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  1. Yes you can 1000baht single entry, 3,800 baht for multiple entry, the multiple entry expires when your 12 month visa is up so if you get it 3 month into your visa runs out in 9 months
  2. The Police General has been Suspended from duty amid these allegations of course full pay would come with that, maybe the wife trying to flee the country would pretty much tell you he is 100% guilty, but I'm sure due diligence will be done and all involved will walk free
  3. and the increased covid 19 risk, really just let it go
  4. There joking aren't they " Despite our best efforts" ask everyone to obey traffic rules and ensure vehicles are in good condition before hitting the road, what a joke, speed, reckless driving, don't indicate, don't use mirrors, run red lights, stop signs, they dont even know the road rules. The 50 question multiple choice to get you drivers licence is a joke nothing to do with driving or the road rules, fix the test fix the requirements to get a licence, it is surprising the number of road deaths is triple what it is and that would be luck more than good management, and unroadworthy vehicles WOW zero policing and enforcement
  5. one thing about Thailand news is they never let the truth get in the way of a good story, always a positive and impressive numbers regardless of what it is but the only ones they are fooling is themselves another job well done may you be reward for your efforts
  6. l can feel some brown envelopes solving the problem
  7. I wonder is that a Government ranking they are talking about
  8. that bribery charged at the end, no such think in Thailand, donations yes bribery surely not
  9. imagine how depressed he would have being if he actually served his sentence in jail like all the other criminals, but 6months in a hotel (hospital) with all the servants(doctors) looking after him could help him but give him parole and early check out (release) and he is feeling much better, that's great news be back in government soon to help us all
  10. panic is setting in, have to remove the threat
  11. Perfect outcome for this arrogant pig, bye bye don't trip and kick your toe as you get on the plane
  12. Thats a lot of envelopes to hand out, let the pocket lining begin
  13. maybe if the Generals share the brown envelopes, but we know that will never happen
  14. Thai motorists demand police take action, l don't think scooters get fined 10,000 for riding on the footpath, 5 on a scooter, loading 5 cows into a 1/2 ton pickup, over width and overloaded trucks, riding 1 handed so they can text with the other, the list goes on and on this is the least of there problems on Thai roads
  15. I don't think that is the correct meaning of the word cum, but could be in his case. 1 year jail sentence what l think that translates to in English is hospital stay, and good to see good to see no bias or prejudice in the Thai "JUSTICE" system. Amazing Thailand
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