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Posts posted by freethinker

  1. 9 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

    I guess most of you do not know that in Thai culture, your foot is the lowest part of your body  and should stay on or near the floor.

    Seeing people who are in a foreign country do this kind iof activity just shows how ignorant they are.  I do not care if they are the

    best looking person in the world,  they are ignorant, and are acting stupid in a foreign country, Shame on them! 

       Also shame on the people who take this kind of thing lightly as well, as this is how the ignorance continues,  It is called having

    a slack attitude.   People can still read books,  or  ebooks, or talk to the travel agents  and get information, excuses of not knowing

    is simply that  Excuses.


    I would guess most of us here are well aware of this. It's not like it's secret knowledge only the "more Thai than Thai" expats know. 

    I don't step on coins or walk over sitting Thai people etc but only because they get aggravated and i don't want to deal with it. I habitually raise my feet high as to get my blood flowing if there is nobody close to smell my feet. It feels good and it's not really hurting anyone. 

  2. Nothing wrong with this. The seat in front is empty. I think it's hilarious how in some cases respecting Buddhism is super important to every Thai while they gladly break five other core tenets of buddhism the next minute. 


    It's incredibly offensive to me when a Thai is lying and trying to scam me out of my own money to my face but i let it slide every time. If a Swede did it to me i'd punch his <deleted> face off. 


  3. Good thing Thai thugs don't know the value of watches. I used to (stupidly) wear my Patek Philippe Calatrava around town but later decided it wasn't worth the risk just in case someone did know it's value and tipped the local thugs for a cut. I don't even wear a fake one these days. 


    Back in the day my old business partner got clocked going out of the bathroom in a Warsaw bar and got his wallet and Rolex stolen. 


  4. 8 hours ago, simple1 said:


    Rape in a person's home is a crime is it not and dependant on the nature of the attack could be just as sickening.. However, Swedish government stats indicate the volume sexual assault crime incidendents are relatively 'stable' for want of a better word, that in counter to the narrative of an ever increasing sexual assault rate as more migrant / refugees settle in Sweden.


    according to official statistics on file with The Swedish Crime Survey, the sexual violence rate in Sweden has remained about the same between 2005 and 2014. In fact, it actually decreased by .3 percent between 2013 and 2014.



    Considering the last wave of immigration started at around 2006 and has lasted up until now that is no surprise. 


    I would love to see statistics for Rapes perpetrated by strangers from 1970 up until today adjusted for population. That graph would look very different. 

    BRÅ has't released an unbiased survey since the infamous crime and immigration report of 2005. Guess the politicians didn't like what it had to say and has since changed the way BRÅ operates and removed much of it's autonomy. 


    The kind of sickening violent gang rapes we see now are completely unheard of in Sweden prior to 2005. We are dealing with an entirely new breed of sexual predators, and that won't change no matter how your moral relativists try. 



    You may also be familiar with the "Sweden has never been safer" reports coming out of the same agency? Those reports are a complete joke. Yes they are correct in absolute numbers but when people are referring to crime they are not talking about mail fraud, shop lifting, factoring and many such crimes which have all but dissappeared. 

  5. 8 hours ago, bubba said:


    That's what I suggested earlier - G force induced loss of control (G-LOC). If you look at the video, he is in an almost a 90° roll and pulls up hard, initiating a roll he couldn't handle. From the vapour you can see over the wings at that point, this means the aircraft was developing a lot of lift, thus Gs. There was plenty of time to eject, indicating he may have been unconscious. Apparently, this aircraft was not equipped with an Automatic Ground Collision Avoidance System (Auto-GCAS), as are some modern fighters, and that would saved him by getting out of the situation, levelling his wings and climbing, even if he was unconscious.


    I believe the Jas 39 C/D Version 20 has Auto-CGAS.

  6. 17 hours ago, hobz said:

    This swedish piece of shit has a history of crashing during these show events.

    In fact, if i recall correctly it crashed on its first public show in stockholm many years ago.. Pilot ejected and survived that time.

    Expensive piece of shit


    Incidents per flight hour makes it one of the safest Jets in production. 

    For the record several Thai pilots have died flying F16's previously. These things happen when you fly fighter jets. It's a dangerous job. 

  7. 7 hours ago, LivinLOS said:



    It would 'replace' the retirement visa for folks currently using it, who wish to have a 10 year visa (or more likely extension).. Not remove the option totally.. Is how I read it. 

    Anyway bring it on.. If if gets rid of some of the moaners and penny pinchers.. Thailand is no longer cheap, 300 baht yuppie beers and fashionable sets.. Get rid of the chang singlet contingent and I dont think Thailand is going to cry a river. 

    Do you have any idea how obnoxious you are? 


    Id vaguer most pensioners won't be able to meet these requirements. I suppose some US citizens can meet the lump sun with the 401k system they use but it will be tough for most who also don't wish to liquidate their assets at home. 

    The snobs on Thai Visa are out in full force as per usual labeling all who's pension is sub 100k as "Chang singlet penny pinchers" Preposterous. 


    Well it's good news for you and your ilk as you will no longer have to share soi with these dirty sex tourists. After all you belong to an entirely new class of affluent and cultured expats. May you share many cocktails at the Hilton sky bar celebrating the demise of these dirty peasants. 


    For the record i meet these demands with ease but i'd hate to be stuck in LOS with you people. Might as well stay home then. 



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