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About Jorgendk

  • Birthday 12/16/1945

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  1. ETA is joust another word for a Visa You can come Visa ekstremt,. så you need at ETA insted. Sounds better
  2. OK. so it will take 5 minutes to check the parcel... Charge 5 baht more then.
  3. If you get Pension from Denmark, you get a POL. most years. That one you joust have to return to them online. (They assume, that if you return it, you are alive. If you do not return it, you might not be alive) I suppose that if you are Danish, you do not have to ask a doctor, whether you are alive or not. You now that by yourself
  4. While they are at it, why do they not ban all sort of smoking, and all sort of alcohol in all Thailand. And also ban all sex outside your own bedroom, and all sex that is not with your lawful married wife. I am sure that will make everyone happy and bring a lot of turist to Thailand. 🤣 (In case you did not understand it.... It is ment as a joke)
  5. NO. Police say that he lied to them.
  6. Good job they did not have 5 kids in the back as well.
  7. The first 6 month I was in Thailand, I had a Danish driving licens, and a international driving licens ( Sins that I have had a Thai licens) I did get stopped a few times while on the Danish licens, at check points, and always showed my Danish licens. Was newer asked for the international licens.
  8. Still... Thailand is a free country. (ferly free anyway) Up to the shop to set the prise..... Up to you whether you want to bay it or not.
  9. Think it is Mandatory at most ( all ?) IM. if you return from out of the country.
  10. 3 month ago, I had to pay 50.000 for something in a bank here in Thailand. I was then joust going to transfer it from my own thai bank account. But was told that I had to go outside and get the 50.000 in cash, from there ATM outside, as they would only accept cash payment. (And the ATM would only pay 20.000 at the time, so I had to get 20 + 20 + 10)
  11. Well. He might get a 5year Via now, without having to do 90 day reporting. And not have to sleep in a tent.
  12. Well. He might get a 5year Via now, without having to do 90 day reporting. And not have to sleep in a tent.
  13. Easy solved,,, Joust shoot him and be done with.
  14. Not Thailands fault at all. The electricity come from Laos, so must be there fault.
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