthier body.

    That's my opinion. I hope it helps some.

  5. Hi,

    I am sure Bangkok Samui hospital in Koh Samui, has a allergist. At least I knew of one about six months ago. There are couple of more international hospitals like SIH and the other I forgot the name, should have allegist.

    Increasing dosage for anti histamine or anti allergy medication is not the solution. You need to find out what you are allergic to. It is possible that you may bot be allergic, its just the tropical syndrome, that affects many who are not used to humidity, dust, warmth of this region.

    Hope the information helps. :o

  6. Hi,

    I am pretty sure the ultrasound treatments are available. However you may also consider some alternative treatments. Especially for gallstone. There are natural, painless diet based procedure that you can use to eliminate gallstone.

    For Kidney stone, I would strongly recommend, on intrusive, ultra sound therapy. I will research and find out about the exact clinic which has such facility.

    Once again, its my two satang worth ! :o

  7. My Two satang worth again.

    Simon, all the best wishes from me for your wifes speedy recovery. More I researched and worked on the condition/symptoms you mentioned, more I was intrigued.

    Wish I had the ability to put all that I learn in black and white. Still here is one link that will give you enough clarity in understanding the bipolar condition. It is a good start to understand the condition.

    I agree with Sheryl, exorcism, let her parents and family have a go at it. But careful not to go into the extreme, physically challenging routines. One thing for sure it will do is bring peace to them. I might as well help your wife too. Call it faith healing or whatever, even with scientific/rational mind of mine, I still say, such rituals at times are necessary for those who strongly believe in it. It helps by supplementing the more scientific effort and but should not be used as substitute.

    All the best once again from me. I still say, it will over very soon.

    the Link: Information on Bipolar condition

  8. I agree with MyPenRye,

    The popular belief of weight issues are so becoming unfounded that it now sounds very confusing.

    For example, the most popular belief that excess weight = fat in body is so untrue. 80-85% people examined, show that the 'fluid retention' syndrome rather then accumulated fat.

    Last year, I read an article on scientists researching on a bacteria, normally found in our digestive tract, to determine if it was responsible for obesity. They have successfully tested it on mouse but that is not conclusive enough. Their argument is, due to improper food habit and eating lot of junk, results into hyper activity of that otherwise friendly bacteria in our body.

    In my experience, I have seen so many people, giving up food, fats, sugar, struggling with exercises and the lot, loosing some weight but the moment they stop, it all comes back and comes back with a vengeance.

    Unfortunately the whole issue of health and wellness and living normal has been stretched into extremes. On one had the conventional 'scientific' medical world has failed to explain so many things where as the alternative medicine guys sometimes take it too far into cuckoo land by being too esoteric/hippy about it.

    For me, all that contradiction and confusion is too much. So I decided to create my own understanding and theories which are based on simple rational acceptable reasons and facts.

    Else if you trying to research causes of over weight, I did not find anything remotely making any sense at all.

    Someday, hopefully I will get time to write one of my theories on weight and post it here. :o

  9. Thanks for the link, FG, but it comes too close to being an advertisement- low on info and high on sales. I've removed it. You're free to talk about the "theories" behind it all you want, though.

    Not a problem. I will write more on the subject and submit as a post rather than giving links.

  10. :D:o

    My views, read again, MY personal views on the article and not the subject are:

    1. Nothing Original
    2. Statistic offered is too broad
    3. Gives a feel of Press release by Christian Charity
    4. No sign of BBC flavor

    I would stop at this. Any additional comment from me will actually amount to me venturing into discussing the core issue as presented in not even average article by Kate McGeown.

    However I would like to comment to some arguments here:

    1. Having fluency in Spoken Thai or ability to read and write does not warrant the person to be fully aware of cultural intricacies.
    2. This interview was of ONE particular girl, not of several other girls. So it could be just taken as zero value
    3. Those who are vehemently trying to taint Kate McGeown, please remember, it's her freedom of speech. For those who will read that article and believe it, that too will be their choice of believing in what they want to.
    4. Observation: Strange enough no one mentioned in your face kind of sex industry that is flourishing in Philippines?

    Well I shall stop at this for now. I will need to prepare another article to post here. Again expressing my views. :D

  11. Well, what started out as a light-hearted problem about my wife/family and our hotel in Phuket has really taken on a serious note. I would appreciate advice from TV members. (As stated in previous threads, I don't really like to air my 'dirty washing' in public, but I am at my wit's end.)

    My wife is 30 and we have been married for 2 years and have a young son of 9 months.

    My wife has always been rather frail (physically). She usually weighs about 33kg and is 145cm short! She is a bit of a hypercondriac (spelling), and like to be fussed over by doctors and friends. I love her very much and am 100% faithful.

    About 5 weeks ago, she seemed to go 'off the rails'. She started staying out all night with girlfriends and ladyboys, and visiting the Patong Thai karaoke bars. Despite promising to be home by midnight, or not going at all, she continued this bizarre behaviour, apparently oblivious to my concern and that of her family.

    On one occasion a few weeks ago, she fell off a motobike taxi in Patong, and miscarried our new baby who was about 2 months in her womb. She seemed not to care.

    She then stole our hotel car and crashed it...

    The next day, she stole our replacement hire-car and crashed that in Patong into 3 motobikes. She ran off shoeless when the police tried to stop her. I had to pay for all these damages.

    Over this period, she stole (and then lost) about 70,000 baht from me, and lost a 2 baht gold becklace from her mother - as well as her ATM cards.

    I then found out that she had been taking drugs from her ladyboy 'friends'. This was not yaba, but sleeping pills that were washed down with alcohol.

    We managed last week to get her back to our hotel, and then she returned yesterday with her mother to the Issan moobahn. The idea was that she would rest there for a month or so.

    This afternoon, after her mother went to work, she 'ran away' again and is now on a minibus going to BKK. We are all very concerned and we have spoken to the minibus driver who is going to deliver her to her aunt's house in BKK. I fly tonight to BKK to bring her back to Phuket tomorrow.

    This is the sorry state of affairs and I really do not know what to do with her after she comes back to Phuket. For her, it is a dangerous place and she has already taken small overdoses of sleeping pills before.

    I really need to get her into a secure and safe place where she can be looked after and treated. I'll state again that I love her very much and am not going to 'abandon' her - which would be a very easy thing for me to do.

    Sorry for this sob story :D I'd appreciate your advice.


    Simon, I've been following you a bit the past year and know how busy you have been realizing your dream-hotel.

    But this is a very serious condition your wife is in right now.

    She might be suffering from a Postnatal depression/syndrom which has many 'faces' so to speak.

    First your newborn of 9 months old and losing the second one a few weeks ago.

    That's quite dramatic in such a short period, for any mother.

    She 'seems' not to care, losing her baby, but that might not be the truth...at all !

    First of all you might try to stop her contact all those so-called girlfriends/ladyboys. Can you hire a 'wise' Thai couple where the lady takes care of her and him 'watching' her and the so called girlfriends (not to contact/visit her) ?

    I doubt if it were just sleepingpills she was taking; the things she did; accidents etc. indicates she has been taking other 'stuff' as well. She could be lying about that...

    It's quite a long way from your hotel to Patong and she might have killed herself and/or others, driving in such a condition.

    She needs professional help !

    Wish you and your wife all the best.

    ps: I've sent you a PM.



    As our good friend LaoPo has accurately pointed to possible cause, post natal depression. There is another intriguing aspect to this. I did not really intended to do this statistical observation but in past 5 years, I know similar behavior, from Thai girls, irrespective of to whom they were married to, if they had children or not. So long as they were in some form of relationship, they all go through this phase. About 24 of them that I have recorded in my notes. Common factor, Thai girls, between age of 28-32. I have no idea about the cause of such behavior.

    Good news is, it gets over. Most of them, had to reply on some form of psychological assistance. It could even a simple thing like taking them to senior respected monks and talking about the issue in a non confrontation manner. Couple of cases actually thought they were possessed and hence did some sort of exorcism, it worked. After all even that procedure is more psychological assistance for them. Now in your case it could be co incidental. But either way, I strongly suggest you must seek professional advise. All my best wishes for you and your family. Trust in the process of life. It will be all so over soon.

    I have PM some more information Simon. I know am reply a tart bit late.


  12. I've been walking 5 - 10 km the past 5 days and really watching my diet - just small portions of healthy food. My morning weigh-ins on the digital scale are very encouraging! Thanks for whoever started this fat forum; it inspired me to do something!

    Good on you. Keep the good work. Soon you will be proudly announcing your achievements and I shall drink to that :o

  13. Hi my name is ... well FunkyGuru, and I am not fat. In fact I am little underweight. Why am I posting here? To share some insight into weight and health issues.

    I have posted a link in the relevant section that talks about weight in a different context.

    Here are my two satang worth opinions. Well observations, to be precise.

    Most weight loss diets are assuming that you have fats stored in your body. FALSE. Such type of people are amount to only 15% of excess weight community.

    Burning calories reduce weight, yeah sure but you put it back on the day you stop burning calories.

    Stopping sugar, eating 'diet' products help reduce weight. Utter rubbish. In fact one is adding too many chemicals into body, burdening kidney and liver, making sure that in future there would be more complications.

    I will reply to this topic with more specific information in a day or two. Do visit again to read about it. :o

  14. I know my reply would be a bit of shocker to the conventional thinking lot here. What has so far worked bulletproof for me is ...

    eat slices of white bread. No toasting, no butter, no nothing. Just straight out of the pack. Stuff yourself as much as you can.

    Before you fall of your chairs laughing and / or ruling my idea as bizarre, listen the reason.

    Usually the nausea is result due to hyper activity of your liver, trying to get rid of the micro organism that got into you in the first place. The problem starts when the bug doesn't get thrown out and liver keeps pumping those acids to flush it out. You get the nasty nausea.

    Now eating slices white bread acts as fluid absorbing sponge. It sucks in and contains all that fluid and semi fluid which is creating clutter in the stomach and rest of the problem of food poisoning. Result, you stabilize sooner than you expect.

    Taking anti biotic will not give such instant relief as eating white bread. Thats my 2 satang worth advise from personal experience and experiences of hundreds of others who followed it and benefited. :o

  15. At last finally people are talking with some information. I was really disappointed at mass judgment passed by many readers about the victims. I fully agree with those few who voiced their concern over the unsympathetic way the forum readers have commented about victims.

    It hurt to see that even in this age, people are so racially biased. God forbid, if one these commentators were to meet an accident and similar derogatory comments were to be passed on him/her just because he/she is of a specific nationality, what would be the reaction.

    In my earlier post, I did mention there is something missing in the story and lets wait for a while to get more information. Unfortunately I forgot to express my condolence at the same time. I do now. No matter what the reality turns out to be, may their soul rest in peace.

  16. Not enough information to make any conclusion. I have a feeling it's not random. Someone very rightly mentioned, Russian and shooting, can't be random. Also as reported in the new article, the girls were drinking and swimming. No personal belonging was taken, definitely not a crime for money I think.

    Hope to hear some more information, if at all it comes out.

  17. I am a smoker but I definitely welcome law that would ban public smoking. Confined space, shared areas and generally defined as public places should definitely observe. In Australia, I witnessed similar laws in place and the key to success was the participation of people.

    Smokers observed the law and every one was ok. However, the regulations in Australia were also considerate (a bit) to those who smoked and hence there was a provision that public places, there should be provision of designated smoking area/zone with proper exhaust and air filtering installation.

    Even as a smoker I fully support the new laws with one little sadness, the karaoke places will fall under this ban and my favorite bar is not open bar, it's a closed air conditioned shop and I guess that will fall in the category of no smoking. That spoils the fun.

    Well whatever, I will definitely 'live' that or to say won't die young. :D:o:D

  18. .... and military and police forces will be on hand to deliver government policy on gambling.

    It sounds like a waste of resources to me. :D

    Don't they have better things to do????????????

    Yup I fully agree. Why can't they focus on something more constructive or useful? Like make gambling legal and add 7% VAT and maybe 15% Tax Deducted at Source against income tax or something. I have a feeling that suddenly national tax collection will rise and so will the retaining of Thai money within Thailand. To top it all, it will also attract a lot of Chinese tourists. :o Think about it.

  19. This is pretty interesting topic. Honestly I have seen this type of runt over past 5 years of banning or getting rid of foreign labor etc and every time when I sought some explanation, no one, trust me no one offered any clarity.

    It seems at times the official statement issued by government or ministers, especially in regards to non Thai people working in this country, is generally (without proper thinking) termed as foreign labor. It includes farangs who are working in white color jobs too.

    This would probably explain the tall proud claim of lowest unemployment rate in this country in context to the current article on the statement made by the minister. It's likely that minister would be referring to reducing number farangs in white color jobs which affects many upper middle class educated Thai people. Poor them they don't get paid as much as the farang does and usually end up working more.

    Well thats my guess. I could be totally wrong.

  20. 87% Over last year?!! :o Is really good news?

    Many times I have difficulties reading such absurd Headlines published. The true benchmark would be to compare where does the total tourism inflow stands compared to pre tsunami year(s). Then and only then one can say definitively about the improvement / rise in tourism / return to normalcy.

    Comparing last 4 years of data and my personal observation of tourists in Koh Samui, I think the over all tourism this year is much lower than last year. I am sure this would be applicable to the rest of the country too. Certain benchmarks that I use, for example, the number of resort, hotel, restaurant and shops of sale has risen in Koh Samui, Phuket, Pattaya, Chiang Mai, Ayuthaya and even in Bangkok, has risen dramatically this year compared to last year.

    Hotels/Resorts offering special walk in prices / web promotion prices in otherwise High Season of December / January is actually sign of sever slump in the inbound traffic.

    I am really amazed at how can one give such a daft statement of 87% over last year?!! It's not really a good news. It's just the sugar coated pill that will distract from the fact that there are less tourists this year.

    I know cause I feel the pinch. I manage a resort myself.

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