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About GaryPustynskiy

  • Birthday December 3

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  1. 2 cents on the nationality of the culprits: there's a picture in the news with them sitting on the couch and police officers demonstrating something on their PC-connected TV, maybe an evidence of how malware reveals itself, maybe just a splash screen. This screen is clearly in Russian, with the capitalized word "WARNING" (or literally "ATTENTION") on top. See no reason for this other than they are Russian (maybe holding a temporary Swiss residency).
  2. Here's my sincerest recommendation: Dental Smile clinic, Pattaya Tai and 3rd Road crossing: https://maps.app.goo.gl/rGV7U2aVQTN1goiU8 Had some really huge problems with teeth neglected for many many years (sheer stupidity), and Dr. Oi saved it all. No attempts to talk me into unnecessary procedures (quite the opposite - I came with the attitude of "let's extract and make implants here and there" and she told me "don't be stupid, we'll save them all"), brilliant (and I mean it) work - 11 crowns, numerous canal cleanings and small repairs, and - my mouth feels great years and years since. All for nearly half the price of Bangkok Hospital Pattaya.
  3. H E L M E T I'm too exhausted to provide explanations for the mysterious letters above.
  4. As long as it's "probably" against "probably" here's my two cents (and trust me I talk from some knowledge on the matter): In cases with as much publicity as in this one IB dumps their "interpreter/translator" help without as much of a how do you do. The guy would find himself with a cancelled visa the next day. Yet he's gone away with what should be criminal charges and imminent deportation. (Not to mention these guys don't drunk-brag "I'm the tor mor", no. Too stupid even for a Brit.) No good sir, we're dealing with a Snitch here. Good old snitch, inflated to the point of self-explosion yet still too valuable for the IB to be dumped 😂
  5. Fuel filler door, operated from the cabin. The attendant asked him to open it, the guy paid no attention, kept talking on his phone (or pretending to do it), then driving away from the pump. Was covered a dozen times here.
  6. "Monk on Meth's Motorway Mayhem" is a good name for a B-movie.
  7. Could you please check your work permit expiration date? There's a good chance you've got a 6-month work permit, not 12-month one. Standard practice in some business areas/provinces for new companies nowadays. In this case your visa will be extended up to your work permit expiration, then you receive an ordinary 12-month permit, then you receive 12 months Non-Imm B extension.
  8. Those particular two are 36 and 38 😐
  9. The "Let's kick the Doctor" one is currently awaiting it's criminal trial. His long-term visa has already been revoked but he isn't currently in the deportation chain cause of the criminal offence accusations. He will either be incarcerated (2 years) and THEN deported or get out of the country earlier through some schemes but stripped off about all his Thai assets. The "Let's beat the hell out of random people in the supermarket" one is somewhat more interesting case. Still extremely uncooperative (his ex-wife did a lot to ease the process but to no result), will most certainly spend next 2 years in jail and get deported afterwards.
  10. I'm reading the original article and I feel my hair start moving. "Just a couple of kids on a tourist trip" the father says. (Mr. Hamish Day, 36, and Mr. Oscar Mattson Day, 38, the police report says) "Who would have ever expected this?" "They were just on holiday. It’s very difficult" "It’s a very trying time" I would certainly refrain of any Kiwi-bashing comments (let us all hold our steam for the next Russian-bashing session, should we?). I just came from NZ about a month ago and I can assure you this is not what you see in Christchurch on a daily basis. So my question is WHAT THE FREAKING HELL? What kind of hell should be inside your head not only to do this but to speak of this in this manner, either from the "couple of kids" or their "tree doesn't fall from the apple" parents?
  11. Depends on where you live/ready to travel: - La Baguette on Thappraya, near the provincial court: https://maps.app.goo.gl/Qm79nftVUvCJiKRK9 (they have a branch on Na Klua too but this one is better) - La Cremerie on Toogklom-Talman, close to the railroad: https://maps.app.goo.gl/SHn8QreNpaU2RPwb7 (they also have a new branch on Soi Siam Country Club: https://maps.app.goo.gl/4FcLuDRara4D18BGA ) These two are pretty fancy ones; for take-away purchases at a modest price with high quality I can recommend Chou Chou but it's in Bang Sare: https://maps.app.goo.gl/nukUsDsGXYkR21Ay5 There's also the oldest of them all, usually overlooked, Holland Tulip on Soi SCC: https://maps.app.goo.gl/Y5sENgHfnhR91jK49
  12. My sympathy to the condo guards/rescue service workers who had to scrape yet another British doorknob Social Media Influencer off the pavement at no extra charge - I highly doubt this kind of "brave adventure seekers" have a line in their will to direct some part of their YouTube earnings to the people who clean their mess.
  13. This is the bi-lateral relation graph so it needs to be diagonally symmetrical by definition: Also it's "Macao" on X-axis and "Macau" on Y. Someone needs to pick his favorite.
  14. - Oh my God, they arrested Gaddafi! - You bastards!
  15. Trust me, neither of the two detained men visible on the initial police photo (with the SWAT team) looks like a Russian. One of them is definitely Indian and another one is most likely Indian. Photoshoot released later (https://www.facebook.com/phuketinfocenter/posts/629779372697430?ref=embed_post) contains several more guys clearly identifiable as Indians. Seriously, where did you find your Russian look-alikes on these photos? Oh wait, I found the one. The bastard tries to hide but the choice of shirt gives him away.
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