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Everything posted by Kadilo

  1. Absolutely. As BB posted I would expect an announcement shortly on schools reopening. Children’s education must now take priority in line with the announced reopening of the Provinces next month. They need to get back to real face to face education.
  2. I fully understand that you are so hell bent on questioning the integrity of this government that you will use any statistic in a lame attempt, even when it involves questioning the vaccination data which there is no evidence whatsoever to suggest is wrong and used in charts posted daily. What you will never understand is that every time you question the numbers with your weak sarcastic argument you are questioning the integrity and hard work put in by the selfless nurses and volunteers on the front line, however you wish to twist it. Stay safe.
  3. ……..or just an amazing effort by the nurses and front line volunteers. Why can’t you show them some gratitude rather than lame put downs to try and get another dig at the government at their expense. You are quick to post your ‘stay safe ‘ message every day. That is exactly what they are striving to achieve, 900,000 times a. day irrespective of the cynics.
  4. Imagine being around the type of people whose glass is constantly half empty. Theu are the ones I feel for. Must be draining.
  5. Why worry about the facts when you have our very own armchair analysts providing their daily updates. Surprised their C and P keys are still working.
  6. Maybe not as good as some but still provides good protection against serious illness and death vs Delta. https://fortune.com/2021/08/31/china-covid-vaccine-sinovac-sinopharm-delta-variant-effective/
  7. Latest vaccination data. On schedule to have 70% of population vaccinated by year end. Good to see Air Asia announcing they are flying again on 11 routes. One wonders how long before announcement regarding COE etc to be lifted to allow much needed help in preparation for year end visitors. https://covidvax.live/en/location/tha
  8. Nice story. Shame the post wasn’t even about you.
  9. What’s even funnier is that he cannot see how jealous he is every time he posts things like that.
  10. Thanks for confirming what I said. As it was donated from the States some people felt they should get priority over Thais. People can draw their own conclusions as to why. My opinion is, from the comments posted at the time, some people felt they should be first in the queue. Just in case you’re not sure, Its not trolling just because you disagree with my opinion. Stay safe.
  11. Don’t forget that some have the attitude that they only deserve the best so nothing other than Moderna or Pfizer is good enough for those special ones and rubbishing the Sinovac vaccine is all part of that. You only have to recall some of the conversations taking place on here when the USA donated some Pfizer vaccines to confirm this.
  12. Latest vaccination figures show over 12% of population now double jabbed with 35% receiving a single dose. At current rates predicted to reach 70% target by December 23rd. Great Xmas present for all ???? https://covidvax.live/en/location/tha
  13. Luckily you don’t have to. Just sit back and enjoy the double standards.
  14. Nearly a third of the population now received their first jab and over 10% fully vaccinated, with a prediction that they could achieve 70% by beginning of January. With the record number of over 900,000 doses achieved recently who is to that target won’t be reached sooner. https://covidvax.live/en/location/tha
  15. So now you’re complaining that they are being too prudent in trying to only open up travel safely to those who are double jabbed. Doesn’t it make sense to open this way whilst only 10% are eligible and track its effectiveness, before opening to the potential unvaxxed spreaders like yourself
  16. And the pessimistic ones are just from sad, bored old men with not a lot else going on on their lives and are only happy when they are moaning about something, and have to find something negative to say to brighten their day Of course neither statement is true…….just highlighting how ridiculous it is to group people together because you don’t agree with what they say.
  17. ……. And some people find that comment funny. Sad times. But I guess it’s pretty typical of some of the ‘I’m alright jack’ foreigners the Thais people have to endure.
  18. A record high of vaccinations yesterday at over 900,000 with almost 10% of the population double jabbed and at current rates will have 70% double jabbed by start Jan. With that kind of number achieved yesterday who is to say it won’t get done even sooner. Brilliant effort by all those involved. https://covidvax.live/en/location/tha
  19. You ever hear of jobless, homeless, penniless, mental health, suicides, desperation and families being ripped apart. The Thai people don’t get handouts to keep all these things at bay. The positives supposed to outweigh the negatives and for some foreigners happily watching the pension come rolling in every month sitting on a PC all day telling the Thai government what they should and shouldnt do, they still probably do. For the real people of the country, the ones that matter, it’s time to give them their freedom and an opportunity to rebuild their lives, piece by piece and that is what is happening whether you like it or not.
  20. If people quoted the whole of your posts there wouldnt he enough GB left for anyone else to post. ????
  21. Christ alive. Do some foreigners on here ever stop moaning. One minute they are scared the government will be too gung ho so they are preparing their predictable posts to accuse them of being reckless. Now it appears they may be prudent in offering facilities to only double jabbed, they are being ridiculous and insinuating they may as well not bother becomes no one will be able to use them. If you let them know you and your partner are not yet both double jabbed and can’t enjoy the offerings together I’m sure they will change the rules especially for you. After all you are special ????
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