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London Lowf

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Everything posted by London Lowf

  1. That is clearly a staged photo - it is obviously taken "before" rather than "after", unless the guy meticulously prepared his snort and the passed away from other causes. However, that is a British debit card in the photo.......
  2. This sounds very plausible - I would certainly trust your "guess" rather than many of the "facts" in most of the news stories on here.
  3. At first I was going to ask "why not just get a quick and convenient regular airport taxi?" but then I noticed that you want a "good" driver and I remembered that I have had some horrific taxi transfers - probably 50% of them. Sorry I can't help, but I see your reasoning.
  4. No idea for licence, but it's three months for tax and compulsory third party for a bike. I did mine in March before coming home to the UK for summer - it was due to expire in June.
  5. Yes, I also received that notification earlier today - any reference to 60-day visa-exempt has been removed.
  6. Easy answer - sildenafil citrate, sold as Kamagra in any decent pharmacy.
  7. A good question - so many self-insurers on here think that, when the brown stuff hits the fan, they can simply jump on a plane and get the required medical attention at home which, if it is the UK is a very dangerous assumption. I was refused boarding a few years ago by easyJet on a Turkey-UK flight at the check-in desk. I was looking rather rough as a neck tumour had returned and I had just had an emergency tracheostomy a week earlier. Luckily, I was otherwise in pretty good shape and managed to talk my way on.
  8. Exactly the same for me - I do two 90-day visits a year and the online TR60 application is quick and easy - in fact, over the last couple of years they have removed a few of the sillier requirements. The hassle is the visit to immigration for the extension.
  9. So, someone just happened to be videoing someone else (with a tiny pinkie) videoing two girls working in a totally non-descript street food place at exactly the right time to capture this incident? Maybe staged, as minimal damage - but no idea why.
  10. Stating the obvious, but are you getting power to it? Easy the check with a cheap tester. These units are high wattage and so maybe on its own circuit - has it tripped on the fuse/breaker panel?
  11. You forgot the huge party during Covid lockdown! But anyway, I spend a lot of time in Kamala - eight months in 2023 - and ride past virtually every day. Beach clubs are not my thing so I have no interest, but the place has absolutely zero impact on my life.
  12. Fob.... Hob.... what will you lose next 😉 But, as above, go to a main dealer.
  13. I gave up after the first line - I can't read this flowery nonsense any more.
  14. Well, the "Up" arrow is working nicely!
  15. Thanks for that metisdead, and I did find the news by accident. My point is that I used to access this website on my PC with the link https://aseannow.com/forum/31-phuket/ and the news was at the top of the page above the forum listing, but it is no longer there. Not the end of the world as I can simply add another shortcut, but it does seem like a backwards step.
  16. Bob, you are clearly at the head of the queue.
  17. False alarm – it’s now under Thailand News rather than within Local Forums.
  18. ....only General Topics. Can't say I'll miss it - mainly negative that brings out the hostility of many posters on here. I do admit that I used to read some of it, but often regretted it.
  19. He looks to be parked legally - I would guess that the offence was the lack of a number plate.
  20. Ah yes, I've often seen him on Jomtien beach, Phuket!
  21. Da Moreno is superb but, like you, I can barely manage half of their (Universale) pizza - maybe I need a girlfriend to share it with? I don't use doggy bags and it saddens me a little to abandon good food, but I always get over it with a few beers on Bangla afterwards although I struggle to get them down on a bloated belly! Due to family commitments I will not be back on Phuket until mid-September. I am not enjoying my time back in cold, windy, wet Blighty.
  22. It's very diificult to avoid reflections if you take a photo with a camera/phone unless you have a polarizing filter as the biometric page (of a UK passport) is glossy. Far better to use a scanner.
  23. This is what I do - I take it at home against a plain light background and so it does look like a passport photo. However, the website often warns me in a pop-up that it may be rejected because there is more than one person in the photo (!!!) but I just carry on and it is never an issue. I downsize and print the same portrait on to photographic paper and use it for my extensions.
  24. I always travel to Thailand on a TR60 E-visa and invariably get a 30-day extension towards the end of my stay. In those cases, my return ticket (submitted with the application) has always been over 60 days. I have done this approximately eight times with no problems.
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