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Everything posted by Moncul

  1. For people using Wizz, if you get buffering, try switching from the SE Asia Server to the Asia server or vice versa. Your location in Thailand and your ISP determines the routing, so this may help.
  2. You can use liveonsat.com, which also has other sports (if you scroll to the menu at the bottom).
  3. I see quite a few people complaining about buying tickets on AirAsia and then their cards immediately being hit with fraudulent charges in other countries. Sounds like a right s*** show.
  4. It has been suggested that anyone failing to respond in the given time will have their accounts frozen.
  5. You're assuming he has anything more than compulsory insurance. I'm assuming he hasn't.
  6. How hard is it to know that insurance will be invalid if you are not riding legally? No helmet, no license for a start, then there are all the chumps that think it's ok to ride drunk or drug impaired because they see everyone else at it? As the saying goes, "Monkey see, Monkey do". You don't *have* to be an idiot.
  7. Looking at the photos it appears he is awake, what much more is required? I would suggest his problem is not understanding how to claim off Por Ror Bor, as if he had additional insurance it's a simple matter to call the claim number.
  8. It won't cover any of it if he was riding without a license or helmet. Even then, unless he has additional insurance over and above Por Ror Bor, his best chance of covering (some of) his bills is the fact that he lost his leg.
  9. How very reassuring. Chiang Mai river height 2011: 4.90m Chiang Mai river height 2024: 4.93m Where would we be without these experts? 😁
  10. Probably because they can't bark or bite.
  11. Yes, and foreigners can't own land, etc.. 😂
  12. Sadly found dead. Hope you're pleased with yourself.
  13. There seems to be one particular harridan at Swampy who takes delight in ruining peoples' days.
  14. They can ask. You can walk away. Don't see the problem.
  15. Fortunately judges are not supposed to be in the business of being vindictive, so I suspect the sentence will be at the lower end of guidelines and will probably not even involve jail time.
  16. What are you talking about? These charges? If they were outside any statute of limitations, even semi-competent lawyers could get them dismissed in a heartbeat.
  17. The judge didn't find him guilty. A jury did. The area makes no difference as both defence and prosecution have a say in who is on the jury. Discrediting witnesses is the job of opposing counsel. The timing was down to preceding cases that needed to be finished, and we can now see that deliberate attempts to delay are a standard part of any Trump criminal trial. I find it embarrassing you're still sticking up for the crook.
  18. Obviously you don't know much about how the US legal system works. Both sides get to choose or deny jurors. He wasn't convicted by 12 "Dem jurors" he was convicted by 12 jurors.
  19. Or perhaps it's almost like the evidence was as clear as day and incontrovertible.
  20. It's not political. It would have been political to NOT treat him like any other crooked elected official.
  21. Would that not require a constutional amendment?
  22. Why would he be "blokced from being a candidtate" <sic> ?
  23. Yet the jury decided Trump is a bigger liar than Cohen. I wish you could learn something from that, but you've got Trump Derangement Syndrome.
  24. A criminal conviction doesn't keep him off the ballot. Even being jailed doesn't keep him off the ballot.
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