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Posts posted by DougSunee

  1. 2 hours ago, Pilotman said:

    I admire what he did 50 years ago, but the guy has been a lose cannon for years and off his trolley for much of it.  His behaviour pre the flight of 11 was unacceptable and it's a miracle that Neil Armstrong put up with him and didn't bump him off the flight. Gossip says that the only reason he didn't get bumped was that Jim Lovell would have taken his place and missed his own chance at command and Neil didn't want to do that to Jim.   Aldrin should keep quiet and retire gracefully, but grace has never been his strong point.  As Mike Collins said of him 'Buzz is more upset about not being the first man on the moon then he is happy that he was the second'.  

    Aldrin as I recall reading campaigned long and hard to be the first man on the moon, one of his reasons for going first was that as mission commander Armstrong should control the mission from the lunar module. 

    • Thanks 1
  2. Evening all just a quick update, I completed my 90 Day report this evening 27 Oct no hassle whatsoever. Windows 10 and Chrome whilst i've done it on-line before this is the first time i've ever been able to do it outside office hours.

  3. Almost everything that’s been posted about the missing couple is wrong and that includes their family name (Tranlitteration error) and nationality. We have known them for 25 years and my wife spoke to the sister in law who is Thai anD lives in Scotland last night. She is on her way to Thailand to join her niece the daughter of the missing couple. 


    I dont feel that I can give the family name at this time till it is officially released, however I’m sure that the family would appreciate it if people would stop the speculation about their dissapearance. 

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  4. As an ex-serviceman with 17years service in the RAF I can say quite happily that I don’t know anyone who liked parades. They are normally done on what should be your time of, time that could be better spent with your family and friends. Not marching through towns in front of civilians who couldn’t give a stuff about the forces. 

  5. I have an IPad 2 and it has preformed faultlessly. It had been running a bit slowly so I binned all the rubbish and reser it to the factory settings and now it's as good as new. I don't need cellular there is plenty of free wifi around Chiang  Mai or I can use my IPhone as a hot spot.

  6. On 22/05/2017 at 3:56 PM, planemad said:

    I joined the RAF aged 17, always wanted to! Started apprenticeship at RAF Halton as an aircraft technician and graduated 2 and half years later. Around 1974 joined the Harrier force and served in Germany (2 tours).


    The Harrier force took me to Norway, Denmark, Belize and the Falkland Islands (just after the "conflict"), managed quite a number of other detachments as well.



    I also served 4 years with the Nimrod fleet in the North of Scotland and spent 4 very enjoyable years back at Halton as an instructor, so overall; I travelled quite well, saw lots of the world at the Queens expense and learned a worthwhile trade. However, after 24 years of aircraft work, I wanted something different, so I spent my resettlement money on learning the pub trade which served me quite well for the next 9 years, but pub life, whilst lots of fun, is tiring and time off (without getting ripped off), is hard to manage.



    When an opportunity to work at RAF Cranwell came along, I took it, aircraft work again, but it got me away from the pub. Whilst there I was given the chance to work in Oman as an instructor in their Air force training college. I intended to work for maybe 2 or 3 years, put a bit of cash back into the account then return to the UK, never happened! 14 years later and with nothing much left at home and strong connections in Thailand, I retired here, and, generally, very happy.



    So, to the OP, would I advise someone today to join the military? Without a shadow of doubt, but the military today is not what it was when I joined, travel opportunities are limited, and, whereas I was encouraged to stay for 22+ years to gain a pension, todays military seem happy to let people go after 12 years. Cannot comment about promotion as so many changes since I left as a Chief Technician.


    As for advice, get the best schooling possible and try to enter the military as an Officer, they really do look after their own! Take every opportunity to do day release courses which the military will encourage, and, if like me you work with aircraft (or any professional trade), study for as many civilian qualifications as possible. A licenced aircraft engineer commands good money and can work all over the world.


    So, briefly, why not join the military, enjoy it, it is a good life but from the moment you enlist, work towards the day you retire, get as much from it as you can. That might sound rather mercenary but if the chances are on offer, you would be silly to ignore them.



    Sorry this has turned out longer than I had intended but I wanted to give as full an answer as possible based upon my own service career.



    Good Luck! Planemad


    Plane mad I would be surprised if we haven't met in our previous lives. I was on TSW mid to late 70s and at the Depot Seeb 86/98. The military as a career is certainly worth thinking about but you need the educational qualifications to make the most of it.

  7. On 16/04/2017 at 1:33 PM, DougSunee said:

    Unfortunately the money is still in my UK bank so it will still be a run to Savannakhet and start all over again. Never mind we have been needing an excuse to get away and see some friends on the road to the border. 

    Thanks for your help it is much appreciated.

    Joe got a bit of luck and there was someone coming who brought the cash. A quick visit Chiang Mai imegration 30 mins saw me with my 60 day extension. Thanks again and also CMI good service by them.

  8. 15 hours ago, rodney earl said:

    As a vietnam veteran the wearing of all of these medals and regalia really annoys me.!! I recently saw a ceremony where Prince Charles and his sons were in attendance, 

    and Prince Charles was wearing his medals on the left side of his chest as far as I am aware, you were medals you have earned on the left side of your chest and any

    medals that have belonged to relatives of yours are worn on the right side of the chest. Can someone tell me if Prince Charles was in the military and did he actually

    earn those medals.?

    Charles was a naval officer he commanded a minesweeper for a couple of years. His medals are not all military some are orders of chivalry.

  9. 6 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    The money only has to be in the bank for 2 months on the date you apply for the extension. The 3 months rule is only for extensions based upon retirement.



    Unfortunately the money is still in my UK bank so it will still be a run to Savannakhet and start all over again. Never mind we have been needing an excuse to get away and see some friends on the road to the border. 

    Thanks for your help it is much appreciated.

  10. On 10 April 2017 at 6:26 PM, ubonjoe said:

    The big advantage of the extension based upon is the lower financial requirements. Only 400k baht in the bank for 2 months or 40k baht income.

    You can also get a work permit and work with an extension based upon marriage.

    A few extra documents, and photos needed for the application based upon marriage. Having to go back to get the extension stamp after 30 days. For most people those are the only complaints most people have.

    I am on my 9th extension based upon marriage and cannot see any advantage in changing to an extension based upon retirement.

    Here is my general list that can vary by office. Marriage Extension Requirements.pdf


    Good morning do you know if it is possible to renew a Marriage extension based on a combination of funds in the bank and income. 



  11. Personally I like it Blue but it must be goog quality meat, not frozen. A well marbled Sirloin Scottish for me personally. It should be cooked just long enough to kill any bacteria on the outside but still remain uncooked inside, as others have said resting is important. This also makes an excellent Yum neua. Until we retired two years ago  we owned a restaurant in Scotland and if anyone wanted steak burned to a crisp who am I to force my personal tastes on them. 


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