"Rent", such matters are better left to professionals.
"Own", is an entirely different matter, whose costs, tolls over time, cannot be overestimated, financially, but more importantly, emotionally, psychologicaly.
The loneliness, and damage, from a long-term relationship, particularly marriages, particularly with children, betrayal, lies and emotional abandonment are long-lasting and can take years of therapy to help initiate recovery, substance abuse, or the feelings of obligations.
Add to that a visa tied to the marriage. Property ownership,, etc. Creates a perceived unsolvable, existential crisis.
Renting, on the other hand, with a growing feeling of attachment, that begins to fail, can be ended, followed by a short term feeling of sadness, tallying losses, a return to independence, renewed joy, a return to self-security change and moving on.
Such matters are most definitely, preferably, left to professionals.
LTR "ownership" should not be precluded, but very carefully considered, never the default choice, nor even aspirational. It should definitely involve consultation with a qualified lawyer and therapist, and not be some "morning after", "what the hell did I do?", "what the hell was I even thinking? ", conundrum, or nightmarish, quagmire with no chance of happy resolution.
Such matters can become life-ending rather than life reaffirming.
Perhaps "rent-to-own" is somewhere in the middle.
Still, again, it cannot be overstated, test-drive, or lease, but choose a professional, the up-front costs are minimal.
Both parties get something they need, it's an exchange for value, an you can always walk away, with both sence of self and securely intact, with head held high