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Everything posted by MikaQ5

  1. Hi were you ever able to bring your dog to Samet since posting ?. if so what did you need to do thanks
  2. Oh this is indeed very sad news - he will be greatly missed no doubt I am so grateful for the replies I got to my various queries over the years thank you UbonJoe May His Gentle Soul Rest In Peace
  3. Went through the process at CM last week , in and out in under 3 hours ( without any appointment) I wasn’t asked to change documents that i produced ( which included 4 items from my bank ) A bank statement ( in my case only 6 months given as this was my first extension ,and the account was only open 9 months total ) A bank letter confirming my account balance over 800k A photo copy of an updated bank pass book (with that dates activity ) The original bank pass book And as I has suspected no need for any agent to be involved thanks to all who replied
  4. Thanks for the useful replies ????
  5. Oh it was a Joke - haw haw good lad ????
  6. Why the secrecy about which bank allows a 100 b deposit into a fixed deposit account ? It seems it would be good information no ????
  7. Ok I presume I can ask for this ( bank statement) at the same time I ask for the bank guarantee letter at Bangkok Bank ) ? 8 months will have to suffice because that’s all the time the account has been opened I take your point about the 12 month statement is how they can check min balances/ against months required but as this is my First extension I doubt it will be asked for
  8. Do you recall How many copies do they need of each item — 1 or 2 ?
  9. Thanks for the info So CM doesn't require any info regarding a hand drawn map of your address / a landlords details / rental agreement ( if renting ) etc ??
  10. Are you using the 800k banked method or the 65k per month ( hence I believe that's why they would ask for 12 months statements ) In my own case it's a first time extension ( Non O was only issued 3 months ago) so I can't see why I would need a 12 month bank statement
  11. I am hoping to do my first 1 year extension atCM this week and found this very informative ,thanks Does the Thai bank deposit confirmation letter haveto come from a bank in the same province as where you are applying for the extension ? And the amount ( in the bank letter ) doesn’t have to match up exactly to the passbook balance On theday of application ( ie a 100b difference is allowed as long as both amounts are over 800k ) it would suit me to get a bank letter in Phuket ( Bangkok Bank) and do small withdrawal and update the passbook in CM (as I have an early flight andwould be in CM immigration much earlier ) thanks
  12. @TGJB - I am hoping to do my first 1 year extension at CM this week and found this very informative ,thanks Does the Thai bank deposit confirmation letter have to come from a bank in the same province as where you are applying for the extension ? And the amount ( in the bank letter ) doesn’t have to match up exactly to the passbook balance On the day of application ( ie a 100b difference is allowed as long as both amounts are over 800k ) it would suit me to get a bank letter in Phuket ( Bangkok Bank) and do small withdrawal and update the passbook in CM (as I have an early flight and would be in CM immigration much earlier ) thanks
  13. Ah ok thanks (I had seen photos before that looked like a reentry permit was taking up a full passport page )
  14. How much space does the re entry permit take up in a passport half a page etc or more single/ multiple similar space required ?
  15. Currently in Phuket but returning to CM this week to apply for a ( first time ) Non O 1 year extension/ based on retirement ( money banked method ) Can anybody give me a list of CM immigration requirements please Is 2 working days enough to get the extension completed ?? thanks
  16. You bought 4 new batteries ? Can these small batteries not just be recharged ?( like you would do with a flat car battery etc )
  17. I did read the earlier posts I still wasn’t 100% clear hence my own post thanks for clarifying
  18. Seriously ? So just keep a set of small batteries ( and small leads ) in the bike for future mistakes ? ideal if that’s the case ????
  19. So for a First time (Non O ) 1 year extension based on retirement there is no requirement to show the already banked (2months +) has come from abroad ??? ( the Only time they might ask for this is in the initial Non O application correct ? ) They didn’t ask for proof of funds when I applied for my Non O ( the volunteer at CM said it wasn’t required - my 800k did come from abroad but went through a correspondent bank ( so my Bangkok Bank passbook doesn’t show the international code transfer etc , All I had for proof of transfer from abroad was a copy of the swift transfer, showing the money coming from abroad into TTB( Thai military bank ) who sent it to my acc at Bangkok Bank Neither bank wanted to give me an official letter stating funds came from abroad ( as per immigration requirements ) and I’m going back to CM next week to apply for the 1 year extension (,and was praying it would not be asked for proof ) Thanks
  20. Thanks for the replies @blackcabit does have this emergency key system ( now I just have to find where I packed the damm key 55 ) Am I correct in thinking that this only opens the seat , and doesn’t release the ignition lock / steering lock etc ?? Where the bike is parked a car can’t get to it so jumping is out (or can it be jumped from another small bike ?) If jumping is out I’ll remove the battery and take it to a shop to charge it Presume a such a small battery can charge quickly ? Are those 800b power banks on Lazada useful in these situations , can it jump a bike etc ? Thanks
  21. Ok so as the title suggests I have a dead battery Honda Click 160 ( new model only 4 months old ) When I went to start it today I noticed I had left the ignition in the ON position and now it seems that has drained the battery I turned the switch to the “ off “ position but it won’t return to the “ On “ position for starting ( it feels locked etc ) I presume because the battery is dead ???????? It’s my first bike / first time experiencing a dead battery so please excuse how I’m describing what’s happening ( I was under the impression that if the ignition had been foolishly left on that the battery disconnected to preserve power - is that correct ? ) so to all the more mechanically minded people - what are my options ? can you jump start a bike / remove and charge battery etc ?? ( this model bike does not have a kick start etc )
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