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Posts posted by dubyadee

  1. I need to so a 30 day extension coming up this month. I've done it twice before at Chaeng Wattana and have discovered that it is pretty much hell on earth -- long queues and terrible access/traffic from BTS. I plan to be in the Pattaya area in a few weeks and was thinking of trying that immigration office.


    Does anyone have experience extending at both? How is the Pattaya one? Long lines? Any advice would be great.

  2. While in Hanoi I went to the Thai Embassy and asked for a 2 month visa. Returned the next day with the visa in my passport. Yesterday I entered Thailand via Don Muang and at immigration I was given a stamp that says I need to leave on Feb 12th (1 month, not 2). I didn't catch it until today. 


    Has this happened to anyone before? Do I have any recourse?


    Apologies in advance if this is a common question, I did a quick skim and didnt see anything and didnt quite know the correct search terms.



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