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  1. its not the air pollution that is killing people it's the amount of salt in foods wow who new surely a tax will make it all better. amazing Thailand
  2. "Money excuses them from following the rules" No surely not in Thailand laughable that's is exactly how Thailand operates
  3. And when she recovers she will still be stupid
  4. The integrity and consistency of the legal system, that's laughable, don't let the truth get in the way of a story, integrity ZERO, consistency 100% there is nothing that cant be bought, changed, manipulated, altered, not 1 day in jail, a nice hospital stay for someone who was apparently so sick, such an amazing recovery, abuse of power as a PM gets you a hospital stay because jail was too stressful,
  5. They will put on trial the corrupt police but after 12 years cant get the Billionaire heir of Red Bull for the hit and run death of a policeman, the Criminal Court of corruption is just that, another laughable case of Thai justice, there is nothing that cant be paid for, life and justice means nothing, As Jerry Maguire said. "SHOW ME THE MONEY"
  6. Because someone needs to clean house and he has the balls to do it, Go Trump
  7. Don't tell me he wasn't really critically ill just to avoid spending a night in jail, that is such a shock, surely he understands that not for 1 second did anyone believe his story, laughable, blood is thicker than water and corruption is a family business
  8. Tracked him down but can't get the Red Bull heir, well done
  9. And thet would like to thank the Thai people for there support What a joke the Thai people voted for change with the MFP but they fixed that, it doesn't matter what the Thai people want its about corruption and control
  10. Delusional till the end, we make the rules, we can change the rules, we can even make up new rules if the old ones don't help, don't tell us how to run our corrupt system we know exactly want we are doing, any threat ,use be silenced and eliminated
  11. The "UNTOUCHABLES" Complete control, they just don't care what they have to do to eliminate any threat against there mafia like corrupt organisation, change the rules, make up new ones, the MFP legitimately won the election voted for by the people, unfortunately the Thai people are helpless to change this broken system, another sad day for Thailand
  12. Remove the threat by any means possible, how embarrassing they think no one realises how the Thai system works and the sheer level of corruption that exists, gone on for to long, too many high up at every level to ever change its never about what the people want or anything that will benefit its people or country its about complete control and lining the pockets, and you have resigned from a position it is ridiculous you still sit in on diplomatic meetings, amazing Thailand. The MFP was the 1 little hope that change would come but they fixed that
  13. Biden struggles to put 1 foot in front of the other, and the money Harris took was from Biden campaign not hers and that you can not do, Harris is just like Biden makes no sense talks in riddles and still blames Trump for the state of the country, just another delusional Democrate scared <deleted>less of Trump getting back in and cleaning house, Go Trump
  14. The "Budget" that's funny, let's call it money laundering, we, Certainly couldn't have the VIP,s flying with the commoners, just another pocket lining excersise lm sure that money could be better spent elsewhere rather than Government officials bid noting themselves
  15. my last 1 they wanted to charge me 500baht if you wanted it same day but it's free if you are happy to wait l think waited 3 days, some will do it same day for free, l had 1 where they said go down hall and go to another room 2 workers playing on there phones doing nothing wanted 500baht do it straight away, amazing thailand
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