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Everything posted by andux

  1. Yeah, city rats keep getting bigger and fatter: https://www.fastcompany.com/90667459/nothing-to-see-here-just-city-rats-getting-bigger-and-bigger.
  2. This can lead to some good debate; I'd say that you're right, but it's simply how society and dating works. For instance, neither you nor I could ever date Jennie from Blackpink, so we stick to what we can get. In other words, if young Korean pop stars were real options for any of us, we'd all think differently about our dating prospects, at least before falling in love with our current SOs. Once in a relationship, one can argue that they wouldn't leave their SO for Jennie, even if the latter was madly in love and ready to share her wealth and life with us, which is controversial but I'd rather not get into that terrain, and that's why I set the hypothetical scenario to the courting phases.
  3. Why don't you just set up a forex trading account instead? You'll save a lot in the hidden currency conversion fees that banks have (plus the 200 baht from BKK bank).
  4. Why do you compare her to Pattaya stage or goldfish women though? It's almost like you're implying that's what she would be doing if she wasn't a model.
  5. So, yesterday I was at immigration, renewing my visa, and a kid in his early 20s was arguing with the officer, and then in a burst of anger the kid kicked the stand where the officer was, and he walked away. The officer raised from his chair, went to this kid, and told him to follow him. They both walked toward the buildings located at the back of immigration. This happened in the morning, and even though I stayed at immigration till the afternoon, I didn't see that kid again. What do you think could have happened to him for that offense? Deportation? A beating? Maybe jail time for a few days?
  6. Parties, no work, Thai girl... I thought that's what they meant by 'he is well'.
  7. Institutionalized racism is just part of Thailand, and unfortunately things are not going to change anytime soon. It's very interesting to see how 'foreigner' implies more money and English speaking, which again shows the lack of general culture of that court/judge. Many Western countries have weak economies and currencies weaker than the baht, plus many foreigners also speak fluent Thai and don't need 'highly trained English-speaking personnel'.
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