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Posts posted by tropiccapricorn

  1. I have been living high-rise in Jomtien for quite some time now and it is easy to

    see the brown slick emerging from several tubes some way out in the sea.

    Rather sure it’s not coca cola. My greatest nightmare, if I went swimming there

    would be suddenly reading the paper I used some hours ago bla bla bla.

    For heaven’s sake get sewage treatment before empty flyers.

  2. "Anyone any thoughts?"

    I believe not a single word of your post. Entertaining, though.

    Well thats entirely up to you! I have the scars ,hospital bill,police report and accountants bill which I could post if I was more computer literate

    Actually, you don’t have to prove anything to anybody on this forum.

    You stated your case, obviously having had rather bad luck and it would be very much appreciated

    if people, who are in a position due to knowing their way around, land-office and so on

    could give you usable advice to kind of limit damage.

    Somebody wanting to make a movie about it, remember somebody did the same about the titanic

    making entertainment with a horrible tragedy.

    Some people it seems can only accept a reality which complies with their wishful thinking

    about LOS ignoring the fact that here as anywhere it can be shady from sunny to black.

  3. i see barbara windsor as the basket case , ken dodd as the punter , kenneth williams as the mate renting the house , hattie jacques as the som tam lady and sid james as the pattaya lawyer advising the punter. also bert kwouk in a cameo role as the motorcycle taxi driver. nicholas cage has agreed to play "lek" , the bearded katoey with a heart of gold who comes to the rescue of the lads and ultimately finds happiness in the arms of the punter after a traumatic sex change operation.

    carry on pattaya dangerous will be a big budget production using traditional british humour and subtle pathos to document the ups and downs of life in pattaya for a group of british expats ,on the run from their home town of liverpool after warrants are put out for their arrests for hubcap theft as they struggle to come to terms with the cultural differences and unexpected turns of events that befall them as they chase love in that seaside town on the gulf of siam.

    filming to start in blackpool , december 2008.

    Just sit on it

  4. A friend of mine looked at EVERYTHING and says he kept going back to Grand Condotel and bought there. He says Grand Condotel has first class construction, has location - on Dongtarn Beach, quiet, excellent management, transparent accounting, security is tight, beautiful mature gardens, 2 swim pools, 2 tennis courts, outside corridors, up-to-date safety equipment. In fact he describes it as "paradise" and lives there full-time now.

    Do they have sophon cable TV or what?

  5. I suppose the inclusion of a so called expert witness happens for 2 reasons only.

    First possibility, the judge is not up to his job and therefore has to be educated,

    second it is some kind of back engineering, meaning somebody wants a desired result absolutely

    and therefore a formula (interpretation) must be created to kind of create a connection between

    original law and desired result and that in a fashion that does not result in horses can’t stop laughing.

  6. Unfortunately the baches in Pattaya and Jomtien seem to convert more and more into open sewerage.

    I can observe in Jomtien several points where brown clouds emerge, probably outlets sewerage pipes.

    In Pattaya only the north seems to be reasonably clean, where as from central road to walking street

    the beach water at times actually turns black. Absolutely rubbish for a tourist, looking for a place to swim.

    No money for sewerage treatment?

  7. >>Why don`t you go along to the Pattaya Expats Club? <<

    The club meets every Sunday morning at the Grand Sole hotel on Second Road

    Because they are a cult of lonely weirdos ,who will only make the OP feel even more lonely .

    Every time this Expats Club gets mentioned, it is being torn apart, at least a little bit.

    But actually the people organizing it really try to do what’s possible on a very restricted budget, get some sort

    of entertainment on the stage which may be interesting to as many people as possible without getting too commercial

    or expensive. And there are some good points attached to it like getting information about visa problems,

    Pattaya International Hospital is there and if required legal services. And they at least had a kind of social-emotional

    meeting people group there as well.

  8. Very regrettable is that Pattaya didn’t manage to install a halfway decent bus-service as apparently planned with those red, green and yellow lines. But when one is waiting for one (in scorching heat), within 15 min. or so, a bus should turn up (reliably and better maintained) and should serve the popular routes, like beach rode Where by the way I have never seen one.

    With the 20 bath fare, I suppose, one could be reasonably happy. Of course that would mean to get rid of maybe half or more of the number of those bath-busses as always increasing the volume won’t work and that shift seems to be impossible.

  9. Wouldn’t it be nice if the bath-busses would again be encouraged to display the fare-sign

    the one which says not over 10 bath ore something which seems to disappear out of many taxies.

    An other thing is the fare itself. (Exempli gratia) from VT Jomtien to California (second road) is that 10 bath or more?. I do hate it to be at the discretion of the driver. No rules?

  10. I suppose the whole thing boils down to let`s be rich today, who cares who will be sorry tomorrow.

    When I see that monster slowly creeping up, I really can not see any way by which it could be

    reduced to 14 m. I suppose, the final decision probably was made, when the building stop was lifted.

  11. The only thing known is this decision will have an effect on foreign investments in Thailand. Because if they go with the expert witness adding words to the Issue 9 and the map how would anyone feel save investing in Thailand it the future? This case is being watched by many foreign embassy.

    Now that is exactly the point. You might do anything feeling protected by a law only to find out some time later,

    that due to substantially changed circumstances that actually that law is not worth the paper it is written on.

    How about the military suddenly questioning companies in connection with real estate? Seems to be quiet now.

    If you then think to have a case, it might turn out to be an expensive try to fight windmills.

    So, to be on the save side, try to avoid high pressure areas, just if they could be recognized in advance, move into a

    village enjoy it and get completely frustrated by neighboring dogs and loud music. (If unlucky)

  12. So yes, as hard to believe as it is, there are a couple of places in the world where Americans may not be as loved and respected as they expect to be !

    Could VN, IRAQ and maybe a dozen other countries suffer of similar phobias?

    Of course hel_l knows why. So without any America-bashing it would I suppose be nice to see a speedy hearty farewell.

  13. According to the original wording of that law, anything built higher than 14 m and closer to the beach than JCC is illegal.

    But due to increasing pressure (financial and so) it seems to have worked out that the people required to uphold the law absolutely intend to ignore and forget it for which all sorts of adventurous interpretations are used.

    Or maybe somebody tell me one reason why the builders of JCC didn’t build those towers 100 m closer to the beach

    and as a result VT7 wouldn’t be at all.

    The sad thing is that apparently exactly the obedience to this law it is they are getting punished for now.

  14. Today is the 20. Is the splashing madness really really over or may we have to put up with some aftershocks?

    I just wonder do they issue an award for competent imbecility or do we have to just linger on in joyful anticipation for the next splash.

    I read in BP that before the Vietnam war it used to be nice and cosy but some people coming here for recreational purposes

    brutalized it. Apparently.

    And it apparently used to be much shorter but some very involved people reckoned it to be a tourist attraction. Wow

  15. Soft water is not an adjective describing the water, but rather a form of speech that is describing the soft and gentle way of the Thai traditional water festival. Have you ever seen the Thais gently drop water on Buddha figures? This is the true way and spirit of the holiday.

    Instead, a bunch of Thai and farang ass*oles have decided to take over the streets for seven days of their own brutal water attacks.

    How bloody true. When one gets older it seems to get more difficult to see the funny side of somebody slamming a bucket full of water at you when stalled at a red traffic light.

    I think this queer amusement for psychopaths should at least be reduced to one day.

  16. I could imagine, (just a thought) that the admin got some rather unpleasant response on certain posts about this matter

    with possible consequences (legal or so) on which it was decided to take the safer way out which would be

    understandable. But unsubstantiated or not is a different matter, of course so would be proof of any allegation.

    Anyway the unfortunate thing would be if it would end up talking about the weather.

  17. I am not one to say never buy for your wife - buy but its a gift given freely - if you take that

    approach you dont get to hurt - ive probably given put in my wifes name around 20 mill baht

    its my gift to her for over 6 years of happy marriage and if in end it all goes wrong then I will care

    more about my broken heart than some money - however I do make sure as I did with my first wife

    that I have enough left to get by (my first wife got about 70 million baht and I dont regret it at

    all) My current wife is 35 years younger than me and is the most wonderful thing thats ever happened

    - she could have walked away with a few million in early years and id have considered it lucky

    First wife got 70 (seventy) million are you shure? How did you manage that. Is she wading in gold evermore?

    Is the whole village wading in gold evermore? And the buffalos, walking around in Sunday attire all week long?

    How does it concrete look like? You know, it’s just to get an idea or two for my next life, after all you never know,

    do you. But you unlimited resources are to be envied.

    That’s why you can allow yourself to be broken hearted when I would have been just broke.

    And your present wify of six years 20 millions. And above all the noble notion as sung in ancient times

    Je Ne Regrette Riene.

    But then your consideration for yourself to get by (somehow) does indeed make sense.


    Anyway People here who want to have a young wife but dont want to trust them should just keep a

    mistress and not kid themselves True word.

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