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Posts posted by kaopadguy

  1. Yes , i do not said i am not ! i have a place next to my home catering for the student and the temple and the food is very good , plus unbelievable cheap !

    what i am feeling is something different regarding a discerning market is disappearing !

    Yeah, I understood your first post. I can't really comment on the market disappearing as I haven't been in LOS for 4 years.

    I was just saying that "generally", the quality is much higher in Thailand. In no way was I suggesting that you can get better Italian food (etc.) in Thailand than Italy.

  2. ...

    New Orleans, Miami, etc, is FAR superior to the food available in LOS.

    Are you exaggerating??

    I've never had food as fresh and tasty as I did in LOS. Even a Big Mac tastes better in LOS.

    the other was pigeon

    Yeah, good pigeon really is hard to find... :o

  3. Consider yourself extremely lucky.

    If you lived in North America you'd realize how good the food is in Thailand.

    LOS has a long way to fall before it can come close to the crap we call food.

  4. What a shitty thread! :o

    Things got a little sidetracked.

    It was never about the money for me. I expected to pay. I just thought that it was odd that nobody in the (small) group choose to say thanks. Therefore, I thought that it might have been a common occurance.

  5. You think you know so much about Thai culture

    I never claimed to "know so much about Thai culture". I started the thread to find out if their silence at the end of the night was cultural or not.

    BTW, I was with my GF for 2 months we weren't drinking every night. We went on a 4 or 5 night bender in the beginning, that's when I got a little upset at the end of the night.

    My GF worked 6 days a week, so she definatly wasn't getting hammered every night.

  6. She's 19, a virgin, slept with you in your hotel rooom, and drank like a fish...doesn't sound like a Thai gal to me..you sure you were in Thailand and not LaLaland after a few beers?

    Apology accepted.

    She said she was a virgin. I was 34 y.o. at the time. Early on when she was drunk (she didn't drink that much herself), we started going at it and she started to cry. I pulled out my dictionary asked her if she was a virgin and she said yes.

    After that we only went so far then I'd back off.

    thanks for the PM also

    What PM would that be dipshit?

    I think that was somebody else telling you that you are a fool.

  7. Were they male or female friends? Check out this thread if you haven't yet


    The male was a tuk tuk driver. He was happy to have a steady income and a bottle of whiskey to share at night.

    His english was o.k. and he was a blast to hang out with.

    The females were my GF's sister, mother, roomate, bar manager or whomever staggered over to the table on any given night.

  8. <deleted>!

    I'm new to the site. Did a search looking for Thai books. Someone posted about Private Dancer being a free download.

    Googled Private Dancer. Downloaded the PDF. A few pages in, Buddy doesn't get thanked!!

    You think I started this thread to prove what exactly?

  9. Hey, I just downloaded Private Dancer by Steven Leather.

    One of the charactors "Pete" just paid for a birthday party for "Joy" the bar girl he fell in love with and NOBODY thanked him!!

    I paid the bill. It came to more than 10000 baht. I got up to go. No one said goodbye. No one said thank you.

    I wonder if my story will end up like his?? LOL

  10. Back in 2002, I overstayed for a month.

    If things are still the same, you shouldn't have much of a problem if you turn yourself in at the Immigration whatever in BKK.

    I went and showed my p\port to a guard and he directed me to a window. I filled out some paperwork and then waited a while.

    Eventually I got called upstairs. They put you in a room, ask you what you've been doing in LOS (I said shopping and that got a good laugh). Then they gave me a fine (I forget how much) and 2 weeks to leave the country.

  11. I think a lot of it had to do with the fact that I was travelling alone in a very foreign country. I wanted to have fun, so who am I going out with, myself?

    That doesn't really mean that I shouldn't have been thanked, but it's obvious why I was paying.

  12. Is she a genuine gf, or a woman of convenience for your holiday?

    Are you a caring bf and potential hubby, or just a 'punter'?

    We met in an outdoor bar in CM. We both knew that it was temperary. She and I travelled around CM and the north and she ended up most nights at my hotel. Other nights we spent at her mothers house.

    I brought the guy into our group as he spoke o.k. english, other member's of the group came and went.

    I simply brought this up as a matter of discussion.

    Was this typical Thai behavour or not?

  13. Isn't it just our Western upbringing that expects us to make the vocal noises of "Please" and "Thank You"?

    This is what I was thinking.

    They felt like genuine friends. Still, I knew that they were probably thinking that they were taking advantage of me.

    After 4 or 5 nights in a row I guess the Chang beer (they ALL drank whisky, water and soda water) got to me and made me question her about it, she didn't really respond.

  14. I spent 6 months in LOS a few years ago. While I was in CM I had a Thai GF for a couple of months. Now I'm smart enough to know her motives. I was there to improve her standard of living as long as we were together.

    We spent many nights going out to outdoor bars drinking and eating for hours. We were usually in a group of 4 or 5. At the end of the night I would pay the bill, usually around 1200b. Not once did I get a thank you for paying for everyone's booze. Now the money was not the issue, but common courtesy would be to at least say thanks.

    So, did they not want to feel inferior, did they not give a sh!t or did they simply think that money must grow on trees for farang and therefor the gesture ment nothing??

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