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Everything posted by SmartyMarty

  1. And we all know which side is lying, as per usual.
  2. What a wonderful inspiration this man is. Such a guiding light for folk to follow.
  3. My local cafe near 89 Plaza in Chiang Mai up to 8 police there every morning, many of them vaping. Such shining examples of law enforcement.
  4. Only in Thailand could such an inane idea be accepted.
  5. That timeslot a bit late for cartoons.
  6. One has a golden friend, the other doesn't.
  7. They speak english. maybe you can learn 🙂
  8. If only you had looked it up. He did complain to police, who confiscated his passport which he only recovered by paying them a bribe.
  9. All my Thai friends use the word "winter". Are you on some other planet?
  10. The guy who lost his Lambo while renting it out actually had a tracker on it, came to Thailand, went into the showroom where it was for sale, and claimed it was his. He even had a spare key to start it up. The dealer, instead of assisting, immediately called the police who sided with the Thai dealer. The rental guy only just avoided being detained by local police and left empty handed. No true justice here unless it goes global.
  11. Tops still selling them as of today. Why?
  12. Glad I never fly this clown airline anymore.
  13. I'm so sorry I deliberately ripped you all off.
  14. Lots of great Primitivo wines available here. Try Vinestovino or WinePro Thailand.
  15. Still blaming Covid. What a bunch of numpties.
  16. cry me a river. change jobs dunce.
  17. You must love being gouged by bank exchange rates.
  18. The same company that gave a tourist fake US currency a few years ago?
  19. Various weed stores already have "Cannabis Patient Cards" printed up, stamped by the "Thai Traditional Medication" board and set for distribution to any customers. Banning will make zero difference and this stupid government knows that.
  20. Found out it is a jackfruit
  21. Definitely not a lime
  22. Can anyone help me identify this tree I saw in Cha Am?
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