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Posts posted by weejun

  1. 18 hours ago, ddavidovsky said:

    Agreed with you until the conclusion. Israel is certainly bent on taking over the West Bank completely in the long term.

    If so, they are doing a pretty shitty job at it. The first new settlement in 20 years, and Jewish settlements still make up less than 2% of the West Bank according to Palestinian sources?


    Those terrible Jews must be incredibly patient. At this pace, they'll take over the West Bank completely around the year 5000 or so. Pretty darm long term indeed!

  2. On 17.3.2017 at 10:01 AM, dexterm said:

    This demographic engineering manifests itself in several discriminatory ways that consitute apartheid most often in form of confiscating Palestinian land, forbidding them building/repair permits while encouraging Jewish only settlements (colonies) on the same land in occupied territories; the right of Palestinians to marry whomsoever they wish, and the right of Palestinians to family reunification (all allowed to Israeli Jews)

    Wait, so occupying the enemy's land is apartheid? So the allied forces were guilty of apartheid when they occupied Germany during WWII? Or it is just wrong when a Jewish stat does it?


    On 16.3.2017 at 0:31 PM, darksidedog said:

    Regardless of who authored the document there is an underlying truth to part of the accusation.

    The country is not on a level footing for all persons living there.

    Israel was formed to provide a homeland after WW2 and the terrible persecution of the jews by Hitler.

    Having been on the receiving end, I still find it hard to understand why they can not be more tolerant and open minded.

    A resolution to the problems has to come at some point, which will only happen when both sides are on a level playing field.

    Israel has the power to bring this to reality, the Palestinians do not.

    What do you mean by "not on a level footing for all persons living there"? Are you confusing Israel itself with the occupied West Bank?


    As for being tolerant and open minded, that's great when the other guy isn't launching rockets at your civilians and carrying out frequent suicide attacks.


    On 17.3.2017 at 9:33 AM, Saladin said:

    I am not antisemitic or even anti Israel. I used to be a big fan of Israel

    Why do I find that hard to believe?

  3. Oh boy.


    U.N. Under-Secretary General and ESCWA Executive Secretary Rima Khalaf said the report was the "first of its type" from a U.N. body that "clearly and frankly concludes that Israel is a racist state that has established an apartheid system that persecutes the Palestinian people".

    Now what countries might be part of this ESCWA thing, one might ask? Why, paragons of human rights and objective views on Israel: Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, The Sudan, The Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, The United Arab Emirates and Yemen.


    Obviously an objective and truthful report


    On 16.3.2017 at 6:43 AM, ilostmypassword said:

    Just because the Israelis have massively stolen Palestinian property as the South African Apartheid regime did to black africans? Just because there is one set of laws of the West Bank for Palestinians and another for Israelis? Just because the Israeli government wants to set up a geographic patchwork of small palestinian territories on the west bank as the South Africans did with its bantustans?

    Totally baseless conclusion to this report.

    You seem to be confusing a few different things.


    Stealing property is not apartheid. There is not a single state on the planet which has not stolen someone's land at some point. I would contest your claim about Israel stealing land, but that discussion will completely derail the thread.


    Having different rules for citizens and foreigners is the way it works everywhere. But I guess it's only bad when a Jewish state does it.


    Geographic patchwork of small Palestinian territories on the West Bank? Got a source for that? Jewish settlements make up less than 2% of the West Bank.


    So yes, the conclusion is totally baseless, and your post is based on misunderstandings.

  4. 7 hours ago, dexterm said:

    The call to prayer is a constant reminder to Israelis that they may have occupied the land, but that Palestinians are still there and form the majority religion.


    This is just another example of memoricide, as the Israeli historian Ilan Pappe calls it.

    Apart from Pappe being a fraud who creates fake quotes and steals other people's work, the call to prayer is still there. It just isn't blasted into peoples ears at ungodly hours. Why are you people pretending that they are banning the call to prayer?

  5. On 13.3.2017 at 9:13 PM, Thorgal said:

    OP is about law regulation originating from Jewish parliament votes in the Israeli Knesset in order to challenge religious freedom of Muslim population in Israel.

    How are the religious freedoms of Muslims challenged by them not being able to blast noise into other people's ears? They can still do everything including calling to prayer, just not with too much noise.

  6. On 12.3.2017 at 10:20 PM, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

    Ha ha. If you like to see katoys dancing that is your business in these PC days.

    I'm not a tourist, and I don't give advice on where tourists should go, I only give my observations on a specific question.

    My Thai missus is all original woman.

    Enjoy your stay.

    I'm actually not into ladyboys, so I avoided Cockatoo when I went to Soi Cowboy to see the place for myself. I was under the impression that other clubs/bar on Soi Cowboy were ladyboy-free. When someone claims otherwise I obviously become curious. I also read elsewhere that Cockatoo is the only LB place on SC.


    So if that is wrong I would like to know what other places have LBs on stage.

  7. 17 minutes ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

    Sorry, go to Cowboy and see if the only bar with katoys is Cockatoo...

    Then you will understand.

    I did go there. How could I go to Thailand without visiting Soi Cowboy? And yes, I did see ladyboys in a couple of other bars, but they were not dancing on stage. They were serving drinks.


    But why would I have to go and see for myself? If you know about other bars that employ ladyboys, name them. What's the point in making a vague claim and then making the specifics a secret?

  8. On 24.1.2017 at 6:43 PM, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

    I was in Cowboy about 10 days ago. There are about 5-6 ladyboy bars there now. Thing that has changed is the hustlers, it is as bad as anywhere else now.

    Have fun...

    5-6 ladyboy bars on Soi Cowboy? Which ones? Cockatoo, and..?

  9. On 9.3.2017 at 2:27 AM, sanemax said:

    They should get alarm clocks with the calls to prayer as a bell.  If everyone gets one, there would be no need to the Mosques to call everyone

    I bet there's an app for this somewhere.


    As for the claims of racism, I'd rather say it's the opposite: No special treatment for a specific religion. Even if it's a minority (although Muslims vastly outnumber Jews if you look at the ME as a whole, so the whole "minority" thing in a tiny country surrounded by Muslim-majority states is a bit weird), they shouldn't be allowed to spread noise pollution.

  10. On 5.3.2017 at 4:04 PM, Khon Kaen Dave said:


    So by that rationale. all guys from the East End of London are villains. Grow up man.

    He didn't say that. He pointed out that nearly all bar girls are from Isaan, and they are there because they have no other choice. Most will probably do what they need to survive. If that means ripping off white guys, then so be it. Working in an environment like a typical gogo bar is bound to affect a person's values and their willingness to do things others may not be so inclined to do.


    That doesn't mean that all Isaan girls are thieving whores. It doesn't mean that all bar girls are bad people. But bar girls are much more likely to be bad people than other girls, and most bar girls are Isaan girls.


    Similarly, a poor guy from a poor family in a crappy part of London is much more likely to be a criminal than a rich guy who grew up with everything he needs and never struggled to survive. This is particularly true if he surrounds himself with friends who are bad people. Doesn't mean that all poor guys from the crappy part of town are bad people. But they are more likely to be bad people (or, for example, make bad choices out of necessity) than those with a solid job and good family backgrounds.

  11. Well, I will happily ignore any mentions of pregnancies since I know it won't be mine anyway. I've also told her I've no intentions of sending a single dime across the world. So what other scams could it be? It's fascinating to try and figure this out. With all the horror stories it's easy to believe it's an attempted scam, but I just can't think of what it might be.


    It's kind of weird to enjoy time with her while at the same time watching my back, haha.

  12. Well, I found myself a coyote dancer from a place where you can't barfine the girls (at least not officially), and the dancers never remove any layers of clothing (other than that it seems like a regular "gogo-ish" bar where you do the lady drink thing and get her to sit down and maybe do a clothed lap dance or something). Not sure if or how she's trying to scam me, but I can't imagine what she would gain apart from a few meals (I bought her some lady drinks the first few times before she started hanging out with me outside work). She knows I won't give her any money or take care of her if she leaves her job, and that this "thing" will likely be over when I go back home.


    Maybe she's trying to get me to knock her up (though we're only doing it protected so far), or she might be trying the fake pregnancy thing in a few month. At which point I will laugh realizing that I've taken my precautions beyond a mere rubber container, so it can't possibly be me who's the father.


    So I'm enjoying my time here with this crazily hot girl. I just can't stop trying to figure out if and how she's trying to scam me, haha. "You can't take the bar out of the lady", isn't that what part of the saying goes?


    Oh, and I have no real problems pulling girls in general. Not that I'm the biggest alpha male stud in the world exactly, but I'm doing OK in the ladies department at home.


    And so the adventures of the Thailand newbie continue...

  13. Can anyone suggest a nice hotel at around 1000-2000 THB in the Sukhumvit area, then? Preferably close to a BTS/MRT station.

    If there's a gym there, awesome. Same goes for a swimming pool.


    Sorry if I sort of hijacked this guy's thread, but I though I'd avoid making a brand new one...

  14. I've booked my ticket and now I realize I should get a local SIM card with data included. I need data access for 15 or so days.


    Do DTAC, TrueMove or AIS block/prevent VPN use?


    Am I correct that these are my options at the airport?

    AIS: 15 days for 599 THB


    TrueMove: 7 days for 299 THB, is that it? And then I need to an upgrade data package - 150 THB for 7 days or 300 THB for 10 days (449 THB or 599 THB in total then)


    DTAC (or this): 15 days for 599 THB


    So basically, they are all the same with the same price except TrueMove gives me a few more days?

    Is it only DTAC which offers an online order, and then just pick it up at the airport on arrival (sounds faster than doing everything there)?

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