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Posts posted by freethinker

  1. 1 hour ago, Acemaker said:

    Maybe he had the Aircon on full blast for far to long and just fell asleep.  :goof:

    Not nearly cold enough to make a person die from hypothermia. 


    Did you read about the Swedish man in Umeå who survived 2 month in a frozen car at -30 degree Celsius? 

    Seriously dying from hypothermia is HARD. I've personally slept outside on the ground (which is a big mistake as the ground will transfer heat from your body) in -8 degrees in the snow after having passed out drunk. I was completely FINE. 

  2. How the hell could a man die of hypothermia lying on a bed inside a house in Thailand???? Yes I've been to Isaan when it's been cold (Like 8 degree Celsius at it's coldest) but even that isn't cold enough to cause death by hypothermia even in really bad circumstances. 


    It takes a lot to lower your core temperature to the point you die from it. That is a fact. 




  3. I'm sure it plays a part. We're close in age though and I've taken good care of myself physically. Honestly I think she would be more comfortable if I stopped working out and let myself go. 


    Would she stay with me if I stopped earning and instead mooched off of her? Probably not for too long. She could just as easily get Somchai to fill that part and he knows how to sweet talk her juuuuuuust right. ;)



  4. On 2017-08-31 at 5:55 PM, Ulic said:

    As the new/upgraded restaurant is up and running now on a 20k baht

    budget I am just wondering how your wife is doing now ?

    Here's whats happened since:

    She now rents one of those Thai 'Tiki huts' basically just a roof with chairs and tables under (I'm sure you guys know what I mean as they are all over the place) in a location closer to the government building so we put the house adjacent restaurant idea on hold for now to see how it will work out. 


    My wife is currently employing her sister (who has experience in the business and to help with cooking) which eats away some profits. She doesn't take any salary herself at the moment and want to wait to the end of month to assess the situation.

    She thinks she will be able to show a net profit for herself at the end of the month but she doesn't seem to have worked out exactly how much (if any) profit she will make after deducting the cost of raw materials and gas etc over a months period. 


    I'm willing to finance the purchase of more inventory and raw material for a while longer if needed but if the business fails to become self sustaining we will talk about it. 

    Anyway she seems happy with it and it gives her something to do (even though she complains about the rain and heat every day) and she's out there every day working so time will tell. 


  5. 6 minutes ago, oldgent said:

    you have to many concerns about this, firstly i dont think your wife will let the locals take advantage.

    what you will be doing is improving her home which with a good builder will not cost a lot.

    you can get second hand kitchen equipment which would start her off and if successful buy new.

    the problem i had was a small coffee shop which just about covered the rent and supplies my lady

    got despondent because she could not see profit, therefore lost interest and gave up.

    that would be the only problem i see, apart from it costing you money but she is your wife. 



    Thanks for your reply. 

    I suppose I'm just being cynical after having read thread after thread about failing farang funded businesses. 

    Buying second hand is probably a good idea. I will shop around next time I'm up there and see how much money she will actually need. If she asks me for 100k she can probably make due with half of it if she forgoes making it "beautiful". 

    In any case I can live with losing the money as much of it will go to actually improving the house and buying utilities so worst case scenario she gets some new stuff. Hell I spent almost twice that buying a new TV and sound bar for my self last month :D 


  6. Sales girl for Lacoste earned 40k baht a month in salary + commissions. She had 10 years experience though. She quit the job after the pressures of an even increasing budget got to her. (the life of young pretty sales girls can involve some pretty shady shit even in BKK) She now does massages (and extras) in Pattaya and is much more content with life though she sometimes questions why she quit. I knew her from her Lacoste days so i know she was for real. 




  7. So my wife is currently selling food out of her Isaan house and makes a small profit but she usually run out of food before she runs out of customers as she lacks the proper utilities to prepare food on a larger scale. 

    She wants to make a real go of it and naturally that means I will have to finance it. 


    What she says she need is the following:

    Bricks to make another room in her house for a proper kitchen and some electrical work. (Some of this money will also go towards making a private room for me in the house for when I stay there and for a proper toilet.)

    Gas stove with oven (10-20k baht depending on brand and model) 


    Beverage set, pots and pans and dishes. 

    Money to buy inventory. 



    She estimates she will need 100k baht in total and that money will also keep her afloat for a few month before she can turn some kind of profit and get a broader customer base. 


    I don't doubt my wife's work ethic or good intentions however I have no idea what kind of profits a small restaurant/food stall can even generate. I realize I will never get my seed money back however if she can become self sustaining i would call it a victory.


    I'm slightly worried that the locals will see a farang funded food stall as a "free lunch" and will try to get out of paying and expecting free meals. I also have no idea how much money the villagers have or how large the potential customer base is. The good news is that her house is very close to a large government office and she claims most of her customers come from there. 


    My main concern is local free loaders who "borrow" food or will "pay later" as I don't know how "jai dee" my wife is when it comes to dealing with the villagers. While I believe my wife to be pretty savvy when it comes to money I really have no idea how good her business sense is and whether she will really understand that a business will need to turn a profit and that I won't want to keep funding  a bleeding business. 


    Anyone have an experience in this matter? How much did you invest and what kind of profit was had if any. 





  8. 7 hours ago, HHTel said:

    How many of you actually read the full report.  His wife was in the garden.


    "Henri was in the living room, on the computer when I went outside to talk with my friend – I was outside less than five minutes when I heard his chair shaking,” Ms Chalermsee recounted.

    "The last thing I saw was Henri waving at me… I thought he wanted to go to the bathroom and I went to get his walker, and then the nurse screamed from what she saw,” she said.


    Well if the wife said so that's all the proof i need! Case closed. Ooooooor maybe they should check the whereabouts of the wife's gik Somchai. 


    It may very well turn out to be a suicide but the least we could expect is some kind of police and crime scene investigation considering the unusual method of suicide. Or do you think the wife's testimony is enough? 

  9. This is starting to get Kafkaesque! What the <deleted> is the police doing? How many westerners need to get killed (read: murdered) before the police start investigating these deaths properly? Did they check security footage? Interview the neighbours or the wife or the wife's Gik Somchai? Was there a blood splatter analysis done or any kind of crime scene investigation? Did they even check for prints on the murder weapon and around the house? 


    Killing oneself in this fashion is EXTREMELY rare. Hell even jumping doesn't rate very high and it seems in Thailand farang jumps to their death every day. 


  10. 3 hours ago, sandrabbit said:

    I think the mobile phone urban myth comes from your house telephone when the outside cable was struck by lightning whilst someone was on the phone.

    Almost got <deleted> killed when lighting struck my phone line. A lighting bolt went trough the line, inside my house and came out of the phone socked and struck wildly in to the room. Scared the piss out of me. 


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