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Everything posted by SmartyMarty

  1. Clearly you don't believe in improving safety. That is disgusting behaviour.
  2. I've always thought the best place for a 'selfie generation' location would be on the edge of an enormous pit, the surrounding edges of which are extremely slippery, filled with crocodiles.
  3. This will create quite a large lump when it is eventually swept under the carpet.
  4. Start with real education followed by enforcement and proper penalties.
  5. No ban please. I need to regularly check my lottery numbers and keep in touch with all my mia noi.
  6. The wings are awarded not from jumping from an aircraft, but from jumping from a platform. Sums up everything about these persons.
  7. Not enough gold braid in the photograph.
  8. 90%? Are you sure it's not 90.37%. Ridiculous generalisations, but a typical comment from an old codger.
  9. He got off very lightly IMO. Scumbag.
  10. If you really want to save lives, rather than just talk about it, you would ban passengers in the back of utes 100%. But that doesn't work for the feudal system here.
  11. there is no such thing as a drinkable Thai wine.
  12. We're all on a very slippery slope and the handholds are fast disappearing.
  13. The same quacks that told us sinovac was brilliant?
  14. Follow the money as usual. Dopes.
  15. If you need a prime example of the economic mismanagement of this govt, the weak baht serves.
  16. All covered under an ironclad warranty I’m sure.
  17. Probably the same quacks who said Sinovac was really good.
  18. Ok. You try it then. Send us your results from prison.
  19. They’ll be equipped with a device for hanging a white flag next time a Myanmar jet appears.
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