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Posts posted by Joinaman

  1. so flashing my lights means i"m coming through !!!

    NOT "im letting you out / pass ?

    what does full beam mean then ?

    is it OK to use the hazards to say thank you, like i would on the English motorways to trucks, etc

    Having heavy tinted windows means they cant see if i put my hand up to say thank you, so would like something that they can see and understand, or maybe i just ignore them like they do to me ?

  2. Just a quick question

    how do you say thank you to other drivers, like when they let you out, or let you pass

    at home we put up our hand , or flash the indicators to say thank you, but not sure over here

    Also, what is the correct way to indicate to someone else , that you are letting them out, or letting them through ?

    At home we flash the headlights, but here it appears to mean i"m coming through, move over or stop

    Although not seen anybody say thank you to me so far, lol

  3. Had red plates on my new car and got pulled a few times by the police

    The first time i got pulled i got a 200 bht fine for not filling in the brown book, but nobody told me to, the dealer just said keep it in the car

    After that i liked being pulled, just to see the disappointment on their faces when i showed them the completed book

    But never knew about the no driving at night, but lucky the police don't seem to like working in the dark

    Had to wait for nearly 5 weeks for my new plates, which was ok till i found out i could not drive over the bridge to Laos with the red plates on the car

    But what i could not understand was when we had to take the car to the DLT to have it weighed before they would release any new plates for it Surely the dealer could have just told them the weight



  4. Well, Mega Home were not much help

    said nothing wrong with the extra costs, but still would not explain why i had to pay them

    they finally agreed to send some else back to put things right, although right is probably not the right word

    another guy turns up, looks at the wiring and agrees, rubbish

    then asks me if i have any cable, cos he has none and want to replace the cable from the inside unit and also asked if i had any trunking, <deleted>

    give him cable, he cuts a short piece off then proceeds to twist the wires together and fit the twist caps

    does this inside and out, tells me he is not allowed to connect my 3 core inside the machine  cos he says it will invalidate the warranty so has to join the wires !!


  5. this was Nakhon Phanom branch

    no long runs of anything

    the inside unit is near ceiling level, but the outside unit is directly below , maybe 3m of pipework and cable to each

    but, he said 2 single cables, so more than 5 m so must pay extra

    Safety breakers ???

    never saw a safety breaker, only the ones on my main board, 

    when i asked about extra for fitting my trunking, he said more work, but would not explain how he would have fixed the pipes and cables if no trunking

    could not get an answer when i asked why not using my earth from the board

    one day i will actually find a tradesman to work on my house

    even the window fitters had to come back and refix window, only used 3 screws and some acrylic to fix, then cold not understand when i said i wanted it securely fixed

    my lady thinks i'm crazy old farang, who expects too much

  6. Thanks for the replies guys, 

    should have searched the forums first, didn't realise there was so many peopleold and deaf like me, lol

    but looking at those prices, it would be much cheaper to jump on a plane back to England and get them for free

    but was surprised to find my hearing aid are now working, even after a full wash in the washing maching

    just hooked then on to the fan in the room for half a day and they now work

    didnt think any electrionic item could stand a go in the washing machine, my I phones certainly don't 

    thanks again for your replies, will see about getting spare ones when I go back home later on in the year


  7. Hi there

    anyone else had problems with Mega Home "free fitting" of their air con units

    just had 2 indoor/outdoor units fitted by their so called fitters

    seems their free fitting does not include wiring them up

    fixing any trunking for pipes/ cables

    does not include connecting our 3 core cable to the units

    does not include any earthing

    does not include fixing of wall brackets for outside unit

    what they did charge for was

    150  but each because the 2 single cables added up to more than 5m for each unit, told they can't use 2 core cable ?

    200bht for fixing of trunking ( supplied by us) but no discount for not using clips to fix pipes or cable if not trunked

    200 baht for earth wire and rod, even though he cut off the earth from the 3 core cable which is from the main board

    100 baht for the fixing of the wall brackets, ( brackets paid for by us)

    so my "FREE fitting )" came to an extra 1,450 baht

    but no extra charge for not connecting my 3 core with earth into the indoor units, or for cutting off the earths, or for twisting wires together to join to the units

    no charge for twisting cables together outside when the cable found to be too short

    after complaining to Mega Home who could not see any problem with the charges, they finally agreed to send a different person to put the wiring right

    well he took the tape off and put twist caps on !!!

    he says he is not allowed to take the mains cable into the units as it would invalidate the warranty on the units, so had to join outside of the units, even though they connect d the short piece of cable to the inside connections

    my Thai lady thinks I'm crazy for complaining all the time, she says it's ok, it's works and that's how they do it here, but all I want is someone to tell me the truth when asked, and to do a reasonable and safe job that they are paid to do

    Am I wrong ?








  8. Hi there

    looking for new digital hearing aids since the other half decided to wash my old ones in the washing machine

    got mine from the NHS in England but was wondering if anyone here knows where I can buy replacements here in Thailand

    im in Nakhon Phanom area, but can travel to Bangkok or elsewhere if needed

    im not deaf without them , but find it hard to hear soft conversations without them so would like to replace as soon as possible

    would rather not fly back to England for them if possible,

    thanks for any help and adviceIMG_0792.thumb.JPG.0c1cad58b02177fe85e842e9982c41b6.JPG

  9. will look for these while i'm there, thanks, left some of these in my workshop back home

    Think i will be bringing lots of things back too, 

    especially one of these, hate the basic testers i have found here, find these much easier and safer to use

    Yup, im old nuff to remember those, still used to find them on some of the older houses after all these years, along with the rubber sheathed cables

    Even remember working on a couple of houses taking out the old gas mantles and wiring in electricity, 

    Thanks again

    time for barbie and watch the kangaroos  again, lol



  10. thanks for all the advice from everyone

    Have connected the earths into the existing earth bar at the top for now, at least it should be better than nothing

    it seems most of the house has no earths, with most thing wired in either 1.5 or 2.5 twin, but no earth to switches or sockets

    the sparks was supposed to be qualified, he was working on some large offices when he was asked to do the work so assumes he was ok

    but amazed when i came to checking out the board to find out what each breaker covered

    it seems hes just joined anything he fancied together

    looked in the roof space and its like spaghetti junction, with loads of wires twisted with caps on and then loads of tape to stop them falling off

    We stopped using them about the 60 s in the uk

    Going away for a few weeks to Aussie land so will try sort it out when i get back

    Thanks again to everyone


  11. got a visa for my Thai girlfriend a few weeks ago so we could travel this week to see my relatives

    Could not do it online so had to fly down from Isaan to Trendy House 

    Spent a long time checking out everything online, getting lots of copies of everything

    If in doubt, copy it and take it with you

    Printed loads of pictures of me and her on various holidays in Vietnam and Laos to show we are a couple

    The centre was heaving when we got there so when the y offered to fast track us for an extra fee and guide us through everything, i gladly paid

    they checked everything, decided we needed more photos, more copies of my bank staements and also more copies of my travel visas

    No worries, all done quickly, the taken through to private room and fast tracked through everything else\About 1 hour in total. Some of the other people had been there for 3 or 4 hours and still waiting

    Got a couple of missed calls about a week later saying they would like more paperwork and could we cone back 

    They told us to bring more paperwork and explained what we needed. Turned up and fast tracked through again, in and out in 15 minutes, no charge

    got the visa about 1 week later

    Not cheap, after paying the extra visa fees, m 1 lots of return flights, plus hotels plus the beer money, probably cost me over 16,000 baht

    But hopefully it will be worth it, my visa is done online for free in about 5 minutes

    Now just got to find cheap travel insurance, cos everything from the flights to insurance seems to be much dearer from here than England



  12. Hi there

    Newbie here again

    looking to connect a new 150w water pump into board, but have laid 4 mm  3 core cable so want to connect the earth into the box if possible

    there are only 3 earth connections to the top part and all are full

    what is the strip to the left hand side for.? 

    Would have thought the board would have 2 strips, one for neutrals and one for earths

    also noticed the earth for the air con unit is not connected either so would like to connect that too

    I also notice that as this site says, they just seem to use whichever colour they feel like using

    The switch lives on some switches are blue, some are red

    The board is earthed, in a fashion, in Red, to an outside earth spike, so would prefer to use the boards earth rather than add another outside spike next to the pump

    have i had the wrong board fitted too, was fitted xmas time. Cos the breakers only break when you cross the wires, not when you stick your finger on a wire

    ( like silly bugger here did) so no safety  

    also have a spare 10 amp and spare 16 amp breaker, which is best for 150 w pump


    Thanks to everyone on here, spend hours on the  forums reading




  13. good idea CGW, to put outside socket. Will be better than extension leads as you say

    just got to find an external switch and socket,Going to go look in Global and Mega Home see what they do,  but if not, going to Australia soon, so could bring one back from there, cos they would be much better and safer

    I checked my cupboard for stuff the sparky left after a recent rewire. Remembered he ordered 50 m of 4 mm 3 core but only used about 10 m so there is plenty to get from the pump to the board. I remember being annoyed at having to pay all that money and him not use it, but its all good now. Just got the pipe and draw wire put into a trench across the garden, had to be quick cos the guys came to start laying a new driveway today, so needed to get it under the concrete,. Having them lay a concrete base for the new tank and pump so should be fitting everything soon, i hope

    Thanks to everyone here

  14. Good point, the board is already earthed so might as well use 3 core  and for the extra it costs, might as well make it future proof too

    thank for that, never thought of using 3 core, everything over here seems to be 2 core and sfick an earth rod in

    can I just do a watertight connection at the pump and use the board if I need to isolate it, or do I need to put an external switch next to the pump

    sorry to keep asking questions but appreciate any help from the knowledgable people on here

    thanks again


  15. Thanks CGW

    the more i think about it, the more i like the idea of a movable bog standard sprinkler

    like you say, it bloody hard work digging in the ground here

    bad enough digging to get the power over to the pump

    But, another question

    what size able for a 150 w  pump ?  2.5 be ok straight from the main board, plus an earth rod next to the pump ? Cable length is about 15 m  

    was going to put cable inside plastic pipe underground, or do i need to get armoured cable, ? which will make it hard to connect into the board

  16. thanks for the help bankuatsteve

    Will replace the existing half inch pipe with one inch for about 24m,  the last 5 m had various branches into the house

    will try this first, then can always replace the last 5 m and fit reducers to reconnect to existing appliances, or should i just do it all as close to each house supply in one inch

    Not sure how im doing the lawn sprinklers yet. Was thinking of using pop up sprinklers, maybe bring them back from Australia cos i believe theres are better quality then here

    been looking at a site which explains how to check pressures, which sprinklers and how many i could fit, so will study that i think

    Fit the pump first, then check the pressure , which will dictate which type and how many i can fit

    Its not a large area, only about 7 m x 20 m 

    Thanks again for your help

    Im spending hours on the various posts on here , got lots to learn 

  17. Hi there, newbie here looking for a bit of advice

    Im looking to install a new 1000 ltre water tank with probably a Hitachi 150 pump

    would be installed as per diagram on this site but

    I have half inch pipe from the main stop tap all the way to the house which is about 29 m run

    its a single storey house, one bathroom with electric shower one washing machine, one kitchen sink, plus outside tap

    would i be better replacing the pipework from the pump with 1inch pipes, then reducing back to half inch before entering house

    plus, would it be ok to add some sprinklers to the system too cos her indoors would like the garden turfed 

    Which adds another question _ anyone know the best place for turf near Nakon Phanomm or Sackon Phanom, im halfway between the two

    thanks for any help, 

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