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Posts posted by jackinthebox

  1. We can all hear the bells at the Wat and smell the story is going to fade out into sweet nothings.....

    This is a farce, the guy should be behind bars already. but TIT

    " experts from Mercedes Benz who have been asked to inspect the vehicle and help find out the speed of the car upon collision with the Ford car, have stated that they will have to postpone and gave no specific alternate date."

    Because Mercedes Benz are worried if they "snitch" on their customer, they would loose out on millions of baht , The new Mercedes Benz models have a black box just like planes. give info about speed on impact, if any brakes used etc etc....

    but that no-one want to talk about.... truth smacking you in the face.... very bad for face, loose face..... better to make merit, and pay some money, say sorry and all go away....


    after all TIT

    Obviously MB doesn't want do get involved in this sad story, so they try to postpone the investigation, hoping for the dust to settle in. The USP of a Mercedes ist speed and power, especially for the AMG-models it is tuning and reckless driving. So crashes on public highways with two dead good-looking university-students is not a good PR for their high-so cars....

  2. "SRT governor Wuthichart Kalauarnmitr revealed that the SRT has plans to invest in a further two 1 meter dual-track lines for two new routes."

    Come on, make it standard gauge (1.435 M) . They don't consider comfort with this choice - the trains rock from side to side much more on a narrow gauge such as this.

    Less chance of them falling over on poorly maintained lines with a wider spacing between the lines as well.

    When going to standard track 1.436 meter then all the old curves through the mountains the circle has to be increased with 1 meter (narrow gauge) presently in use in Thailand you can have a smaller circle curve, 1 meter is called a mountain gauge. If you travel the wide open space of Russia the gauge is even wider than standard gauge like the Siberia express Moscow - Vladivostok. It is extremely stable at the high speeds it travels. Russia rail equipment cannot use the European standard gauge, the Russia equipment are too wide for it.

    So what's going to happen Thailand will be a Duke mixture like already happen with the Sky train and the Suvarnabhumi International Airport train each with its own electric pickup system so trains from one system CANNOT be used on the other system, TYPICAL THAI that way each system has to have its own GENERAL plus all its hanger-one's. GET IT?????

    LOL in LO and whatever S you like to name.

    Trains can go quite narrow curves even in standard-tracks (if you go slow enough), so I doubt that Thailand would have to increase ALL the circles on the mountanin lines (maybe some of them). It's almost an irony of the history that the Northern and Northeastern Lines (!) were build as standard-gauge a century ago (southern line was 1000mm instead). They then decided to switch/harmonize the railway system nationwide an unfortunetaly they came down to the narrow track. What is even more bizarre: in the transition period they just put a single new rail in between to old track. Finally, in 1926, when all the rolling stock was updated, they tore out the old outer rail. so nowadays they could just go vice-versa.

  3. I would not trust the capability of SRT to oversee the building of a play train kit, never mind a proper one.

    This guy has no idea what he is talking about:

    Mr Wuthichart also revealed that within the next five year period, all trains in Thailand will be converted to electric and all diesel trains will be retired.

    Obviously electric lokomotives are much better then diesel-fueld ones. But when you start to buy them you loose your compatibility, ie. you will have to electrify nearly all your railroads very quick and very eagerly. I doubt this will be feasable in thailand within the next five years. It's not just hanging an overhaul-line above the tracks, you will also have to change some bridges, renovate many railroad-crossings, some train stations, build new maintenance garages, install transformer and relais-stations, change the signalling, etc. So this 5-year-plan doesn't sound realistic.

    Apart from that: I can't understand why they still stick to their outdated 1000mm gauge. It's neither fish nor flesh nor fowl. If they really build double-tracks, buy new engines and coaches and plan to electrify their grid, whey don't they do a realistic planning of modernising (ie. build new from scratch) a nationwide 1435mm railway network within 10-15 years?

  4. 17Baht?? "20Percent ok"??

    Rubbish! The normal waterbottle at Suwanaphum departure area is somewhere at 50 Baht, MaMa Cup Noodle (the cheapest food you can find ) 60 Baht (12Baht in 7Eleven nationwide!), Rice Porridge in a served restaurand 280 Baht (compared to 50-70 Baht in BKK-aircon-restaurats). So overall I would say food and drink prices at airports are now roundabout 5 times higher than elsewhere.

  5. Compared to the school minivans around here hes driving perfectly well

    An aside driving to Monaco many years ago in my MG i drove through France on their 3 lane roads (the middle one is fair game for the brave) well until you are faced with a truck flashing its lights you then move over fast!

    France hat this rural roads with 3 lanes (one in the middle for both directions, aka "Suicide-lane") back in the 80ies. It looked simple


    but obviously it was too dangerous. So they changed the system entirly to "2lanes / 1 lane" in turns. That's how it looks today:



  6. They forgot to mention the cigarette butts or lack of any. They did however correctly point to "signs of a struggle". In this case, apparently, lack of any. I see they have found a new word "rummaging". Although this could be the newspaper's thesaurus working overtime.

    Their thesaurus obivously proposed the german word "rummachen". At least, we used this term when we were 17 or 19 years old (like "knutschen" (to smooch, to canoodle))

  7. >It was reported that 14 of the women who appear to be less than 18 year-old were separated from the rest and sent to Sappasitprasong hospital to determine their exact ages.

    Can a physician determine the exact age of someone? How? afaik it is technically/biologically not possible. BTW we have the debate here in germany right now, as thousands of minors from afghanistan and syria enter our country, refusing to tell their age (or don't know it for real).

  8. >"We have to encourage the use of public transport. In doing so, we have to do much more than developing efficient publictransport systems. We will have change commuters' behaviours and lifestyle too," he pointed out.

    That's right. You'll have to make it more copius and more expensive to use the car (ie. toll fares, car tax, fuel, cost of parking spots).

    BUT you'll also have to make it easier, more comfortable and "more stylish" to use public transport. As Bangkok has only 3 (soon 4) modern (i.e. rail-bound) public transport lines, it will be essential to modernise the commuter-bus system.

    1. Bus lanes

    2. new buses (c'mon, BKK-Buses are 40 years old now, hot, stinky, loud, dangerous - are you really expect middle-class car-drivers to switch to these sardine-cans?)

    3. new Bus-stops with ticket vending machines

    4. new Bus-stops with seats and a clear map (have you ever seen any falang using these buses? No one understands their system)

    5. new Bus-stops without annoying TucTucs and Taxis waiting

    6. new Bus-stops with timetables. If you can't indicate to the minute the departure because of the traffic-congestions, than at least tell your commuters when is the first and the last trip.

    I have been using BKK-Buses for years, but you have to buy the map in a book store, still you have to ask people a lot and still it's annoying. For example, at some bus-stops you have to flag-down the driver, otherwise he won't stop but will pass high speed on the inner lane instead. So in night-time you have to stare continously on the traffic-flow and in the car-beams to see if your bus-number arrives....

  9. It's not really surprising no-one would employ him considering his record. Rape, assault and drug charges.

    This is a sad story. The guy was 18 years old when he was sentenced to 9 years. If Thailand had a modern prison regime (i.e. professional anger management, drug addiction treatment, vocational training, resocialization) he might would have got his life under control and become happy und useful for society. Seems like he was really devasted instead, so the convictions 2006 now seems more like a death-sentence. Well, at least he didn't rape anyone and didn t harm someone else. RIP

  10. I think the blowing nose means covering one nostril and bleing the snot out the other, which is pretty gross but who wants to walk around with a handkerchief full of snot sitting in their pocket in this climate?

    Well, it IS is pretty gross - but a 2000Baht fine? I can not imagine any thai national pay that amount...what would be next? Farting? Burping? Slurping your hot soup?

  11. Total confusion. Suddenly BKK-HuaHin and BKK-Pattaya? Within 2 years? Weren't they talking about NoongKhai - Rayong or something like that for years now? A part from that: Thaliand has a logic and reasoable rail-grid. The problem is that it is completely rotten (as the trains are). So just modernise the whole system to a standard 1435mm electrified double track grid where you can reach average travel speed of 100kph (instead of actual 50-55 kph) and everythin would be finde. That would be a reachable goal - an save lots of money.


  12. Ladies should start carrying a give away bag, with a few rocks in it, and keeping their valuables elsewhere.

    I was robbed/bag snatched likes this a few years ago while riding a bicycle (in bright daylight!). A brandnew full-frame NIKON-DSLR with three lenses - gone. Trust me, when you lie on the street, bleeding like a pig and see them driving away with your bag you really DO wish for some good surprise-explosives inside the shoulder bag and a remote-detonator in your trouser-pocket....

  13. That happens in germany every week. Mostly romanian or bulgarian "immigrants" who steal copper and steel lines to sell it to scrap metal merchands. Sometimes german train system is interrupted because thieves grap signalling-cables from beside the tracks. Culprits rarely arrested. So what can you do? Telecom-, Electrical-power- and train-companies use "chemical DNA" nowadays to brand/identify the metals, ie. they spray a film of identifier from helicopters on overhead-lines.

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