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Posts posted by Nilats

  1. 45 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

    OK. ????


    I dont think President Trump knows what a stoic is, and if someone said Nietzsche to him he would say "scratch it".


    But he is a masterful politician in his own way, even though he is a crude NY developer.

    I'm afraid you are completely wrong - he's definitely not stupid. I understand the whole Nietzschean/Ayn Rand, Anti-Socialist camp... and that's the position which he firmly acts from - he's a convinced anti-stoic, and I wouldn't be surprised that he's well aware of it.

    • Haha 1
  2. I'm not going to answer some obvious baters here... I made my simple point very clear earlier. Just on some other things you talked about in relation to the topic. I'm not an American, Trump doesn't represent me but a lot of things he says actually make sense - USA is nearly as big as China was 100 years ago, so it doesn't have nearly the same type, scale or list of problems as any other country - things are not so simple as compared to something Iceland or Finland which both have very small populations. But I think he's actually ridiculously consistent in at least trying to carry out his campaign promises. And the dems - well basically I think a lot of items on their agenda are completely ridiculous, and maybe belong to the world of fantasy rather than things related to running a country. And the main issue - the healthcare - almost all countries that have healthcare( btw I see nothing wrong with that at all) - had it since the 1960s - if dems haven't been able to bring a working healthcare system in the last 60 years - hey maybe that's good enough evidence that they are just not really up for the task. I'm not saying America shouldn't have it - but the guys who keep promising it consistently fail to deliver on their promises. I see no reason to hate Trump... he works on things he can actually get done under the circumstances. Even if I disagree with some things I still see him as a person with relatively high integrity working under extremely hard conditions.

  3. 3 hours ago, bristolboy said:

    maybe your camp should start considering about how somebody can be so unpopular with the economy putting up such strong numbers.

    I'm not in any camp for sure... definitely not American enough for that. Same as I'm not in either pro- or anti Jair Bolsonaro camp... nobody is entitled to be in either one of those either. This is the hardest thing to break through to you - none of your conduct or behaviour proves that you are "better people" than anybody - it's quite the opposite I'm afraid ????

    • Haha 1
  4. 20 minutes ago, stevenl said:

    A pity you don't know the difference between a smear campaign and reporting.


    Of course his support base won't change, what could change are those people who hoped Trump would bring about something else, something good, and should have realised by now it is only going down faster and faster with Trump at the helm.

    I was very skeptical right from the start - but hey if that's who people elected - who am I to say if it's right or wrong... saying stuff like that is disrespectful to the country and concept of democracy as a whole. I don't want to give him a rating myself... I don't really care... America is following the same trend as the whole world is following at the moment... Trump or not Trump maybe doesn't make much difference imo. Why attack him or anybody else as a person?

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  5. I'm just curious how this drama develops... to what extent Democrats will try to challenge him before the next elections - they may try to compromise him if they are serious about all this build up and vendetta they have against him which is very unique... things could get messy and would be interesting to see how this affects the current stand-off of everybody vs everybody in the world.  Just making a constatation that he didn't lose any of his support base... so the whole smear campaign didn't really work...

    • Like 1
  6. 1 minute ago, lannarebirth said:


    Only 26 seats? That seems low. If that is true it is lower than the average loss of seats (28) to the opposition party of a sitting president in a mid-term election. I had read 32-35 based on the outcome of tight races. Even tat's not too good, considering, well, Trump.

    Exactly what I was trying to say... he lost lower than average than in any previous such elections where every president is expected to lose some seats to opposing party.

    • Like 1
  7. 4 hours ago, Morch said:


    I'm amused by your "observations", and by the comments made while obviously (and self-admittedly) not having much clue regarding issues commented on. As for the above, I'll file that along with your other handy personal anecdote posts.


    It might be impossible to "fix" antisemitism, but there's no need to accept it, put up with it or ignore it. The President engaging his voter base in a manner and style empowering antisemitism (and others form of bigotry) sure seems to make things worse. For obvious reasons, supporters and other interested parties are advocating a dissociation of Trump's words from reality - in this case, at least.   

    I know a guy who lived in Haredi community and was bullied out of there - he was a friend of mine at the time... I helped a little bit to get through the ordeal - the story was featured in Israeli newspapers and television - I have much more detail than what was reported in the media about it. I'm not mad at you or anything like that... for future reference just fyi. It's good that you are speaking out on this issue - if somebody could fix antiesmitism - it would be great. As far as I know - Israel is the only country where somebody with "Jewish background" can live without having to watch their back - but like in the example I mentioned earlier - it's likewise not always the case ????

  8. Morch I don't know if maybe I said something funny... but I have experienced antisemitism myself a few times when I was growing up... and later I found out if you don't tell anyone you are related to that group - you actually rarely have a problem. I don't like to talk about any of this stuff. My immediate family who are Jews survived ww2 - they managed to get out of the encircled city during ww2 - I heard the story a few times... but more distant family didn't survive it, all their friends also died in that city. I know a few things on the subject... but I don't want to be a victim or feel entitlement to any privileges because of that - Jews were specifically targeted but millions of other people also died there. In any case I meant it from the heart - I hope it never happens again. Nothing will ever change in this regard - it's pointless trying to fix antisemitism - it's more important to see things coming and try to stay out of harms way imo.

    • Like 2
  9. Thanks for posting this Jingthing, I agree with many things she says... I wasn't actually aware that things got to this level in America... I'm starting to understand your anxiety.


    I know/knew many American Jews in Israel - definitely not the "democrat" type at all... except maybe 1 or 2 - but they are all good people imo. I do agree that Jews are targeted and judged much stronger than any other people in almost any situation... the same goes for Israel. It would be wrong to let some lunatics to scare you to break your relationship with the "republican" or pro-Israel type of Jews though... maybe you should get together more often to get to know each others opinions... it's all your family after all, regardless of politics. I wish all the best to the whole community of American Jews... hope that things get better and nothing like this happens again.

    • Haha 1
  10. 3 minutes ago, Morch said:


    What are you on about? How do we "don't really know"? Or how is it an "opinion"? He had quite a presence on social media, where he expressed his views. That you try to muddy the waters won't change that.


    On the other hand, you do don't really know much about the people on that caravan, other than spewing a bunch of generalizations which you couldn't begin to substantiate.


    There's nothing "exactly the same" here. And the race comment was about what one would expect from some posters on a topic like that.


    My statement is the only relatively correct in all the threads - you should read up on the classical definition of Right vs Left... Right is always associated with wealth, aristocracy, morals of the powerful... whereas the Left always looks or pretends to look for the interests of the uneducated, poor, unintelligent classes... so out of those two  - which category does the attacker belong to - the same as the people in the caravan... again I'm the only one unfortunately making any sense here imo ????

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  11. 6 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Because we’re all supposed to stay quiet as extreme rightwing racists target Jewish people at prayer and murder them?!


    What because you wish to impose respect for the dead and those who grieve over their murder, or because you really want to sweep extreme rightwing murder campaigns under the carpet?


    This attack is a mirror image of the attacks on Jews in Germany during the 1930s.


    It is well past the time for ‘good men’ (and women) to step up, speak up and above all not ‘do nothing’.




    I don't think that dude can be classified as the right - we don't really know that... that's just your OPINION ???? Imo he's more similar to those people who tried to get into the country in that caravan, they are just of different race... in all other respects - exactly the same thing, i.e. they don't have any well formulated political philosophical background - they are just very poor and unintelligent so they act on impulse.

    • Confused 2
    • Sad 1
  12. 9 hours ago, Morch said:


    There wasn't anything said about observant necessarily meaning Orthodox, rather the opposite. And what I'm talking about is definitely not limited to a specific area in Israel, nor are said towns hard to get to.


    As for the "stir" cited, no - it isn't the "opinion of one Rabbi", but rather a long standing position. It's an ongoing issue with regard to several related topics, which all amount to the same thing - rejection of pluralism within Judaism. That you won't give it much attention doesn't mean a whole lot, considering you don't seem to be really acquainted with the matter. Americans don't know about it? Try harder. The crisis between US Jewish communities and their Israeli counterparts even featured on a few TVF topics. It's a major issue for US Jews, and it's already been referenced in the context of current events.

    I'm familiar with it. To summarize the differences is simple - those whose mother is not Jewish are not considered Jewish... that's all there is to it... You are making it into a bigger issue than it is - so it only concerns the Reform Judaism... they are definitely much more tolerant of the Conservative Judaism In addition I know stories where Israeli religious authorities do not trust almost any rabbis in US unless they have already been approved by some Israeli rabbi - that's just how it is concerning the strictly religious Jewish definition of who is Jewish... But if you are mostly secular - why even worry about it. All this only concerns only very religious people who just have to have official recognition of their Jewishness on paper or something like that - actually there are many ways of getting that in Israel if you are into that - conversion is open to people of any sexes and any races, but the thing if you live in Israel nobody will ever ask for any such paper in any real life situation. Personally I think Israel is doing the right thing - I fully support that... they have the right to keep quality of Judaism under control so to speak - it's very cute in my opinion, it's a must have to maintain the Jewish spirit of the country imo ????


    You must understand political life is a bit separate from those religious authorities - so Netanyahu is strictly speaking a secular type of Jewish nationalist - I think he even likes christians - so you are not going to have much friction on any of these issues there with the general public.

    • Haha 1
  13. I'm sure there are people who know more about this maybe but my intuition suggests that US is getting closer to the same situation as they had in Weimar Germany in 1920s-30s... it's not exactly the same though. When you have a situation when economic woes reach a certain level and people lose confidence in democracy or ability of democratic government  to provide for them - then you have these wild swings between extreme right and extreme left... and majority of people in the middle don't determine the political life of the country anymore. So it could be one of those for America - either extreme left dictatorship or the extreme right dictatorship, if things continue as they are. Imo it's 67% chance of left dictatorship and 33% chance of rightwing dictatorship in America - it's hard to predict because there will be so much chaos any sequence of events could make it swing into one or the other direction... So imo in America for a lot of people it's like living on a volcano that could erupt at any moment, there's no right direction at this point.

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  14. 12 minutes ago, Thunder26 said:

    What has Iran done wrong to be targeted by US?

    They have been targeting Iran for decades - ever since the 1979 revolution. Many reasons. In the last decade there was a lot of noise around Iran with US and/or Israel preparing to strike Iran at least 3 times in the last 5 years - it was called off at the last minute.


    One campaign Trump made in regards to foreign policy - he was going to go after Iran. So this is I think what he's going to do. So NK is just a distraction - I think every sane person understands that this was escalated just for the sake of escalating - the problem wasn't really there. The noise around NK is being artificially created - part of a bigger plan down the road.

  15. Extremely misleading heading here. It was the US who started this - US president Obama started this when he kicked out a ton of Russian diplomats last year. Then Trump signed sanctions against Russia. So America "retaliates" against it's own actions Russia earlier? Not even CNN or BBC allowed themselves to fall so low as to call this action by US govt a "retaliation" of any sort, cause that would be obviously stupid. Even the completely zombified world western audience understands in this particular case that this was definitely an attack and not a "retaliation" :)

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