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Posts posted by tropiccapricorn

  1. Nevertheless, where No. 3 (8) under the Ministerial Regulation No. 8 (B.E. 2519) issued by the virtue of the Building Control Act B.E. 2479 amended by the Ministerial Regulation No. 9 (B.E. 2521) issued by the virtue of the Building Control Act B.E. 2479 prescribed that the 200 meter line measured from the construction control line shown in the map annexed to the Royal Decree promulgating the Building Control Act B.E. 2479 governing Tambol Bang Lamung, Tambol Nhong Plalai, Tambol Na Klue and Tambol Nhong Prue of Ampur Bang Lamung Chonburi Province B.E. 2521 on the seaside shall be restricted from constructing of any building exceeding 14 meter high from road surface.

    The way it is written here, it seems clear that the point of reference for measuring is MSL.

    So how on earth can somebody suddenly get the idea to change that point to somewhere out

    into the sea. If the seaside should come into the picture (which it obviously never ment to)

    it would mean 200m water- and 200m landside to be protected.

  2. Construction control line. Wow I am shattered.

    Of course I am sure this term is included in the wording of the original law as well

    as the follow up procedures to get to the desired results that all those VTs are out of

    the ‘danger’ zone. So 49 pages and several court proceedings wasted and one

    can only state as already inspector clouseau remembered to say ‘Case closed’.

  3. The law concerning buildings higher than 14 m within 200 m of MSL has been in place for a long time.

    And the violations of it accordingly date very far back.

    Of course the building permits were always issued with the blessing of city hall which of course must always have been aware of the situation.

    But it seems there has been until VT7 never a real challenge to those permits issued and therefore

    peace and quietness.

    For the first time now, the permit has been challenged by lawyers and courts.

    The result can be seen on site. Of course, remunerations in many directions notwithstanding,

    the people putting in place this law must have been completely ignorant of the avalanches of money pressure arising as a conflict of interest which is a good example having a law and having the ability

    to enforce it. Two different worlds. To clarify the situation? Give VT7 as a reference.

    Of course, if any future happenings would prove different, ah well, we are no prophets just guessing.

  4. Frustrated falang comes to LOS, finds gorgeous hunk of meat called bar-girl and feels a spontaneous first sight luv for her.

    After some time, two or three days, they decide for

    a future together of course only after hubby has cautiously found out his sate of affairs

    concerning bank accounts. If he tells her, can only rent condo, smile freezes

    same when he thinks company way would be nice.

    Since he not want to loose recent conquest, he is slowly driven out of protection

    of his money. After all, she does have a winning nature.

    When he then finds out her real nature, it is too late.

    And the moral of the story, any freezing implies, she will leave anyway

    and that should be, while your money is still on your account.

  5. At last we know it for sure according to Real Estate (March)

    They now build by final decision of the administration court from 15. 1. 08 up to full impressive 27 floors in direct ocean front.

    And that with full power and highest speed to regain lost building time because as quoted a small group of irresponsible foreigners tried to stop this wonderful condominium project by creating a big court case against VT.

    Fortunately these aliens lost this court case clearly and finally already and this absolutely breathtaking condominium will be built with its full 27 impressive floors. and those foreigners in LOS realize now that all of them are guests in the Kindom of Thailand only.

    The wide spread bad opinion about 'farangs' is mainly based on the inappropriate behavior of those foreigners like the farang plaintiffs in this case.

    Hopefully even these people learnd carefully about life in LOS now which would be progress for them.

    If those foreigners do not feel comfortable in LOS any more, they should leave and return to their home countries instead

    of disturbing the Thai courts and the well working Thai/farang community

    of developers and entrepeneurs in Pattaya. So we have it all white on black. (Excuse vomit)

    So lets open the selling spree like they did with JCC years ago where of course there was no qustion.

    And if you ever feel compelled to defend your case applying a Thai law set up by Thais against violation

    just leave to origin or even better join the new crowd.

    And for those who doubt, in the meantime, the structure rose by two more floors and anybody hoping for jacks to reduce

    it is probably in fairyland.

    Happy investments.

  6. Maybe I am not informed enough but this discussion around 200 m seems funny.

    If this law were meant as it is applied now, shouldn't it have been written 100 m on either side of MSL?

    The law might have been breached many times without opposition.

    It still is a violation. So maybe LOS is afterall a country of (tea laws).

  7. And the new facts what do they spell out?

    Again the iron rods grow to high heaven but this time above the ominous 14m limit.

    I don't know if there was a decision or not and what.

    But somebody (VT) seems to be certain climing higher is ok.

    One could wonder how much tea it takes to ridicule a law to that extent.

    Measuring out to sea in itself is an insult but then one should know the exact wording of this thing.

    But as some wise man stated, when there is so much money involved, the breaks fail.

  8. Of course I consider it a joke to assume the buyers of VT7 condos did not know the impact

    VT7 would make on JCC and for that matter VT5 also except of course the ones

    who never visited the site.

    But since they are consumers rather than judges they most likely didn’t mind to inherit the

    sea view from JCC. If there is a law which should prevent VT7 then somebody (not VT7 with its

    ‘lawful construction’) violated it and should be made really accountable.

    As for the money of those investors off plan if 14 m would really be the end of the line,

    one could only wish them good luck.

    Jomtien is full of empty plots up and down. So why the hel_l exactly in the middle of a built up area

    which jeopardizes so many peoples view. Anybody coming to LOS as those having been here long

    time would certainly prefer a sea view to that of a neighbours balcony.

  9. Maybe an other version of sleeping with the enemy.

    Prime suspect? Usually who benefits from a crime. So, condo rent or buy and currency, long way or just

    around the corner.

    Some time ago, Thaivisa was full of plasticbags and leaps. Then suddenly silence.

    Now again old pattern. Is it the business of any embassy to care about this?

    It is Thai jurisdiction, isn’t it. Of course, nothing can be ruled out but having a local in a high rise

    might be a potential for danger. People have been drugged and robbed.

  10. I wonder if anybody is aware of the implications of this court case. As it seems the 200 m from MSL

    regarding over 14 m is law. Now if the court rules in favour of VT7, that would set a precedent for

    all future cases on all of Thailand’s beaches. This law would never be enforceable again.

    If somebody gets the clever idea to first measure out into the deep, then I wonder of course how the

    exact wording of this law is. But don’t make the sharks lough.

    I wonder what takes the court so long to come to a final decision anyway.

    Wouldn’t be something we don’t know would it.

  11. Anyone who had a drafting class high school knows arrows pointing at each only to covey info between the arrows. Why is city hall and vt7 so stupid?

    Because it seems VT got away with it when building VT3 and VT5 and of course it is anybody's guess how much money

    there was involved. Now VT7 just in front of JCC is a extrem thing and now all the people adversly affected

    hope for a court ruling in favour of the existing law. The talk where MSL is supposed to be is stupid because

    unless the distance is measured vertivally nobody will get the missing 100 meters.

    They are still pouring concrete like mad and the iron is pointing to heaven. 14 meters +? I do hope they have to stop now.

  12. The charter airline that flew the Dobbs family home revealed that the family also upset fellow passengers by failing to clap when the plane touched down.

    Now that of course explains it. How can you expect the pilot to make a reasonable touchdown

    when he doesn’t feel appreciated.

  13. One thing puzzles me. We live at a time of complete video-control.

    And when I'm correctly informed, this A380 monster has a enormesly high rudder

    somewhere back. Every passenger can now watch the landing-approach on a screen

    but don't have the pilots an overall view of the aircraft from some point up there?

    At least one of them.

  14. Don't forget that Thai law will always go in favour of Thai people, we're just here by their tolerance and goodwill. The jobs and the money created by VT benefit Thai people and the local economy.

    When I see all those people on the building site of VT7 filling in concrete and iron I wonder where the big money goes.

    Does anyone know how much thai this view talay firm really is?

  15. In Jomtien it is easy to see, where raw untreated sewerage is pumped into the sea. Depending on the current, a very large strech of beachwater turns brown. I would not swim there. Actually, the beach is the hen who lays the golden eggs.

    When they mess that up, probably not much left. Sewerage treatment before condos would be a good idea.

  16. They sure are concreting and armoring like mad. They are actually finishing the basic concret structure. Somebody told me they can do that up to 14 metres.

    I suppose if true and next week would be negative for VT7, they would build up to 14 metres

    and keep on fighting until loophole big enough to go on. I suppose they won't quit before

    Jomtien is covered in concrete and when tourists find out beach water brown and beach view

    concrete and have nicer places to go, they will have made their millions and who cares.

  17. I just contacted VT-office and the manager over there told me that they will start construction again tomorrow and that my units on the 11th floor will be build as planned, just with a delay.

    Amazing! The Supreme Admin Court order vt7 not to build over 14 meters or about 4 stories.

    Vt7 is told you they are build your condo on the 11 floor. Are they going to build all the 27 stories?

    This is getting interesting. Can vt7 piss on the court and get away with it?

    He told me everything will continue as planned, so if my 11th floor will be there, nr. 27 will be as well.

    Or maybe they plan to reduce the ceiling heights to about 50 cm, so we have to crawl into our appartments... :D

    Has any one received an e-mail message from VT7 requesting you to stare making payments on you VT7 condo? :o

    Friends tell me after visiting the VT office that payments are requested as usual and they (VT) seem optimistic about next Wednesday's decision.

    There is activity at the construction site. I don't know if they're just moving material and equipment around or actually doing any building. Perhaps others can comment.

    Supposedly VT has broken ground or will soon on a new luxury hotel by VT3 (near Pattaya Park). It will be a low-rise like the Avalon stepping to high-rise. Maybe someone would like to take a walk down the beach and confirm.

  18. I once read about a country where military service is placed above everything so much that when one is drafted at the tender age of 20, you never get rid of it untill you have reached an ripe old age. All this time the mighty warmen have

    their military-gear at home, like high boots, shoepolish, 3 needles and of course the shotgun. Talk about stable relationsships, environment, hubbies ect., last year in the paliament of that country,

    political lefties have started a motion, that with regards to the alarmingly high suicide rate of warmen suggesting to lock up the shotguns in a save place rather than let those men take those dangerous things home after the

    mandatory anual refresher. of course the rightwingers immediatley rejected with the argument that the defendability of the place must be guaranteed at all times unless of course reduit has been proclaimed before.

    Even the political rightwing women suggested, it would be saver to have the guns locked away. Maybe because as far as money goes, you need somebody to get up early in the mornig.

    So, it is not only Pattaya where problems like these happen. The thing about Pattaya may be, that the dream in a far away country may turn into a nightmare eventually for whatever reasons.

    When I see the average age of this community, I assume that health might be one of the problems.

    A survey raised in that country also concluded that the most prone are the very young and the elderly.

    An old man loosing all his money to a GF?

    Different version in Europe. A person phones somebody. Hi I am a very distant relative of you, momentarely in the area and I thought I just check on how you are. Good? Delighted.

    Listen I work for a very renound firm and am supposed to buy a car. Now my problem is the banks you know unreliable again. So if you could lend me 100 000 Euro just for one day would be terrific.

    And guess what. The person runs to the bank, daws and hands it all over the alleged relative. Thanks aunty sweet until tomorrow. Of course tomorrow never comes so the police is involved.

    And the police says you are not the first case, we don't know what to do. People turn up, collect and disappear again.

    If for whatever reason you forget to say No at the wrong moment, it gets very expensive.

    Also suicides committed in one place could mean similar psychological patterns accumulating in this place which could have happend otherwise in many different places. So Pattaya actually is the victim of its own actractivness.

    The problem with the current Thai rulers is the different interpretation of certain laws regarding company ownership.

    Actually laws should not be interpretet, they should be written that every government comes to the same conclusion. Money? Maybe you can't have it both ways.

    I wonder, if anyone has ever bothered to take blood samples from the jumpers. If somebody would be vicious enough,

    I suppose, it would be easy to drug a person then tell him he sure could do with some fresh air and you know what.

  19. Condo owners sue for sea view

    PATTAYA: -- A group of Jomtien apartment owners has asked the Administrative Court in Rayong to halt the construction of a new residential building that will block their sea views.

    Ten foreign Jomtien Complex Condotel apartment owners are fighting to preserve their uninterrupted beach views following Pattaya City Council building permission for a new apartment building directly in front of them.

    The complaint asserts Pattaya City wrongly granted construction permission to View Talay Jomtien Condominium.

    It adds the permission did not meet 1978 planning regulations and alleges it will deprive them of their present unobstructed views of Jomtien Beach.

    Jomtien Complex Condotel resident of two years Richard Haines, 62, retired, is one of the plaintiffs. The United States expatriate claims the development of View Talay 7 is in breach of planning law.

    The building is on the beachfront and will obstruct views, he argued. "I purchased my condo in October 2005 when I decided to make Thailand my retirement home.

    "But the new View Talay 7 building will block me from ever seeing another sunset from my condo," he said.

    Haines alleged View Talay 7 was illegal because it was 14 metres in height and within 200 metres of the sea. Buildings of this height are prohibited within 200 metres of the shore by planning law, he said.

    Pattaya Mayor Niran Wattana-sartsathorn said the city correctly issued building permission.

    "I'm not worried that some foreigners are suing the city in the Administrative Court because we are just an agent to mediate this problem.

    "If the foreigners succeed it will be a precedent for others and maybe developers will think before getting into problems like this," Niran added.

    The court will hold a preliminary hearing tomorrow.

    --The nation 2007-03-27

  20. They must have bigger jails than I thought. I think I will take my original passport to the beach! April 1, huh?

    Maybe NOBODY should carry their original passport, then they would have to arrest ALL tourists.

    Really, this is ridiculous. It is just not safe to carry your passport everywhere at all times.

    If they do insist, maybe they can turn this into a BUSINESS. Immigration could authorize agents all over the country to produce official cards that show current legality to be in the country, which expire on your permission to stay expiration date (for a nice fee, of course). You would have to get a new one every time you do a visa run, report, etc. Problem solved, new business created and thousands of Thai jobs!

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