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Posts posted by ThaiRebound

  1. Hello, 


    This afternoon when crossing through the Nongkhai immigration office (border), I had to request a departure card because I had lost mine. Seeing me fill out a replacement card, a freestanding officer asked to look through my passport and then asked in a stern voice if I had passed through some times before to renew my visa. I stated it was the first time, and he jotted some things on the card and let me go on my way. Why did he ask that question? Would it have mattered if it weren't the first time? Is passing through more than once, even twice, a cause for denial of re-entry sometimes? Does this branch even have that function? 





  2. Hello TV Community, 


    I am already in Vientiane and am going to apply for the SETV tomorrow. Do I need to have flight confirmation ready? What does the proof look like (e.g., paper print out with confirmation, flight itinerary printed out, other) Do they check? Are there any other options for arranging proof of travel out of Thailand if I am sitting in my hotel room in Vientiane the night before applying? 


    Thanks for any assistance with this topic, 



  3. Hello TV'ers, 


    I am staying in a hotel which is 2.1 km from the Thai Embassy of Laos in Vientiane. The hotel front desk clerk says that it is a flat fee of 250 rmb Baht by either taxi or tuk tuk. This seems unreasonable because conflicting website information suggests that it is 40 or 45 rmb per km. This will be at 7:30 AM. I am wondering what you folks think about that or if you have any experience to contradict or support any of these figures. As an aside, if I were to take a motorcycle, what could I expect to bargain them down to? 


    Thank you for any help,



  4. Hello, 


    I am not sure if this is what qualifies as a "90 day visa run," but I I had a 60 day tourist visa and extended 30 days. Now, I am crossing into Laos  to pick up another 60 days in Thailand. Can this be done a couple days before the visa expires? Thai offices are closed today and Laos offices are closed on the 27th for holiday. Can this be accomplished within this timeframe? If I arrive early afternoon can I still make it to both Laos visa on arrival and Thai embassy, or should I stay near border tonight? When I am in Laos, should I go to to the Thai Embassy and submit paperwork for next day pick-up, or can I just cross back into Thailand? Can this thai visa application be submitted in the afternoon and picked up the following afternoon?


    Thanks, I'm really confused


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