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Road Warrior

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Everything posted by Road Warrior

  1. REALLY ???? it is June tomorrow i not SEEN ONE "INDIAN TOURIST "!!!!
  2. lets panic now -- soon must have vax ,then bars/market closed --here we go again !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. think he is not a motor cyclist !!!!! bet no license????? best stick to bicycle
  4. go to DIY shop buy new 40 bht
  5. and there is road cop there !!!!! what's is his duty to ENFORCE THE LAW /????
  6. just need more road side cops to monitor the morns who drive
  7. silly reason to keep the thai pass !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. road deaths by SPEEDING +++== manslaughter charge . a apology to her family --- pathetic
  9. RIP sad -- so sad their parents did not care or love their children ??? thai driving again !!! no training given as per norm ,just get and drive off !!! AND not big bike theory !!!!
  10. where are the proposed blisters. face or ?????????????????????????
  11. ow confuses SAYS -- is it the law or is it not the law ???????????????
  12. i dont blame the police / he had a gun --- so understand police action !!!
  13. and another brake failure !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cars being made for some 70/.80 years and brakes fail .what load of ***
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