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Everything posted by Moncul

  1. Well in reality.... And He promised to "deport every immigrant living in the US illegally. He ended up deporting less than Obama did. It makes me laugh when trump supporters claim "He did everything he said he would". The bloke is a grifter who relies on the confirmation bias, poor education and short attention span of his supporters.
  2. It's difficult to argue with someone so ill informed he didn't know that Trump had both House and Senate majorities for the first two years of his term.
  3. He has far more serious charges to face, which have been continually pushed back until after the election. It is fair to say that he needs to get elected to avoid jail. That's a compelling reason not to quit.
  4. Yeah, built that wall, didn't he. Came up with the Infrastructure bill, didn't he. Produced that Health Care reform, didn't he. Do you have any idea how ridiculous that is? The one thing he did do is line the pockets of himself and his family.
  5. Have you ever heard the phrase "open and shut case"? Despite all the talking head waffling on TV over the duration of this trial, the evidence was presented, the defence failed to refute it, and the jury found it obvious that he was guilty. Bear in mind they only need ONE juror to disagree and that was that. As it was, ALL jurors found him guilty on ALL charges. I don't even know why you're bothering to dispute it. As for appeals, I doubt anything will stop it getting to the SCOTUS, and we all know how they're probably going to rule because they've already shown their true colours.
  6. I wasn't calling for anything. Please don't make stuff up.
  7. As an outsider, it is shocking just much your politicians are in thrall to corporate donors. No wonder they're so tone deaf to the public's wishes most of the time.
  8. I'd like to say I'm surprised no-one has pushed for an amendment before, but with the number of outright crooks in office it's not really a shocker is it?
  9. How very dramatic. And, of course, ridiculously exaggerated.
  10. He could run from prison. I believe there is a precedent.
  11. I wouldn't get too excited. There is a high probability that the sentence won't involve incarceration. Obviously he's going to use this verdict to raise lots more campaign funds to pay off any other hookers he was shagging.
  12. And if said passport is still valid.
  13. What news site reported this? All I saw was some chump on Reddit who initially reported that they had broken the nose of a bar girl, and he started off as an eye witness, then claimed his girlfriend worked at the bar, then claimed his girlfriend knew someone who worked at the bar. He was also the one who claimed one victim had died.
  14. According to another news source:
  15. Not really. Plenty of examples of excessive violence over the years and you don't even have to look very hard.
  16. Two cows in a field, one says to the other: "What do you think of this mad cow disease then"? The second one replies "It doesn't affect me, I'm a penguin".
  17. I suspect it originated directly or indirectly from the bar owner, to shift the negative reporting from the violent beating to the victims alleged behaviour.
  18. Didn't see the Belgian-on-Belgian murder in Bueng Kan the other day then?
  19. Moncul

    Soi 6 beatdown

    Just when I was planning to take the missus, kids and Whiskers out for dinner tonight...
  20. I suspect it's the fact that it's turning into a bit of an epidemic. Sadly weed is getting caught up in the hysteria, even though it's actually far less harmful than legal drugs like alcohol. and re the OP: https://www.thephuketnews.com/drug-use-still-on-the-rise-in-phuket-92162.php
  21. At first glance I thought it said "prawn"....
  22. There seem to have been a disproportionate number of "social media influencers" who have taken their own lives in recent years. I suspect that realising that no-one actually cares what they think and not making enough money to make a living combine to create a depressive mood. Also, there is an alarming number of people who ask on Thai forums about bringing in their anti-depressant or anti-anxiety medication, or where to buy it in Thailand. I suspect a lot of it has to do with Western doctors' proclivity for prescribing such medications, as it's easier than prescribing exercise, proper diet, proper sleep and in necessary cases, psychotherapy.
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