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Posts posted by jts-khorat

  1. 48 minutes ago, simon43 said:

    So there I was, slowly riding my motorcycle over the mountains between luang prabang and vang vieng. I was riding uphill behind a truck when a truck came fast down the hill (brakes failed). The truck in front of me ran partly off the road and fell over. I had no choice but to drive off the road and l and my bike slid down the incline. Luckily I was okay but my old motorcycle is probably not ok! It's in a repair shop in a mountain village (probably with a terminal diagnosis) and I'm stuck here also until the trucks are removed. Happy to be alive lol!


    Close call! I am happy you are ok.


    That's why it is important to always have a few extra kamma points squirreled away, from one moment to the next, you might need them.

  2. 7 hours ago, Happy happy said:

    Can you imagine if in Thailand every day a load of boat people arrive on Thailand shores. They are accommodated in hotels and  get paid money to do nothing and later get free education, health care, and housing.

    But it would never happen in Thailand only in places who give preference to losers  over their our citizens!



    For boat people read= illegal immigrants etc.


    Weird thing is, for a long time, nearly every day boatloads of people were coming to Thailand from the Rohingyia regions of Burma.


    The Thais dragged the boats out to sea so they starved to death, or had little concentration camps with mass graves on site.


    I sure prefer a more civilized way of dealing with immigrants fleeing persecution, instead of naked barbarism and siding with dictatorships.

    • Like 1
  3. 5 hours ago, kingstonkid said:

    The question then becomes, did he know that they were under 18, and can they prove that he did?

    The question really only is: how old was the girl and was she able to legally give consent. The question, if he intentionally targeted minors would only come up to determine, if he will be placed in the lower or higher part of the penalty range.


    It would not be different in a German, UK or US court of law.


    As I said before, as there was no backroom deal with the police before it going to press suggests to me, that the girls in question were likely a lot less than 18.

  4. 8 minutes ago, Tingtong69 said:

    Questions about this. Did he know they were under 18 if he picked them up in a bar ? And what is the legal age for sex in Thailand ? 

    Either way, he was running, so it doesn't look great does it.


    Legal age to be in a bar (working or otherwise) is 21; the girls are obviously not employed as prostitutes, but as 'entertainers'. Age of consent is 15 with knowledge and agreement of the parents as legal guardians (expect a marriage to be following really, really soon and I have never seen that between a Thai-Farang couple, while it is still quite common in Isaan between Thais). A girl under 15 is statutory rape as nobody would be able to legally give consent.


    This still seems to create a grey area in the mind of some between 15 and older, but trust me, that does not really exist. Real consent by the girl herself is possible as soon as she becomes a legal adult, eg at 18.

    • Like 1
  5. 3 hours ago, Chris Daley said:

    Case thrown out of court due to clean hands.  The premises and women had been inspected, taxed and okayed by the Thai government.


    Clean hands is a doctrine that states that a party seeking relief in a court of law must have acted in good faith and without any wrongdoing themselves. Essentially, it means that a person cannot ask the court for help or protection if they have engaged in unethical or illegal behavior related to the matter at hand.


    Mr. James you are due an apology and are free to go.



    This is definitely not how Thailand works... but I am sure you know that, too.


    If those girls were in a open bar in Hua Hin, you can bet, that police was directly involved, either as hidden co-owners or by asking for bribes. Such a business will always have protection.


    Now, "other" police has come down from Bangkok to clean up the local mess, as often is the case (there has been a very similar case with Velvet Bar in Patong a year ago). Local police are put in inactive posts until the dust settles. Thai bar owners often get a slap on the wrist, the Swiss partner in Patong also had ample time to leave the country, so nothing will happen to them.


    One here asked, how this guy was identified. There are a suprising number of cameras in Thailand, which work when the need arises. But more likely, he indeed either used a credit card to settle his bill (there was a list of customers caught this way in Patong, which seems outright stupid, because those girls were clearly and visibly not 21), or brought the girls back to the hotel where he obviously was checked in with his passport (the girls would have told police, to which hotels they were taken). This is not a Sherlock Holmes job at all.


    Some here position themselves, that he could not have known. I agree, if the girls in this case were 17, but if this makes the news and somebody was arrested instead of a backroom deal, it is unlikely. "Ingorance does not protect from puinishment of the law" -- the guy was 35, so maybe naive, but he can ponder this question at length from immigration jail.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, alien365 said:

    Do you also call footwear feet gloves? 


    Back to the topic though the main place I see centipedes is around the sandals/shoes outside. I always give them a quick kick in case one is hiding. I learned quickly not to pick the shoes up as an adult one went for me. I've found them very difficult to kill. I usually use a hoe, but it's still difficult to detach the head. 


    Sorry, German here, so gloves in German are literally Handschuhe = handshoes. I hope I was still understood. 😉


    But as you say quite correctly, it can seem near impossible kill them. The Thais normally press them down with their ubiquitous large brooms, so as not to need to touch them while dismembering them. They then also use the broom to remove them from the house in a safe way.

    • Like 1
  7. 9 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    I have a (very) small "moat" around my house precisely to keep out scorpions and centipedes. It also slows down (but does not completely stop) ants.


    Really good against ants is also a small trickle of baby powder, the stronger scented the better. It prevents the ants from leaving a pheromone trail leading others after them. It is a very cheap and easy remedy.


    I would not think that helps against centipedes though, but together with your moat, that might be the perfect defense against all nasty critters.

  8. On 2/1/2024 at 5:59 PM, NanLaew said:

    The bite from the big ones can be fatal for pets, children and some adults. I read that anaphylactic shock is the culprit. Better find out where the buggars are coming from.


    I would say, from all the poisonous animals Thailand has, they are the most nasty.


    For example they really love to sit under mattresses, especially if the room is just a little bit damp. Hearing a rustling sound and light tapping on floor tiles under the bed is a good warning, as they move around quite a bit at night.


    Hiding insides shoes standing outside the door is the next danger issue (scorpions also love those): I always look into mine and tap them to dislodge any unwanted guests. False ceilings, especially above the kitchen is also a common hiding place, as are clothes laying in open cupboards.


    Catching a big one is not easy, they are extremely fast and still can move into the tightest gaps to get away. The danger is not over, if you have cut off the head: they still have instinctive nerve reactions even several hours after that, eg. they will still close their mandibles and inject poison (quite a horrific sight is also, that the cut off body parts also start to move their legs if you touch the "corpse" with a stick). Only as soon as the chicken will go near them, they are safe to move without handshoes.


    Not without reason, a Centipede (Takab) Sak Yant tatoo is seen as one of the strongest ones to relay invulnerability, defensive power and demanding respect from others.

  9. 14 hours ago, swm59nj said:

    It appears one of the women was speaking on a microphone.


    To me it looks as if the two girls try to advertise some bar or other.


    Looks not too different from the Muay Thai pickup truck cruising through Patong every single day advertising the big event "tooooniiiiiiight", with two or several fighters on top of a high platform.


    Stupid? Yes. Necessary that a Good Samaritan gets involved. I think not, traffic police would need another thousand officers to control the situation on Phuket alone, of they really would be interested to uphold the law.

  10. 14 minutes ago, webfact said:

    The stance stems from a 2020 resolution by the Sangha Supreme Council, which directed the Royal Thai Police to oversee the compliance of monks and novices with this rule


    This is a very positive signal from the Thai Sangha council, that they do understand that they are actually having a responsibility that monks follow the proper practice, instead of passively governing them.

  11. 3 minutes ago, NoshowJones said:

    What's wrong with just asking the girl what she would like to drink without all this coloured water nonsense?


    The bar or agogo obviously gets a (not small) cut of the lady drink fee, so in 'modern times' it is frowned upon or even completely impossible to sit with an employee and ordering her a normal drink from the menu. Also, as others wrote, it is nowadays a large part of the salary of any girl working in an agogo, and quite regularly they have to fulfill weekly or monthly quotas.


    In the end, it is about the money, as always.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 1 hour ago, JimTripper said:

    Most guys aren't there to hear them talk.


    The thing is, nobody is forced to buy lady drinks, it is voluntary. If you are there for 'not the talk', then simply get the girl: there really is no point of having any girl sitting there and spending good money on top of it for her to linger inactive besides you for any amount of time...


    There is also still a thing called common decency and seeing others as 'people' (one here called them 'product', which is more than disgusting!).


    Treat others the way you want to be treated yourself. Nobody wants to get scammed, but also nobody wants to work in an environment where getting mindlessly drunk is forced upon you (I am obviously discounting all those girls who actually want that to happen, but that is a totally different scenario, isn't it?).

  13. 12 hours ago, jimn said:


    According to the press, he did a lot of base jumps before, so was experienced.


    However, as can be seen in the video, the switching the parachute from the right to the left hand was what ultimately killed him: according to the report I saw, it tangled with his backpack straps because he had pulled it under it. Therefore it did not open in time. RIP.

  14. On 1/28/2024 at 11:07 AM, brianthainess said:

    I knew a bar where all the 'Ladies' drank Malabo lady drinks, from my viewpoint I could see it was just coconut milk being poured. 


    And that is obviously totally okay, as long as not something else was specifically ordered (by the girl).


    It would be a really nasty customer expecting a 50 kg girl to down one alcoholic drink after another over the evening, maybe even with the goal of making her dangerously and helplessly drunk. The girls are there to give a good time, but surely not to ruin their health as fast as humanly possible. Besides, what kind of talk can be had with a girl barely able to mumble because of being drunk?

    • Haha 1
  15. On 1/27/2024 at 11:09 PM, andych said:

    And not all Thai girls are sex workers, or all Thais rip off merchants. Looking at other forums more friendlier than here. And more helpful, yes a few helpful comments here thanks. 


    Friendlier, but at the same time more helpful? I am not sure that is possible.


    Frankly, I have not seen that you asked for any help in particular. All your questions were answered, if you needed better tips, maybe less open-ended questions would be something I would advise for any other forum you wish to place your story.


    All in all, of course I wish you luck and happiness in your endeavors. As you say, not all Thais are out to rip anybody off, so you might be on the right track after all.

  16. 10 hours ago, ezzra said:

    Judging from the many "Confused" emojis that have been showing lately in many posts


    Another 'confused emoji' thread... we have them by the dozen. As other posters mentioned, I also would wish that they are not anonymous.


    But their meaning is obvious and has nothing to do with people not being able to understand your posts. Instead, people disagree with what you say, and as we have no thumbs down, this is the only emoji remotely applicable to voice displeasure (not a dig at you, I do not know your posts specifically, just a general way they seem to be used in this forum).

    • Sad 1
    • Thanks 1
  17. On 7/8/2023 at 5:38 AM, watgate said:

    I must admit though that I always look for a quick escape route, such as running and jumping in a pond


    Maybe you should re-assess your escape plans, because the *water* buffalo is one of the few bovids who will actually really like water and is obviously not deterred by it in the least.


    To those that think they are not dangerous: mother cows are protective of their herd, and as they have extremely bad eye sight, they might react aggressively because of fast movement or strong colors. That is, why Spanish matadors move a red cloth in front of a bull to enrage him -- even though, funnily enough, bovids cannot see the color red. According to the Thais, water buffalos seem to particularly hate bright yellow shirts (no, this was not a political joke on me).


    If you see a large cow position herself between you and a herd of smaller ones, I would not ever approach without the owner present, but move away slowly (do not forget, you will never be able to outrun them, but they are quite lazy and will not go far from the herd).


    However, they do recognize people, so in case the owner is there, let him introduce you (they sniff your smell and listen to your voice to remember, afterwards it should be no problem if you move slowly and make your presence known to them, so they are not surprised).

  18. 6 hours ago, andych said:

    Now is  this genuine or is she selling me a sob story?


    The interesting thing about humans is, that they are social animals with intelligence, so they can tailor their actions towards their needs by utilizing prediction and foreplanning.


    Therefore, without knowing a person intimately, it will be absolutely impossible to ascertain, if they are telling the truth, or telling you what you wanted to hear.


    I am very sorry to say, nothing about your story and this girl is in any way special; exactly the same story we have heard a thousand times, with only minute variations. This does not mean, that it is not true, of course.


    An advice you have received now many times, the only way to find out is spending much more time with her, best without conditioning yourself on a "quick" solution like marriage. Why is this even in the cards -- you are both mature people with good standing in their own current live, so there should be no reason for a sudden change?


    And a last point: none of us know you or this girl. How can we know better if she tells you the truth than you yourself? You need to follow your own instincts and then take responsibility for your acitons, eg. live with the consequences. Throw off your insecurity!


    In case this woman was geniune so far, there is no way more sure to make any woman -- but especially Thai ones -- think about gain if she gets the feeling that she can form you at her will. It is poison for any relationship!

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