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Posts posted by Boedog

  1. Hear we go again, only 57 billion baht to cater for the 90million tourists coming and when do they think that is going to happen, put the money to better use or have the brown envelopes all ready been filled and handed out, maybe 1 day they will have people in Government that care about there citizens and there own country rather than there own greed and out of control corruption, not in my life time

  2. In reply to Salerno,s post, there are no flights out of Australia till October,  you can write in English but obviously can't read English, stop being a keyboard warrior, and if you know anything about hoops and paperwork in Thailand not to mention Quarantine,  Covid insurance,  fit to fly cert, letter from Embassy,  letter from doctor, flight itinerary,  letter from employer,  do your homework before you copy and paste something you saw, silence is a form of intelligence something you should look into 

  3. If only the TAT, BIB the PM and every other stupid Government official that's opens there month realise that silence is a form of intelligence the better for everyone, they love throwing out dates and figures when everything will happen but in reality clueless, the vaccine is not the magic potion the media and governments peddling it lead you to believe, after getting vaccinated you can still get Covid you can still spread Covid apparently if you do get it will lesson the severity so <deleted> is the point it is not a CURE.

    And they will vaccinated 10million a month thats over 300,000 per day HOW.  Dillusional Thailand 

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