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Posts posted by USPatriot

  1. 4 minutes ago, Lite Beer said:

    For 12 month extension from Immigration in Thailand.


    2.18 In the case of being a family member of a Thai national (applicable only to parents, spouse, children, adopted children, or spouse’s children): 

    Each permission shall be granted for no more than one year. 


    (1) The alien must have been granted a non-immigrant visa (NON-IM). 

    (2) The alien must have proof of relationship. 

    (3) In the case of spouse, the relationship must be de jure and de facto: or 

    (4) In the case of children, adopted children, or spouse's children, said children, adopted children, or spouse's children must not be married, must live with the alien as part of the family, and must not be over 20 years of age except in case of the person hereof is of illness or disability and cannot live without support of father or mother: or

    (5) In the case of parents, the father or mother must maintain an average annual income of no less than Baht 40,000 per month throughout the year or must have deposited funds of no less than Baht 400,000 to cover expenses for one year. 

    Thank you

  2. I do not carry my passport I carry a color copyof it with the front page and the visa stamp page and my Thai  drivers license.

    The problem with carrying the passport is a stain will make it void and you have to go get a new one. I was issued one of the last 50 page passports ide hate to lose it or ruin it.

    I also have the passport card,  right now few countries accept it the problem is it has a rfid chip so information could be stolen if not in the protective envelope it came in

  3. 36 minutes ago, ramrod711 said:


    The top importer from the U.S.A. is Canada, so hardly a raw deal for America.

    In Canada if a company doesn't want an import tax then some manufacturing must be done in canada the duty is 0 to 35% the average tax is 8.35%

  4. The trade agreement rules were never followed. America always got the short end of the stick only a few countries honored the agreement.

    The trade deficit for 2015 is $513,000,000,000

    The top 5 exporters to the usa are

    1. China

    2. Canada

    3. Mexico

    4. Japan

    5. Germany 

  5. Does anyone know how I apply for a non O visa I am only here 6 most a year to spend time with my kids.


    At the Thai embassy in california they always ask if we are still married.

    I had records of the money I sent for my kids for the past 3 years but all were stolen.


    Yes the kids are my kids. Thai-American.

    Since I work 6 months in America they do not spend the full year with me.

    Right now I'm on a tourist visa that I extend and have to do the fun boarder run.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

  6. 1 hour ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


    Narrow-minded, parochial garbage.


    Not that you and the other bigots will look but here is a link to 13 images of German people welcoming Syrian refugees.




    The European Union is a celebration of diversity and cooperation that has eradicated armed conflict between its members. Yes. Look at the European Union. The grandness of its vision easily overshadows the smallness of Trump-Land and his mindless, angry and selfish supporters. American is being diminished starting noon on January 20.

    I'll bet you are wrong

  7. 1 hour ago, 727Sky said:

      At no time after the first two years did Obama ever achieve a majority in congress or the Senate... The voters made sure he was unable to make some of his programs into law. Thus he decided he had a pen and knew how to use it.. Executive orders were the only way he could rule which in the next few days will be resended if inappropriate for the new vision of the country.... A welcome change indeed... 

    I hope some of the Democratic leaders raise a stink and try to block everything Trump tries to do simply because within two years Trump will have an even bigger majority in both houses..

    Watching Trump on social media I would think those who think they can get CNN, NBC, et al to tell their lies for them will probably have a rude awakening... The way some of the MSN have fabricated fake news is sickening.... I swear if Trump walked on water the news headlines would be "TRUMP CAN'T SWIM!"

    Brilliant for calling something fake news...just what it is,, fake with no proof..no reality in fact and yet there are those whose hatred lap it up... Glad the Democrats coined the term to begin with, trying to shut down alternative media like Drudge report..

    The petty bickering over a guy who wants to create jobs for Americans, get American manufacturing back upon its' feet, repair the crumbling infrastructure, stop unfair trade deals, and stop funding the militaries of NATO when the members could fund their own crap.... stop unvetted idiots who do not want to be Americans but bring their hatred and messed up violent culture from the place they fled from.. just so they can make their new home just like their cesspool of a home they must think is great.... yet chose to leave ... Yep he is horrible...especially for those who want America to remain mediocre and continue to slide down the dark abyss we have been heading since the first Bush had office.... Globalism as some has envisioned is dying.. I shall not morn its' death.

    I don't live in the states and maybe I shouldn't give a darn anymore.... But I do.... other than the entitlement crowd, the Americans I know just want a job, a home, and big brother nanny state government out of their lives.. 

    You would think anyone with half a brain would applaud someone who says they are going to pull the USA back from the cliff's edge..


    With the amount of (9 trillion+) Obama and his regime added to America's debt they had better start producing or  or the future really does look bleak for the dollar and the country.. The same past policies were not helping and the voters knew that a vote for HRC was just more of the same with a big show down with Russia over another failed policy with regards to Syria...as if Libya and Iraq was not enough proof there were buffoons running the country and state department.  


    There was concern for the inauguration ... Yet inspite of all the hot air and BS the left spewed there were no bombs, bullets, in view; just a simple (by US standards) swearing in ceremony...


    Just 217 snowflakes (snow flake is a term used pointing out those who melt or become triggered at the first sight of facts and truth their emotions do not agree with which results in the most outrageous inane verbiage spewing from their lips) 


    217 arrested on the outer fringe got arrested for breaking windows and trying to burn stuff.. I would think Soros as of today believes he did not get his money's worth if he helped finance some of the protestors with bus rides and travel arrangements as rumored..  The money he spent on HRC and her and her 1.2 billion dollar losing campaign....well I hope it hurt... 

    The libs do not like facts   remember when Pelosi told the former speaker of the house  were in control now that was 2008.

    More facts In the November 4, 2008 elections, the Democratic Party increased its majorities in both chambers, giving President Obama a Democratic majority in the legislature for the first two years of his presidency. The only this that is going to cause the water levels to rise is all of the snowflakes melting.

    I'm thinking of buying a boat.

  8. 4 hours ago, jayboy said:

    Mathew Paris captures the feelings of many.


    "The Americans have elected a turkey as their president. He looks like a turkey, walks like a turkey, gobbles like a turkey — he is a turkey. There is nothing in Donald Trump’s record, in the appointments he has made or in his disgusting inaugural speech yesterday that prompts second thoughts. The new president is no evil genius, he’s just tiresome, rude and silly: one of those vexatious, loud and unpleasant people we do best to avoid."

    He took millions and made billions. As a non American I find it funny how you can comment on something you know nothing about.  You don't live in America so you only see what the liberal media wants you to see the entire American media is owned by 5 corporations run by a few families. 

    Do you live with.

    The illegal alien problem.

    Did your health insurance go up 125% like Arizona famlies insurance did.

    The only thing the liberals did is put the country in more debt. America needs to be run like a business I'm glad we have a business man in as the president.


    His cabinet are all successful people. If you want to be successful don't hire your friends hire successful people.

  9. The cause of the water rising on the planet is   all of the snowflakes melting.

    Trumps cabinet is filled with successful  people that did not make their money in politics.

    Trump knows how to negotiate.  The wall has a purpose I'm sick of illegals in America getting better treatment than our military personnel.


    Illegals being let go when a citizen would go to jail for the same thing.

    Ford, Hyundai and other companies are no longer moving to mexico and Trump isn't even in office yet.


    Give the guy a chance if the Democrats don't want to work with him then it will be their loss.

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